import pygame from pygame import * WIN_WIDTH = 800 WIN_HEIGHT = 640 HALF_WIDTH = int(WIN_WIDTH / 2) HALF_HEIGHT = int(WIN_HEIGHT / 2) DISPLAY = (WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT) DEPTH = 32 FLAGS = 0 CAMERA_SLACK = 30 def main(): global cameraX, cameraY pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(DISPLAY, FLAGS, DEPTH) pygame.display.set_caption("Use arrows to move!") timer = pygame.time.Clock() up = down = left = right = running = False bg = Surface((32,32)) bg.convert() bg.fill(Color("#000000")) entities = pygame.sprite.Group() player = Player(32, 32) platforms = [] x = y = 0 level = [ "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP", "P P", "P P", "P P", "P P", "P P", "P P", "P P", "P PPPPPPPPPPP P", "P P", "P P", "P P", "P P", "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP",] # build the level for row in level: for col in row: if col == "P": p = Platform(x, y) platforms.append(p) entities.add(p) if col == "E": e = ExitBlock(x, y) platforms.append(e) entities.add(e) x += 32 y += 32 x = 0 entities.add(player) while 1: timer.tick(60) for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: raise SystemExit, "QUIT" if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE: raise SystemExit, "ESCAPE" if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_UP: up = True if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_DOWN: down = True if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_LEFT: left = True if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_RIGHT: right = True if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_SPACE: running = True if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_UP: up = False if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_DOWN: down = False if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_RIGHT: right = False if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_LEFT: left = False if e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_RIGHT: right = False # draw background for y in range(32): for x in range(32): screen.blit(bg, (x * 32, y * 32)) # update player, draw everything else player.update(up, down, left, right, running, platforms) entities.draw(screen) pygame.display.update() class Entity(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) class Player(Entity): def __init__(self, x, y): Entity.__init__(self) self.xvel = 0 self.yvel = 0 self.onGround = False self.image = Surface((32,32)) self.image.fill(Color("#0000FF")) self.image.convert() self.rect = Rect(x, y, 32, 32) def update(self, up, down, left, right, running, platforms): if up: # only jump if on the ground if self.onGround: self.yvel -= 10 if down: pass if running: self.xvel = 12 if left: self.xvel = -8 if right: self.xvel = 8 if not self.onGround: # only accelerate with gravity if in the air self.yvel += 0.3 # max falling speed if self.yvel > 100: self.yvel = 100 if not(left or right): self.xvel = 0 # increment in x direction self.rect.left += self.xvel # do x-axis collisions self.collide(self.xvel, 0, platforms) # increment in y direction self.rect.top += self.yvel # assuming we're in the air self.onGround = False; # do y-axis collisions self.collide(0, self.yvel, platforms) def collide(self, xvel, yvel, platforms): for p in platforms: if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, p): if isinstance(p, ExitBlock): pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(QUIT)) if xvel > 0: self.rect.right = p.rect.left print "collide right" if xvel < 0: self.rect.left = p.rect.right print "collide left" if yvel > 0: self.rect.bottom = p.rect.top self.onGround = True self.yvel = 0 if yvel < 0: self.rect.top = p.rect.bottom class Platform(Entity): def __init__(self, x, y): Entity.__init__(self) self.image = Surface((32, 32)) self.image.convert() self.image.fill(Color("#DDDDDD")) self.rect = Rect(x, y, 32, 32) def update(self): pass class ExitBlock(Platform): def __init__(self, x, y): Platform.__init__(self, x, y) self.image.fill(Color("#0033FF")) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
绘制实体时,你需要将偏移量应用于实体的位置。我们称这个偏移量为 a camera,因为这是我们想要达到的效果。
a camera
class Camera(object): def __init__(self, camera_func, width, height): self.camera_func = camera_func self.state = Rect(0, 0, width, height) def apply(self, target): return target.rect.move(self.state.topleft) def update(self, target): self.state = self.camera_func(self.state, target.rect)
我们需要存储摄像机的位置以及水平的宽度和高度(以像素为单位)(因为我们要停止在水平边缘进行滚动)。我曾经使用a Rect来存储所有这些信息,但是你可以轻松地使用一些字段。
a Rect
for row in level: ... total_level_width = len(level[0])*32 # calculate size of level in pixels total_level_height = len(level)*32 # maybe make 32 an constant camera = Camera(*to_be_implemented*, total_level_width, total_level_height) entities.add(player) ...
