我有以下PL SQL函数,该函数返回ref游标,但是我正在使用的应用程序不支持ref游标。我怎样才能使此代码返回引用游标以外的其他内容
FUNCTION getADedIcWarningsProv(p_hos_id IN work_entity_data.hos_id%TYPE ,p_date IN DATE ) RETURN eOdatatypes_package.eOrefcur IS v_refcur eOdatatypes_package.eOrefcur; BEGIN OPEN v_refcur FOR SELECT IF_type IF_type ,COUNT(*) number_infected FROM (SELECT DISTINCT bd.PT_id PT_id ,CASE WHEN NVL(O_package.get_O_code_property(pw.warning_code,'Setl'),'N') = 'Y' THEN cd.description ELSE 'Other' END IF_type FROM PT_ad pad ,BD_details bd ,PT_warnings pw ,codes cd WHERE bd.current_record = 'Y' AND bd.BD_location IS NOT NULL AND bd.BD_status IN (SELECT code FROM codes WHERE prog_code IN (1, 1, 2) AND code_type = 4) AND bd.AD_no = pad.AD_no AND pad.hos_id = p_hos_id AND pw.PT_id = bd.PT_id AND pw.warning_to IN ('D','Q') AND p_date BETWEEN pw.applies_start AND NVL(pw.applies_end,p_date) AND NVL(O_package.get_O_code_property(pw.warning_code,'INFT'),'Y') = 'N' AND pw.warning_code = cd.code) GROUP BY IF_type ORDER BY IF_type; RETURN v_refcur; END getADedIcWarningsProv;
IF_TYPE NUMBER_IF ---------------------------------------- --------------- C 2 M 6 Other 4 3 rows selected
create or replace package WrapperSample is type TResultRow is record( if_type codes.cd%type ,number_infected Integer); type TResultRowList is table of TResultRow; function GetADedIcWarningsProv ( p_hos_id in work_entity_data.hos_id%type ,p_date in date ) return TResultRowList pipelined; end WrapperSample; / create or replace package body WrapperSample is function GetADedIcWarningsProv ( p_hos_id in work_entity_data.hos_id%type ,p_date in date ) return TResultRowList pipelined is v_refcur eOdatatypes_package.eOrefcur; currentRow TResultRow; begin v_refcur := YourSchema.getADedIcWarningsProv(p_hos_id, p_date); loop fetch v_refcur INTO currentRow; exit when v_refcur%NotFound; pipe row(currentRow); end loop; close v_refcur; return; end; end WrapperSample; /
SELECT if_type ,number_infected FROM table(WrapperSample.getADedIcWarningsProv(1, 2))