使用Inno Setup可以做到吗?
[Setup] AppID=DBUpdateTest AppName=Test AppVerName=Test 0.1 AppPublisher=My Company, Inc. DefaultDirName={pf}\Test DefaultGroupName=Test DisableDirPage=yes DisableProgramGroupPage=yes OutputBaseFilename=setup PrivilegesRequired=none [Files] Source: "isql.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: dontcopy Source: "update_V42.sql"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: dontcopy [Languages] Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl" [Code] var DBPage: TInputQueryWizardPage; procedure InitializeWizard; begin DBPage := CreateInputQueryPage(wpReady, 'Database Connection Information', 'Which database is to be updated?', 'Please specify the server and the connection credentials, then click Next.'); DBPage.Add('Server:', False); DBPage.Add('Port:', False); DBPage.Add('User name:', False); DBPage.Add('Password:', True); DBPage.Values[0] := GetPreviousData('Server', ''); DBPage.Values[1] := GetPreviousData('Port', ''); DBPage.Values[2] := GetPreviousData('UserName', ''); DBPage.Values[3] := GetPreviousData('Password', ''); end; procedure RegisterPreviousData(PreviousDataKey: Integer); begin SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey, 'Server', DBPage.Values[0]); SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey, 'Port', DBPage.Values[1]); SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey, 'UserName', DBPage.Values[2]); SetPreviousData(PreviousDataKey, 'Password', DBPage.Values[3]); end; function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean; var ResultCode: Integer; begin Result := True; if CurPageID = DBPage.ID then begin if DBPage.Values[0] = '' then begin MsgBox('You must enter the server name or address.', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end else if DBPage.Values[2] = '' then begin MsgBox('You must enter the user name.', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end else if DBPage.Values[3] = '' then begin MsgBox('You must enter the user password.', mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end else begin ExtractTemporaryFile('isql.exe'); ExtractTemporaryFile('update_V42.sql'); if Exec(ExpandConstant('{tmp}') + '\isql.exe', '--user ' + DBPage.Values[2] + ' --password ' + DBPage.Values[3] + ' --database ' + DBPage.Values[0] + ':foo --script update_V42.sql', '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode) then begin // check ResultCode and set Result accordingly Result := ResultCode = 0; end else begin MsgBox('Database update failed:'#10#10 + SysErrorMessage(ResultCode), mbError, MB_OK); Result := False; end; end; end; end;