Loop{ Condition: break }
Python中的break语句用于在触发某些外部条件时将控制带出循环。break 语句放在循环体内(通常在 if 条件之后)。它终止当前循环,即它出现的循环,并在该循环结束后立即恢复执行下一个语句。如果break语句位于嵌套循环内,则break将终止最内层循环。
for i in range(10): print(i) if i == 2: break
0 1 2
# Python program to # demonstrate break statement s = 'geeksforgeeks' # Using for loop for letter in s: print(letter) # break the loop as soon it sees 'e' # or 's' if letter == 'e' or letter == 's': break print("Out of for loop" ) print() i = 0 # Using while loop while True: print(s[i]) # break the loop as soon it sees 'e' # or 's' if s[i] == 'e' or s[i] == 's': break i += 1 print("Out of while loop ")
g e Out of for loop g e Out of while loop
num = 0 for i in range(10): num += 1 if num == 8: break print("The num has value:", num) print("Out of loop")
The num has value: 1 The num has value: 2 The num has value: 3 The num has value: 4 The num has value: 5 The num has value: 6 The num has value: 7 Out of loop
在 Python 中使用循环可以高效地自动执行和重复任务。但有时,可能会出现这样的情况:您希望完全退出循环、跳过迭代或忽略循环的某些语句,然后再继续循环。这些可以通过称为跳转语句的循环控制语句来完成。循环控制或跳转语句改变其正常顺序的执行。当执行离开作用域时,在该作用域中创建的所有自动对象都将被销毁。Python 支持以下控制/跳转语句。