#import pdb odd_list=[] prime_list=[2] #Begin with zero so that we can pop later without errors. #Define a function that finds all the odd numbers in the range of a number def oddNumbers(x): x+=1 #add one to the number because range does not include it for i in range(x): if i%2!=0: #If it cannot be evenly divided by two it is eliminated odd_list.append(i) #Add it too the list return odd_list def findPrimes(number_to_test, list_of_odd_numbers_in_tested_number): # Pass in the prime number to test for i in list_of_odd_numbers_in_tested_number: if number_to_test % i==0: prime_list.append(i) number_to_test=number_to_test / i #prime_list.append(i) #prime_list.pop(-2) #remove the old number so that we only have the biggest if prime_list==[1]: print "This has no prime factors other than 1" else: print prime_list return prime_list #pdb.set_trace() number_to_test=raw_input("What number would you like to find the greatest prime of?\n:") #Convert the input to an integer number_to_test=int(number_to_test) #Pass the number to the oddnumbers function odds=oddNumbers(number_to_test) #Pass the return of the oddnumbers function to the findPrimes function findPrimes(number_to_test , odds)
600851475143 / 2
odd_list = xrange(1, number+1, 2)