如果我构建自己的函数“ myfunction”并执行以下查询:
select myfunction(parameters) from mytable where a and b and c and d
select myfunction(parameters) from mytable where a and b and c and d and myfunction(parameters) == e
create table mytable (a, b) as select mod(level, 10), level from dual connect by level <= 50; create or replace function myfunction(p number) return number as begin dbms_output.put_line('In function for p=' || p); return mod(p,3); end; / set serveroutput on select myfunction(b) from mytable where a = 1; MYFUNCTION(B) ------------- 1 2 0 1 2 In function for p=1 In function for p=11 In function for p=21 In function for p=31 In function for p=41
在第二个示例中,它要复杂得多,并且在很大程度上取决于优化程序。在我的简单演示中,优化器(在本例中为11gR2)首先进行评估a,并且仅针对与之匹配的行调用该函数;但随后会再次为select- list值调用它:
select myfunction(b) from mytable where a = 1 and myfunction(b) = 2; MYFUNCTION(B) ------------- 2 2 In function for p=1 In function for p=11 In function for p=11 In function for p=21 In function for p=31 In function for p=41 In function for p=41
a=1与以前一样,对五行中的每一行调用该函数,对于myfunction(b) = 2第二次被调用的函数,则调用该函数以获取结果集中的值。
myfunction(b) = 2
select myfunction(b) from mytable where myfunction(b) = 2 and a = 1; select x from ( select myfunction(b) as x from mytable where a = 1 ) where x = 2; select x from ( select /*+ materialize */ myfunction(b) as x from mytable where a = 1 ) where x = 2; with t (x) as ( select myfunction(b) from mytable where a = 1 ) select x from t where x = 2;
with t (x) as ( select /*+ materialize */ myfunction(b) from mytable where a = 1 ) select x from t where x = 2; X ---------- 2 2 In function for p=1 In function for p=11 In function for p=21 In function for p=31 In function for p=41
索引,分区,优化器版本,统计资料等,都将影响到如何对优化器的行为 您的 查询。