我指的是Bill Karwin的演示文稿,以实现一个封闭表,这将有助于我管理层次结构。不幸的是,该演示文稿并未显示我如何插入/更新Level幻灯片67中提到的列;这将是非常有用的。我一直在想一想,但我无法提出我可以测试的具体内容。这是到目前为止我得到的:
create procedure USP_OrganizationUnitHierarchy_AddChild @ParentId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @NewChildId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER AS BEGIN INSERT INTO [OrganizationUnitHierarchy] ( [AncestorId], [DescendantId], [Level] ) SELECT [AncestorId], @NewChildId, (here I need to get the count of ancestors that lead to the currently being selected ancestor through-out the tree) FROM [OrganizationUnitHierarchy] WHERE [DescendantId] = @ParentId UNION ALL SELECT @NewChildId, @NewChildId END go
您知道对于Parent = self,您的Level = 0,并且当您从祖先复制路径时,您只是将Level增加1:
create procedure USP_OrganizationUnitHierarchy_AddChild @ParentId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @NewChildId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER AS BEGIN INSERT INTO [OrganizationUnitHierarchy] ( [AncestorId], [DescendantId], [Level] ) SELECT [AncestorId], @NewChildId, [Level] + 1 FROM [OrganizationUnitHierarchy] WHERE [DescendantId] = @ParentId UNION ALL SELECT @NewChildId, @NewChildId, 0 END