def runCommand( self, cmd, instream=None, outstream=None, errstream=None ): proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdin=instream, stdout=outstream, stderr=errstream ) while True: retcode = proc.poll() if retcode == None: if mAbortBuild: proc.terminate() return False else: time.sleep(1) else: if retcode == 0: return True else: return False
调用subprocess.Popen时,我切换为使用“ cmd”打开命令提示符,然后调用proc.stdin.write(b’program.exe \ r \ n’)。这似乎解决了一个命令窗口的问题,但现在我不知道第一个程序何时完成,而我可以启动第二个。我想在运行第二个程序之前停止并查询第一个程序的日志文件。
import os import subprocess import textwrap # create a batch file with some commands in it batch_filename = 'commands.bat' with open(batch_filename, "wt") as batchfile: batchfile.write(textwrap.dedent(""" python hello.py if errorlevel 1 ( @echo non-zero exit code: %errorlevel% - terminating exit ) time /t date /t """)) # execute the batch file as a separate process and echo its output kwargs = dict(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) with subprocess.Popen(batch_filename, **kwargs).stdout as output: for line in output: print line, try: os.remove(batch_filename) # clean up except os.error: pass