






original_image = (200, 200, 200, 100, 210, 255...)
stuff_to_store = "test"
#Convert anything into a list of bytes
data_numbers = [bin(ord(x)) for x in cPickle.dumps(stuff_to_store)]

#This is calculated by the code, but for now it's 2
bytes_per_pixel = 2
store_mode = 'subtract'

#Join the bytes and split them every 2nd character
new_bytes = "".join(data_bytes)
new_bytes_split = [new_bytes[i:i+bytes_per_pixel] for i in range(0, len(new_bytes), bytes_per_pixel)]

#Edit the pixels (by subtraction in this case)
pixel_data = []
for i in range(len(original_image)):
    pixel_data = original_image[i] - int(new_bytes_split[i])



阅读 327





下面的代码说明了Python中的位流处理。这是相当有效的(只要这样的操作 可以 使用Python高效的),但它牺牲效率使用的可读性和简单性,必要时。:)

#! /usr/bin/env python

''' Steganography with PIL (really Pillow)

    Encodes / decodes bits of a binary data file into the LSB of each color 
    value of each pixel of a non-palette-mapped image.

    Written by PM 2Ring 2015.02.03

import sys
import getopt
import struct
from PIL import Image

def readbits(bytes):
    ''' Generate single bits from bytearray '''
    r = range(7, -1, -1)
    for n in bytes:
        for m in r:
            yield (n>>m) & 1

def encode(image_bytes, mode, size, dname, oname):
    print 'Encoding...'
    with open(dname, 'rb') as dfile:
        payload = bytearray(dfile.read())

    #Prepend encoded data length to payload
    datalen = len(payload)
    print 'Data length:', datalen

    #datalen = bytearray.fromhex(u'%06x' % datalen)
    datalen = bytearray(struct.pack('>L', datalen)[1:])
    payload = datalen + payload

    databits = readbits(payload)
    for i, b in enumerate(databits):
        image_bytes[i] = (image_bytes[i] & 0xfe) | b

    img = Image.frombytes(mode, size, str(image_bytes))

def bin8(i): 
    return bin(i)[2:].zfill(8)

bit_dict = dict((tuple(int(c) for c in bin8(i)), i) for i in xrange(256))

def decode_bytes(data):
    return [bit_dict[t] for t in zip(*[iter(c&1 for c in data)] * 8)]

def decode(image_bytes, dname):
    print 'Decoding...'
    t = decode_bytes(image_bytes[:24])
    datalen = (t[0] << 16) | (t[1] << 8) | t[2]
    print 'Data length:', datalen

    t = decode_bytes(image_bytes[24:24 + 8*datalen])

    with open(dname, 'wb') as dfile:

def process(iname, dname, oname):
    with Image.open(iname) as img:
        mode = img.mode
        if mode == 'P':
            raise ValueError, '%s is a palette-mapped image' % fname
        size = img.size
        image_bytes = bytearray(img.tobytes())
    #del img

    print 'Data capacity:', len(image_bytes) // 8 - 24

    if oname:
        encode(image_bytes, mode, size, dname, oname)
    elif dname:
        decode(image_bytes, dname)

def main():
    #input image filename
    iname = None
    #data filename
    dname = None
    #output image filename
    oname = None

    def usage(msg=None):
        s = msg + '\n\n' if msg else ''
        s += '''Embed data into or extract data from the low-order bits of an image file.


%s [-h] -i input_image [-d data_file] [-o output_image]

To encode, you must specify all 3 file names.
To decode, just specify the input image and the data file names.
If only the the input image is given, its capacity will be printed,
i.e., the maximum size (in bytes) of data that it can hold.

Uses PIL (Pillow) to read and write the image data.
Do NOT use lossy image formats for output, eg JPEG, or the data WILL get scrambled.
The program will abort if the input image is palette-mapped, as such images
are not suitable.
        print >>sys.stderr, s % sys.argv[0]
        raise SystemExit, msg!=None

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hi:d:o:")
    except getopt.GetoptError, e:

    for o, a in opts:
        if o == '-h': usage(None)
        elif o == '-i': iname = a
        elif o == '-d': dname = a
        elif o == '-o': oname = a

    if iname:
        print 'Input image:', iname
        usage('No input image specified!')

    if dname:
        print 'Data file:', dname

    if oname:
        print 'Output image:', oname

    process(iname, dname, oname)

if __name__ == '__main__':