SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ContentID FROM ( SELECT ContentID FROM VWTenantPropertiesResults WHERE ContentStreet = 'Holderness Road' UNION ALL SELECT ContentID FROM VWTenantPropertiesResults WHERE ContentTown = 'Hull' UNION ALL SELECT ContentID FROM VWTenantPropertiesResults WHERE ContentPostCode = 'HU' ) qi GROUP BY ContentID HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 ) q JOIN VWTenantPropertiesResults r ON r.ContentID = q.ContentID WHERE ContentBedrooms BETWEEN 1 AND 4 AND ContentPrice BETWEEN 50 AND 500 ORDER BY ContentPrice
UNION ALL SELECT id FROM VWTenantPropertiesResults WHERE ContentTown = 'Hull'
但是很明显,Town and Postcode或Town and Street搜索无法正常工作,因为我删除了上述4行以使Street和Postcode搜索正常工作。
我不确定您是否应该在数据库中强制执行“至少两个条件”条件,因为您可能永远都不知道已经填写了两个条件。相反,这可能对您有用- 这是我使用的一种模式经常并且应该应付条件的任意组合(我假设这在存储的proc中!):
DECLARE PROCEDURE PropertyList @StreetName NVARCHAR(50) = NULL, @Town NVARCHAR(50) = NULL, @Postcode NVARCHAR(10) = NULL AS SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT * FROM VWTenantPropertiesResults WHERE ContentBedrooms BETWEEN 1 AND 4 AND ContentPrice BETWEEN 50 AND 500 AND (@ContentStreet IS NULL OR ContentStreet = @ContentStreet) AND (@ContentTown IS NULL OR ContentTown = @ContentTown) AND (@ContentPostcode IS NULL OR ContentTown = @ContentTown) ORDER BY ContentPrice
要从您的ASP页面调用此代码,您需要一些类似以下的代码(这 可能 需要一些调试,我的ASP的ADO和VBScript非常生锈!):
Dim cnn 'As ADODB.Connection Dim cmd 'As ADODB.Command Dim prmStreet 'As ADODB.Parameter Dim prmTown 'As ADODB.Parameter Dim prmPostcode 'As ADODB.Parameter Dim rstProperty 'As ADODB.RecordSet Dim i 'As Integer Set cnn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") cnn.ConnectionString = MyConnectionString Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn 'Set the CommandText property to the name of the stored proc we want to call cmd.CommandText = "PropertyList" cmd.CommandType = 4 'or adCmdStoredProc if you're using ADOVBS.inc If Request.Form("StreetTextBox") = "" Then 'No street entered so don't pass it to the stored proc Else 'A street has been entered so create a parameter... Set prmStreet = cmd.CreateParameter("@StreetName", 203, 1, 50, Request.Form("StreetTextBox")) ' and add it to the Parameters collection of the Command object cmd.Parameters.Add(prmStreet) End If If Request.Form("TownTextBox") = "" Then 'No town entered so don't pass it to the stored proc Else 'A town has been entered so create a parameter... Set prmTown = cmd.CreateParameter("@Town", 203, 1, 50, Request.Form("TownTextBox")) ' and add it to the Parameters collection of the Command object cmd.Parameters.Add(prmTown) End If If Request.Form("PostcodeTextBox") = "" Then 'No postcode entered so don't pass it to the stored proc Else 'A postcode has been entered so create a parameter... Set prmPostcode = cmd.CreateParameter("@Postcode", 203, 1, 10, Request.Form("PostcodeTextBox")) ' and add it to the Parameters collection of the Command object cmd.Parameters.Add(prmPostcode) End If cnn.Open 'This is the line that'll actually call the stored procedure Set rstProperty = cmd.Execute() cnn.Close If rstProperty.BOF And rstProperty.EOF Then 'If BOF And EOF are true then this is an empty recordset - we got no records back Response.Write "No records returned" Else 'We have records so write them out into a table Response.Write "<table><tr>" For i = 0 To rstProperty.Fields.Count - 1 Response.Write "<td>" Response.Write rstProperty.Fields(i).Name Response.Write "</td>" Response.Write "<td> </td>" Next Response.Write "</tr>" Do While rstProperty.Eof = False Response.Write "<tr>" For i = 0 To rstProperty.Fields.Count - 1 Response.Write "<td>" Response.Write rstProperty.Fields(i).Value Response.Write "</td>" Next Response.Write "<td>" Response.Write "<a href='ViewDetails.asp?id='" & rstProperty.Fields("PropertyId").Value & "'>View Details for this property</a>" Response.Write "</td>" Response.Write "</tr>" rstProperty.MoveNext Loop Response.Write "</table>" End If
这 应该 适用于任何参数组合,无论您是不输入参数,输入部分参数还是全部输入!