我试图在 Django 应用程序中定义路由,但它一直向我显示这样的错误:-
Using the URLconf defined in gptclone.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order: chat [name='home'] about [name='about'] api [name='chatAPI'] The empty path didn’t match any of these
虽然我已经在我的应用程序 urls.py 中定义了这样的路由:
from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path from home.views import home, about, chatAPI urlpatterns = [ path('chat',home,name='home'), path('about', about, name = 'about'), path('api', chatAPI, name ='chatAPI'), ]
在我的项目 urls.py 中,我已经有了:
from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import path, include urlpatterns = [ path('', include('home.urls')) ]
您还没有指向基本 URL 的路径 + 视图!
[ # myproject.url path('', include('home.urls')) # include, NOT an actual view # myapp.url (included) path('chat',home,name='home'), # localhost:8000/chat path('about', about, name = 'about'), # localhost:8000/about path('api', chatAPI, name ='chatAPI'), # localhost:8000/api ]
因此,如果您想要一个 localhost:8000/ 的视图,您只需在您的应用程序 urls.py 中添加一个,例如:
[ path('',home,name='home'), # localhost:8000/ path('about', about, name = 'about'), # localhost:8000/about # etc ]
我通常会这样想这些include陈述,prepend blah to all of these urls 所以也许这样想会有所帮助。
prepend blah to all of these urls