警告:mysqli :: query():无法在第43行上的C:\ Program Files(x86)\ EasyPHP- DevServer-13.1VC9 \ data \ localweb \ my Portable files \ class_EventCalendar.php中获取mysqli
<?php if(!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } // Create array to hold error messages (if any) $ErrorMsgs = array(); // Create new mysql connection object $DBConnect = @new mysqli("localhost","root@localhost", NULL,"Ladle"); // Check to see if connection errno data member is not 0 (indicating an error) if ($DBConnect->connect_errno) { // Add error to errors array $ErrorMsgs[]="The database server is not available.". " Connect Error is ".$DBConnect->connect_errno." ". $DBConnect->connect_error."."; } ?>
<?php class EventCalendar { private $DBConnect = NULL; function __construct() { // Include the database connection data include("inc_LadleDB.php"); $this->DBConnect = $DBConnect; } function __destruct() { if (!$this->DBConnect->connect_error) { $this->DBConnect->close(); } } function __wakeup() { // Include the database connection data include("inc_LadleDB.php"); $this->DBConnect = $DBConnect; } // Function to add events to Zodiac calendar public function addEvent($Date, $Title, $Description) { // Check to see if the required fields of Date and Title have been entered if ((!empty($Date)) && (!empty($Title))) { /* if all fields are complete then they are inserted into the Zodiac event_calendar table */ $SQLString = "INSERT INTO tblSignUps". " (EventDate, Title, Description) ". " VALUES('$Date', '$Title', '". $Description."')"; // Store query results in a variable $QueryResult = $this->DBConnect->query($SQLString);
我对OOP PHP不太满意,而且不确定为什么会引发此错误。我从其他地方提取了此代码,唯一更改的是@new mysqli参数。谁能帮助我了解问题出在哪里?
@new mysqli
可能是您在某个地方 DBconnection->close();,然后尝试执行某些查询。
提示 :它有时错误插入 ...->close();的 __destruct() (因为__destruct是大事,在这之后会有需要查询的执行)