
Python:如果我用 elif 替换 if 语句,我的程序将拒绝工作


我正在为大学二年级做准备,在我们被要求做的一项练习中,我有几个与 if 语句相关的问题

我们必须编写一个 Todo 应用程序,有一次练习要求我们用 elif 替换“显示”、“编辑”、“退出”和“完成”的 if 语句

问题是当我尝试用 elif 替换原来的 if 语句时,我的程序根本不起作用


prompt = " Add or show  or type exit to quit the programm  or edit to edit a item in your list  : "
list = []

while True:
    useraction = input(prompt + " you can also right  completed to remove an task that you have done ")
    useraction = useraction.strip()
    if "add" in useraction:
        todo = useraction[4:]
        with open("app.txt", "r") as file:
            list = file.readlines()

        with open("app.txt", "w") as file:

    elif "completed" in useraction:
        num = int(input("Please right the number of the task that is completed"))
        with open("app.txt", "r") as file:
            list = file.readlines()
        list.pop(num - 1)

    print("That task has been completed, congratulation!")

    if "show" in useraction:
        with open("app.txt", "r") as file:
            list = file.readlines()

        for index, item in enumerate(list):
            item = item.strip("\n")
            row = f"{index + 1}-{item}"
            row = row.title()

    if "exit" in useraction:

    if "edit" in useraction:
        number = int(input("please right the number of the item that you want to modify : "))
        number = number - 1

        with open("app.txt", "r") as file:
            list = file.readlines()
        new_todo = input("please right the new thing that you want to do : ")
        list[number] = new_todo
    with open("app.txt", "w") as file:

print("Bye !")

When i decide to put the elif statement  in the code this is what happen :

prompt = " Add or show  or type exit to quit the programm  or edit to edit a item in your list  : "
list = []

while True:
    useraction = input(prompt + " you can also right  completed to remove an task that you have done ")
    useraction = useraction.strip()
    if "add" in useraction:
        todo = useraction[4:]
        with open("app.txt", "r") as file:
            list = file.readlines()

        with open("app.txt", "w") as file:

    elif "completed" in useraction:
        num = int(input("Please right the number of the task that is completed"))
        with open("app.txt", "r") as file:
            list = file.readlines()
        list.pop(num - 1)

    print("That task has been completed, congratulation!")

    elif "show" in useraction:
        with open("app.txt", "r") as file:
            list = file.readlines()

        for index, item in enumerate(list):
            item = item.strip("\n")
            row = f"{index + 1}-{item}"
            row = row.title()

    elif "exit" in useraction:

    elif "edit" in useraction:
        number = int(input("please right the number of the item that you want to modify : "))
        number = number - 1

        with open("app.txt", "r") as file:
            list = file.readlines()
        new_todo = input("please right the new thing that you want to do : ")
        list[number] = new_todo
    with open("app.txt", "w") as file:

print("Bye !")

我有超过 16 个错误,其中大部分与以下相关:

预期声明,发现 Py:ELIF_KEYWORD 变量注释的非法目标预期表达式等…

阅读 168




从你提供的代码中,我可以看到你的 elif 语句的缩进不正确,导致出现语法错误。在 Python 中,缩进非常重要,它用于指示代码块的开始和结束。请注意 elif 语句应该与前面的 if 语句对齐,并且应该在同一级别的缩进下。


prompt = "Add or show or type 'exit' to quit the program or 'edit' to edit an item in your list: "
lst = []

while True:
    useraction = input(prompt + "You can also type 'completed' to remove a task that you have done: ")
    useraction = useraction.strip()

    if "add" in useraction:
        todo = useraction[4:]
        with open("app.txt", "r") as file:
            lst = file.readlines()

        with open("app.txt", "w") as file:

    elif "completed" in useraction:
        num = int(input("Please write the number of the task that is completed: "))
        with open("app.txt", "r") as file:
            lst = file.readlines()
        lst.pop(num - 1)
        print("That task has been completed, congratulations!")

    elif "show" in useraction:
        with open("app.txt", "r") as file:
            lst = file.readlines()

        for index, item in enumerate(lst):
            item = item.strip("\n")
            row = f"{index + 1}-{item}"
            row = row.title()

    elif "exit" in useraction:

    elif "edit" in useraction:
        number = int(input("Please write the number of the item that you want to modify: "))
        number = number - 1

        with open("app.txt", "r") as file:
            lst = file.readlines()
        new_todo = input("Please write the new thing that you want to do: ")
        lst[number] = new_todo

        with open("app.txt", "w") as file:


请注意,我还修改了变量名将 list 改为 lst,因为 list 是Python的内置类型名称,最好不要用作变量名,以避免混淆。

