++++++++++++++++++++ Parent + Child ++++++++++++++++++++ C1 + G1 C1 + G2 C1 + G3 G3 + D1 G3 + D2 C1 + G4 G4 + D3 G4 + D4 C2 + G5 C2 + G6 C2 + G7 C2 + G8 ++++++++++++++++++++
C1 G1 G2 G3 D1 D2 G4 D3 D4 C2 G5 G6 G7 G8
请让我知道在MYSQL中是否可行。输出类似于 TREE 。
如果我得到如下所示的新表也可以,因此我可以使用 此示例。
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Parent + Child + PLevel + CLevel ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C1 + G1 + 1 + 2 C1 + G2 + 1 + 2 C1 + G3 + 1 + 2 G3 + D1 + 2 + 3 G3 + D2 + 2 + 3 C1 + G4 + 1 + 2 G4 + D3 + 2 + 3 G4 + D4 + 2 + 3 C2 + G5 + 1 + 2 C2 + G6 + 1 + 2 C2 + G7 + 1 + 2 C2 + G8 + 1 + 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
注意: 我已从1开始级别(例如,我的级别从0开始)。如果我得到这个从0开始的新表也很好。
尽管您无法使用单个查询进行操作,但是可以使用存储过程进行操作…唯一的先决条件是,您需要在现有示例表中再添加2条记录,以表示“ C1”和“ C2” ARE顶层…添加一条记录,其中“父级”字段为空白,子级为“ C1”,另一级为“ C2”。这将“准备”最上层的父级。进行后续层次结构关联,否则您将没有顶层层次结构的起始“基础”。它还需要一个“主键”列(我在此脚本中将其创建为“ IDMyTable”,它只是1-x顺序的,但是假设您在表上有一个自动增量列可以代替使用)。
我已经包括了所有输出列以显示其构建方式,但是此例程的前提是根据预期的列输出创建表,但还要额外保留一些层次表示形式,以供构建时使用。为了确保它们在层变得更深时保持正确的方向,我在“ ID”列中加上了“ ID”列-您将看到它在最终结果集中的工作方式。
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Routine DDL -- Note: comments before and after the routine body will not be stored by the server -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `GetHierarchy2`() BEGIN -- prepare a hierarchy level variable set @hierlvl := 00000; -- prepare a variable for total rows so we know when no more rows found set @lastRowCount := 0; -- pre-drop temp table drop table if exists MyHierarchy; -- now, create it as the first level you want... -- ie: a specific top level of all "no parent" entries -- or parameterize the function and ask for a specific "ID". -- add extra column as flag for next set of ID's to load into this. create table MyHierarchy as select t1.IDMyTable, t1.Child AS Parent, @hierlvl as IDHierLevel, cast( t1.IDMyTable as char(100)) FullHierarchy from MyTable t1 where t1.Parent is null OR t1.Parent = ''; -- how many rows are we starting with at this tier level set @lastRowCount := ROW_COUNT(); -- we need to have a "primary key", otherwise our UPDATE -- statement will nag about an unsafe update command alter table MyHierarchy add primary key (IDMyTable); -- NOW, keep cycling through until we get no more records while @lastRowCount > 0 do -- NOW, load in all entries found from full-set NOT already processed insert into MyHierarchy select t1.IDMyTable, t1.Child as Parent, h1.IDHierLevel +1 as IDHierLevel, concat_ws( ',', h1.FullHierarchy, t1.IDMyTable ) as FullHierarchy from MyTable t1 join MyHierarchy h1 on t1.Parent = h1.Parent left join MyHierarchy h2 on t1.IDMyTable = h2.IDMyTable where h2.IDMyTable is null; set @lastRowCount := row_count(); -- now, update the hierarchy level set @hierLevel := @hierLevel +1; end while; -- return the final set now select *, concat( lpad( ' ', 1 + (IDHierLevel * 3 ), ' ' ), Parent ) as ShowHierarchy from MyHierarchy order by FullHierarchy; END