# draw background for y in range(32): ... camera.update(player) # camera follows player. Note that we could also follow any other sprite # update player, draw everything else player.update(up, down, left, right, running, platforms) for e in entities: # apply the offset to each entity. # call this for everything that should scroll, # which is basically everything other than GUI/HUD/UI screen.blit(e.image, camera.apply(e)) pygame.display.update()
def simple_camera(camera, target_rect): l, t, _, _ = target_rect # l = left, t = top _, _, w, h = camera # w = width, h = height return Rect(-l+HALF_WIDTH, -t+HALF_HEIGHT, w, h)
camera = Camera(simple_camera, total_level_width, total_level_height)
def complex_camera(camera, target_rect): # we want to center target_rect x = -target_rect.center[0] + WIN_WIDTH/2 y = -target_rect.center[1] + WIN_HEIGHT/2 # move the camera. Let's use some vectors so we can easily substract/multiply camera.topleft += (pygame.Vector2((x, y)) - pygame.Vector2(camera.topleft)) * 0.06 # add some smoothness coolnes # set max/min x/y so we don't see stuff outside the world camera.x = max(-(camera.width-WIN_WIDTH), min(0, camera.x)) camera.y = max(-(camera.height-WIN_HEIGHT), min(0, camera.y)) return camera
在这里,我们仅使用min/ max函数以确保我们不会向外滚动。
camera = Camera(complex_camera, total_level_width, total_level_height)
#! /usr/bin/python import pygame from pygame import * SCREEN_SIZE = pygame.Rect((0, 0, 800, 640)) TILE_SIZE = 32 GRAVITY = pygame.Vector2((0, 0.3)) class CameraAwareLayeredUpdates(pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates): def __init__(self, target, world_size): super().__init__() self.target = target self.cam = pygame.Vector2(0, 0) self.world_size = world_size if self.target: self.add(target) def update(self, *args): super().update(*args) if self.target: x = -self.target.rect.center[0] + SCREEN_SIZE.width/2 y = -self.target.rect.center[1] + SCREEN_SIZE.height/2 self.cam += (pygame.Vector2((x, y)) - self.cam) * 0.05 self.cam.x = max(-(self.world_size.width-SCREEN_SIZE.width), min(0, self.cam.x)) self.cam.y = max(-(self.world_size.height-SCREEN_SIZE.height), min(0, self.cam.y)) def draw(self, surface): spritedict = self.spritedict surface_blit = surface.blit dirty = self.lostsprites self.lostsprites = [] dirty_append = dirty.append init_rect = self._init_rect for spr in self.sprites(): rec = spritedict[spr] newrect = surface_blit(spr.image, spr.rect.move(self.cam)) if rec is init_rect: dirty_append(newrect) else: if newrect.colliderect(rec): dirty_append(newrect.union(rec)) else: dirty_append(newrect) dirty_append(rec) spritedict[spr] = newrect return dirty def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE.size) pygame.display.set_caption("Use arrows to move!") timer = pygame.time.Clock() level = [ "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP", "P P", "P P", "P P", "P PPPPPPPPPPP P", "P P", "P P", "P P", "P PPPPPPPP P", "P P", "P PPPPPPP P", "P PPPPPP P", "P P", "P PPPPPPP P", "P P", "P PPPPPP P", "P P", "P PPPPPPPPPPP P", "P P", "P PPPPPPPPPPP P", "P P", "P P", "P P", "P P", "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP",] platforms = pygame.sprite.Group() player = Player(platforms, (TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)) level_width = len(level[0])*TILE_SIZE level_height = len(level)*TILE_SIZE entities = CameraAwareLayeredUpdates(player, pygame.Rect(0, 0, level_width, level_height)) # build the level x = y = 0 for row in level: for col in row: if col == "P": Platform((x, y), platforms, entities) if col == "E": ExitBlock((x, y), platforms, entities) x += TILE_SIZE y += TILE_SIZE x = 0 while 1: for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT: return if e.type == KEYDOWN and e.key == K_ESCAPE: return entities.update() screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) entities.draw(screen) pygame.display.update() timer.tick(60) class Entity(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, color, pos, *groups): super().__init__(*groups) self.image = Surface((TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE)) self.image.fill(color) self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=pos) class Player(Entity): def __init__(self, platforms, pos, *groups): super().__init__(Color("#0000FF"), pos) self.vel = pygame.Vector2((0, 0)) self.onGround = False self.platforms = platforms self.speed = 8 self.jump_strength = 10 def update(self): pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed() up = pressed[K_UP] left = pressed[K_LEFT] right = pressed[K_RIGHT] running = pressed[K_SPACE] if up: # only jump if on the ground if self.onGround: self.vel.y = -self.jump_strength if left: self.vel.x = -self.speed if right: self.vel.x = self.speed if running: self.vel.x *= 1.5 if not self.onGround: # only accelerate with gravity if in the air self.vel += GRAVITY # max falling speed if self.vel.y > 100: self.vel.y = 100 print(self.vel.y) if not(left or right): self.vel.x = 0 # increment in x direction self.rect.left += self.vel.x # do x-axis collisions self.collide(self.vel.x, 0, self.platforms) # increment in y direction self.rect.top += self.vel.y # assuming we're in the air self.onGround = False; # do y-axis collisions self.collide(0, self.vel.y, self.platforms) def collide(self, xvel, yvel, platforms): for p in platforms: if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, p): if isinstance(p, ExitBlock): pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(QUIT)) if xvel > 0: self.rect.right = p.rect.left if xvel < 0: self.rect.left = p.rect.right if yvel > 0: self.rect.bottom = p.rect.top self.onGround = True self.yvel = 0 if yvel < 0: self.rect.top = p.rect.bottom class Platform(Entity): def __init__(self, pos, *groups): super().__init__(Color("#DDDDDD"), pos, *groups) class ExitBlock(Platform): def __init__(self, pos, *groups): super().__init__(Color("#0033FF"), pos, *groups) if __name__ == "__main__": main()