Python 中的文件处理是一种功能强大且多功能的工具,可用于执行各种操作。然而,在编写Python程序时仔细考虑文件处理的优点和缺点非常重要,以确保代码安全、可靠且性能良好。
Python 也支持文件处理,并允许用户处理文件,即读取和写入文件,以及许多其他文件处理选项,以对文件进行操作。文件处理的概念已经扩展到各种其他语言,但实现要么复杂要么冗长,但与 Python 的其他概念一样,这里的这个概念也简单而简短。Python将文件视为文本或二进制文件的方式有所不同,这一点很重要。每行代码都包含一个字符序列,它们形成一个文本文件。文件的每一行都以一个特殊字符终止,称为 EOL 或行尾字符,例如逗号 {,} 或换行符。它结束当前行并告诉解释器新的一行已经开始。让我们从读取和写入文件开始。
对于本文,我们将考虑以下“ \geeks.txt** ”文件作为示例。
Hello world GeeksforGeeks 123 456
f = open(filename, mode)
在 Python 中读取文件的方法不止一种。让我们看看如何在读取模式下读取文件的内容。
\示例 1:** open 命令将以读取模式打开文件,for 循环将打印文件中存在的每一行。
# a file named "geek", will be opened with the reading mode. file = open('geek.txt', 'r') # This will print every line one by one in the file for each in file: print (each)
\示例 2:**在此示例中,我们将提取包含文件中所有字符的字符串,然后我们可以使用\**。
# Python code to illustrate read() mode file = open("geeks.txt", "r") print (
\示例 3:在此示例中,我们将了解如何使用****with****]语句读取文件。
# Python code to illustrate with() with open("geeks.txt") as file: data = print(data)
\示例 4:**读取文件的另一种方法是调用一定数量的字符,如以下代码所示,解释器将读取存储数据的前五个字符并将其作为字符串返回:
# Python code to illustrate read() mode character wise file = open("geeks.txt", "r") print (
我们在Python中读取文件时也可以进行分行。split() 函数在遇到空格时分割变量。您还可以根据需要使用任何字符进行拆分。
# Python code to illustrate split() function with open("geeks.txt", "r") as file: data = file.readlines() for line in data: word = line.split() print (word)
['Hello', 'world'] ['GeeksforGeeks'] ['123', '456']
就像在 Python 中读取文件一样,在 Python 中写入文件有多种方法。让我们看看如何使用 Python 中的 write() 函数写入文件的内容。
\示例 1:**在本示例中,我们将了解如何使用写入模式和 write() 函数写入文件。close() 命令终止所有正在使用的资源并释放该特定程序的系统。
# Python code to create a file file = open('geek.txt','w') file.write("This is the write command") file.write("It allows us to write in a particular file") file.close()
This is the write commandIt allows us to write in a particular file
\示例 2:**我们还可以将书面语句与 with() 函数一起使用。
# Python code to illustrate with() alongwith write() with open("file.txt", "w") as f: f.write("Hello World!!!")
Hello World!!!
# Python code to illustrate append() mode file = open('geek.txt', 'a') file.write("This will add this line") file.close()
This is the write commandIt allows us to write in a particular fileThis will add this line
rstrip(): This function strips each line of a file off spaces from the right-hand side. lstrip(): This function strips each line of a file off spaces from the left-hand side.
在此示例中,我们将涵盖上面看到的所有概念。除此之外,我们还将了解如何使用 Python os 模块中的 remove() 函数删除文件。
import os def create_file(filename): try: with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('Hello, world!\n') print("File " + filename + " created successfully.") except IOError: print("Error: could not create file " + filename) def read_file(filename): try: with open(filename, 'r') as f: contents = print(contents) except IOError: print("Error: could not read file " + filename) def append_file(filename, text): try: with open(filename, 'a') as f: f.write(text) print("Text appended to file " + filename + " successfully.") except IOError: print("Error: could not append to file " + filename) def rename_file(filename, new_filename): try: os.rename(filename, new_filename) print("File " + filename + " renamed to " + new_filename + " successfully.") except IOError: print("Error: could not rename file " + filename) def delete_file(filename): try: os.remove(filename) print("File " + filename + " deleted successfully.") except IOError: print("Error: could not delete file " + filename) if __name__ == '__main__': filename = "example.txt" new_filename = "new_example.txt" create_file(filename) read_file(filename) append_file(filename, "This is some additional text.\n") read_file(filename) rename_file(filename, new_filename) read_file(new_filename) delete_file(new_filename)
File example.txt created successfully. Hello, world! Text appended to file example.txt successfully. Hello, world! This is some additional text. File example.txt renamed to new_example.txt successfully. Hello, world! This is some additional text. File new_example.txt deleted successfully.