
SQL Server 的 MAXDOP 设置算法


在设置新的 SQL Server 时,我使用以下代码来确定设置的良好起点MAXDOP

   This will recommend a MAXDOP setting appropriate for your machine's NUMA memory
   configuration.  You will need to evaluate this setting in a non-production 
   environment before moving it to production.

   MAXDOP can be configured using:  
   EXEC sp_configure 'max degree of parallelism',X;

   If this instance is hosting a Sharepoint database, you MUST specify MAXDOP=1 
   (URL wrapped for readability)

   Biztalk (all versions, including 2010): 
   MAXDOP = 1 is only required on the BizTalk Message Box
   database server(s), and must not be changed; all other servers hosting other 
   BizTalk Server databases may return this value to 0 if set.

DECLARE @CoreCount int;
DECLARE @NumaNodes int;

SET @CoreCount = (SELECT i.cpu_count from sys.dm_os_sys_info i);
SET @NumaNodes = (
    SELECT MAX(c.memory_node_id) + 1 
    FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks c 
    WHERE memory_node_id < 64

IF @CoreCount > 4 /* If less than 5 cores, don't bother. */
    DECLARE @MaxDOP int;

    /* 3/4 of Total Cores in Machine */
    SET @MaxDOP = @CoreCount * 0.75; 

    /* if @MaxDOP is greater than the per NUMA node
       Core Count, set @MaxDOP = per NUMA node core count
    IF @MaxDOP > (@CoreCount / @NumaNodes) 
        SET @MaxDOP = (@CoreCount / @NumaNodes) * 0.75;

        Reduce @MaxDOP to an even number 
    SET @MaxDOP = @MaxDOP - (@MaxDOP % 2);

    /* Cap MAXDOP at 8, according to Microsoft */
    IF @MaxDOP > 8 SET @MaxDOP = 8;

    PRINT 'Suggested MAXDOP = ' + CAST(@MaxDOP as varchar(max));
    PRINT 'Suggested MAXDOP = 0 since you have less than 4 cores total.';
    PRINT 'This is the default setting, you likely do not need to do';
    PRINT 'anything.';



阅读 90




最好的方法是——使用 coreinfo(sysinternals 的实用程序),因为这会给你

a. Logical to Physical Processor Map
b. Logical Processor to Socket Map
c. Logical Processor to NUMA Node Map as below :

Logical to Physical Processor Map:
**----------------------  Physical Processor 0 (Hyperthreaded)
--**--------------------  Physical Processor 1 (Hyperthreaded)
----**------------------  Physical Processor 2 (Hyperthreaded)
------**----------------  Physical Processor 3 (Hyperthreaded)
--------**--------------  Physical Processor 4 (Hyperthreaded)
----------**------------  Physical Processor 5 (Hyperthreaded)
------------**----------  Physical Processor 6 (Hyperthreaded)
--------------**--------  Physical Processor 7 (Hyperthreaded)
----------------**------  Physical Processor 8 (Hyperthreaded)
------------------**----  Physical Processor 9 (Hyperthreaded)
--------------------**--  Physical Processor 10 (Hyperthreaded)
----------------------**  Physical Processor 11 (Hyperthreaded)

Logical Processor to Socket Map:
************------------  Socket 0
------------************  Socket 1

Logical Processor to NUMA Node Map:
************------------  NUMA Node 0
------------************  NUMA Node 1

现在,根据上述信息,Ideal MaxDop 设置应计算为

a.  It has 12 CPU’s which are hyper threaded giving us 24 CPUs.
b.  It has 2 NUMA node [Node 0 and 1] each having 12 CPU’s with Hyperthreading ON.
c.  Number of sockets are 2 [socket 0 and 1] which are housing 12 CPU’s each.

Considering all above factors, the max degree of Parallelism should be set to 6 which is ideal value for server with above configuration.

所以答案是——“这取决于”你的处理器占用空间和 NUMA 配置,下表将总结我上面解释的内容:

8 or less processors    ===> 0 to N (where N= no. of processors)
More than 8 processors  ===> 8
NUMA configured         ===> MAXDOP should not exceed no of CPU’s assigned to each 
                                 NUMA node with max value capped to 8
Hyper threading Enabled ===> Should not exceed the number of physical processors.

编辑:下面是一个快速而肮脏的 TSQL 脚本,用于为 MAXDOP 设置生成建议

Author          :   Kin Shah
Purpose         :   Recommend MaxDop settings for the server instance
Tested RDBMS    :   SQL Server 2008R2

declare @hyperthreadingRatio bit
declare @logicalCPUs int
declare @HTEnabled int
declare @physicalCPU int
declare @SOCKET int
declare @logicalCPUPerNuma int
declare @NoOfNUMA int

select @logicalCPUs = cpu_count -- [Logical CPU Count]
    ,@hyperthreadingRatio = hyperthread_ratio --  [Hyperthread Ratio]
    ,@physicalCPU = cpu_count / hyperthread_ratio -- [Physical CPU Count]
    ,@HTEnabled = case 
        when cpu_count > hyperthread_ratio
            then 1
        else 0
        end -- HTEnabled
from sys.dm_os_sys_info
option (recompile);

select @logicalCPUPerNuma = COUNT(parent_node_id) -- [NumberOfLogicalProcessorsPerNuma]
from sys.dm_os_schedulers
where [status] = 'VISIBLE ONLINE'
    and parent_node_id < 64
group by parent_node_id
option (recompile);

select @NoOfNUMA = count(distinct parent_node_id)
from sys.dm_os_schedulers -- find NO OF NUMA Nodes 
where [status] = 'VISIBLE ONLINE'
    and parent_node_id < 64

-- Report the recommendations ....
    --- 8 or less processors and NO HT enabled
        when @logicalCPUs < 8
            and @HTEnabled = 0
            then 'MAXDOP setting should be : ' + CAST(@logicalCPUs as varchar(3))
                --- 8 or more processors and NO HT enabled
        when @logicalCPUs >= 8
            and @HTEnabled = 0
            then 'MAXDOP setting should be : 8'
                --- 8 or more processors and HT enabled and NO NUMA
        when @logicalCPUs >= 8
            and @HTEnabled = 1
            and @NoofNUMA = 1
            then 'MaxDop setting should be : ' + CAST(@logicalCPUPerNuma / @physicalCPU as varchar(3))
                --- 8 or more processors and HT enabled and NUMA
        when @logicalCPUs >= 8
            and @HTEnabled = 1
            and @NoofNUMA > 1
            then 'MaxDop setting should be : ' + CAST(@logicalCPUPerNuma / @physicalCPU as varchar(3))
        else ''
        end as Recommendations
