我有一个带有嵌套的相当复杂的SP(逻辑上),IF BEGIN END ELSE该嵌套逻辑中有多个端点,其中逻辑失败,而我RAISERROR和两个地方导致成功和SQL被执行。
如何在SP的末尾捕获错误并执行 IF Error Count>0 THEN ROLLBACK
DECLARE @errCount int=0 DECLARE @DataSetCount int=0 DECLARE @countCurrent int=0 DECLARE @countHistorical int=0 IF (isnumeric(@DataSetID)=(0) OR @DataSetID=(0)) BEGIN RAISERROR('The DataSet specfied does not appear to be valid', 5, 1) END ELSE IF (@Destination='C' OR @Destination='H') BEGIN if Exists (SELECT NULL from tblOpportunityDataSets where DataSetID=@DataSetID) BEGIN SET @countCurrent=(SELECT COUNT(1) from tblOptyRecordsCurrent where DataSetID=@DataSetID) SET @countHistorical=(SELECT COUNT(1) from tblOptyRecordsHistorical where DataSetID=@DataSetID) IF @destination='C' BEGIN if @countCurrent>0 BEGIN RAISERROR('There are already existing records in the Current Tables for the specified DataSet', 5, 1) END ELSE if @countHistorical=0 BEGIN RAISERROR('There do not appear to be any records in the Historical Tables to transfer for the specified Dataset', 5, 1) END ELSE BEGIN -- ENTER TRANSFER CODE INSERT INTO tblRecordsHistorical ( X, Y, Z ) SELECT X, Y, Z FROM tblA WHERE x=y -- Check that record count in both tables match SET @countCurrent=(SELECT COUNT(1) from tblOptyRecordsCurrent where DataSetID=@DataSetID) SET @countHistorical=(SELECT COUNT(1) from tblOptyRecordsHistorical where DataSetID=@DataSetID) IF (@countCurrent<>@countHistorical) BEGIN RAISERROR('There was an error whilst copying the records into the Historical Tables, Source and Destination Record Count do not match', 5, 1) END ELSE BEGIN END END END ELSE IF @Destination='H' BEGIN if @countHistorical>0 BEGIN RAISERROR('There are already existing records in the Historical Tables for the specified DataSet', 5, 1) END ELSE if @countCurrent=0 BEGIN RAISERROR('There do not appear to be any records in the Historical Tables to transfer for the specified Dataset', 5, 1) END ELSE BEGIN RAISERROR('DataSet Found, ready to transfer records to HISTORICAL', 5, 1) -- ENTER TRANSFER CODE INSERT INTO tblOptyRecordsCurrent ( X, Y, Z ) SELECT X, Y, Z FROM tblB WHERE x=y -- Check that record count in both tables match SET @countCurrent=(SELECT COUNT(1) from tblOptyRecordsCurrent where DataSetID=@DataSetID) SET @countHistorical=(SELECT COUNT(1) from tblOptyRecordsHistorical where DataSetID=@DataSetID) END END END ELSE BEGIN RAISERROR('The DataSet you have specified cannot be found', 5, 1) END END ELSE BEGIN RAISERROR('You have not specified a valid Destination', 5, 1) END
请注意,在包含INSERT INTO代码的两部分中,将至少有两个附加的SQL Action语句,它们必须全部工作或全部失败。
BEGIN TRAN BEGIN TRY -- STATEMENT 1 INSERT INTO X WHERE Y -- STATEMENT 2 DELETE FROM X WHERE Y -- STATEMENT 3 UPDATE X WHERE Y COMMIT END TRY BEGIN CATCH ROLLBACK TRAN RAISERROR('There was an error whilst copying the records into the Current Tables. The Transaction has been rolled back', 5, 1) END CATCH
为了能够执行rollback,您需要begin transaction在开始时执行。
begin transaction
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en- us/library/ms174377
http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh- CN/library/ms175976(v=sql.90).aspx