
Batch Processing in Android using Retrofit


I am trying to achieve batch processing in android in java using retrofit. I have a batch payload with me, when i use it in postman it gives me a response of 201 with the correct body, but when i try it in android i get 400 bad request error code.

Below is my code in android java:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    RecyclerView recyclerView;
    String userName = "demo", password = "demo@2022";
    String baseUrl = "https://hello.test.demo.com/ddry/";
    Button getData;
    ApiService apiService;
    RecyclerAdaptor adapter;
    void onCreate ( Bundle savedInstanceState ) {
        super.onCreate ( savedInstanceState );
        setContentView ( R.layout.activity_main );

        recyclerView = findViewById ( R.id.recyclerView );
        recyclerView.setLayoutManager ( new LinearLayoutManager ( this ) );
        recyclerView.addItemDecoration ( new DividerItemDecoration ( this ) );
        getData = findViewById ( R.id.getDataButton );
        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder ( ).addInterceptor ( new BasicAuthInterceptor ( userName ,
                password ) ).build ( );
        Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder ( ).baseUrl ( baseUrl ).client ( client ).addConverterFactory ( GsonConverterFactory.create ( new GsonBuilder ( ).setLenient ( ).create ( ) ) ).build ( );
        apiService = retrofit.create ( ApiService.class );

//        getDataRetro();
        getData.setOnClickListener ( new View.OnClickListener ( ) {
            void onClick ( View v ) {
                executeBatch ( );
        } );
    void executeBatch () {
        String batchPayload ="--batch\n"
                + "Content-Type: application/http\n"
                + "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n"
                + "\n"
                + "GET WarehouseTask?$filter=WarehouseOrder+eq+'7550' HTTP/1.1\n"
                + "Content-Type: application/json\n"
                + "Accept: application/json\n"
                + "sap-cancel-on-close: true\n"
                + "sap-contextid-accept: header\n"
                + "\n"
                + "\n"
                + "--batch--";
//        String encodedBody=Base64.encodeToString(batchPayload.getBytes(), Base64.DEFAULT);
        RequestBody batchRequestBody = BatchUtils.createBatchRequestBody ( batchPayload );
        Call<Response1> call = apiService.postBatch ( batchPayload ,
                "application/json" ,
                "multipart/mixed; boundary=batch" );
        call.enqueue ( new Callback<Response1> ( ) {
            void onResponse ( Call<Response1> call , Response<Response1> response ) {
                String jsonreesponse = String.valueOf ( response.code ( ) );
                if ( !response.isSuccessful ( ) ) {
                    Toast.makeText ( getApplicationContext ( ) ,
                            "Error: " + response.code ( ) ,
                            Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show ( );
                Response1 response2 = response.body ( );
                String contentType = response.headers().get("Content-Type");
                if (contentType != null && contentType.contains("application/json")) {
                    String jsonResponse = response.body ().toString();
                    Response1 response1 = new Gson ().fromJson(jsonResponse, Response1.class);
                    List<Item1> arr = response1.getD().getResults();
                    adapter = new RecyclerAdaptor(arr);
                } else {
                    Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Error: Invalid content type", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//                List<Item1> arr = response1.getD ( ).getResults ( );
//                adapter = new RecyclerAdaptor ( arr );
//                recyclerView.setAdapter ( adapter );
            void onFailure ( Call<Response1> call , Throwable t ) {

                Toast.makeText ( getApplicationContext ( ) ,
                        "Error: " + t.getMessage ( ) ,
                        Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show ( );
        } );
    class RecyclerAdaptor extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerAdaptor.ViewHolder> {
        private List<Item1> data;
        RecyclerAdaptor ( List<Item1> data ) {
            this.data = data;
        RecyclerAdaptor.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder ( @NonNull ViewGroup parent , int viewType ) {
            View view = LayoutInflater.from ( parent.getContext ( ) ).inflate ( R.layout.item_recyclerview ,
                    parent ,
                    false );
            return new RecyclerAdaptor.ViewHolder ( view );
        void onBindViewHolder ( @NonNull RecyclerAdaptor.ViewHolder holder , int position ) {
            Item1 woTask = data.get ( position );
            holder.bindData ( woTask );
        int getItemCount () {
//            return data.size();
            return Math.min ( data.size ( ) ,
                    5 );
        class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
            private ImageView icon;
            private TextView warehouseNo, warehouseOrder, delivery, sourceHu;
            ViewHolder ( View itemView ) {
                super ( itemView );
                warehouseNo = itemView.findViewById ( R.id.WarehouseNumber );
                warehouseOrder = itemView.findViewById ( R.id.WarehouseOrder );
                delivery = itemView.findViewById ( R.id.DeliveryNumber );
                sourceHu = itemView.findViewById ( R.id.SourceHU );
            void bindData ( Item1 woTask ) {
                warehouseNo.setText ( "WarehouseTask: " + woTask.getWarehouseTask ( ) );
                warehouseOrder.setText ( "WarehouseOrder: " + woTask.getWarehouseOrder ( ) );
                delivery.setText ( "DeliveryNumber: " + woTask.getDelivery ( ) );
                sourceHu.setText ( "SourceHU: " + woTask.getSourceStorageBin ( ) );

                // Set the icon image based on some logic, if needed.
                // icon.setImageResource(R.drawable.your_icon);

                itemView.setOnClickListener ( new View.OnClickListener ( ) {
                    void onClick ( View view ) {
                        // Get the selected item from the RecyclerView
                        Item1 selectedWOTask = data.get ( getAdapterPosition ( ) );
                } );
interface ApiService {
    Call<Response1> postBatch(`your text`
//          @Query("$batch") RequestBody batchPayload,
            @Body String batchPayload,
            @Header("Accept") String acceptHeader,
            @Header("Content-Type") String contentTypeHeader

above is my code and the interface used for retrofit.

阅读 66




It appears that you are trying to make a batch request using Retrofit in Android. The issue might be related to the way you are sending the batch request payload or the headers.

Here are a few suggestions to troubleshoot and modify your code:

  1. Update the ApiService interface:
  2. Update the postBatch method to use @Body for the payload and add @HeaderMap for headers.
  3. Make sure the Content-Type header is set correctly for the batch request.
public interface ApiService {
    Call<Response1> postBatch(
            @Body RequestBody batchPayload,
            @HeaderMap Map<String, String> headers
  1. Modify the executeBatch method:
  2. Instead of directly passing the payload as a string, create a RequestBody using MediaType.
  3. Pass the necessary headers using a Map.
public void executeBatch() {
    String batchPayload = "--batch\n" +
            // ... (your existing payload)

    MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("multipart/mixed; boundary=batch");
    RequestBody batchRequestBody = RequestBody.create(mediaType, batchPayload);

    Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
    headers.put("Accept", "application/json");
    headers.put("Content-Type", "multipart/mixed; boundary=batch");

    Call<Response1> call = apiService.postBatch(batchRequestBody, headers);

    // ... (rest of your code)
  1. Check the server requirements:
  2. Ensure that the server expects the batch request in the format you are sending.
  3. Check if the server requires any specific headers or configurations for batch requests.
  4. Check for errors in the server response:
  5. Log the entire server response to see if it provides more information about the error.
public void onResponse(Call<Response1> call, Response<Response1> response) {
    if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
        Log.e("BatchRequest", "Error: " + response.code());
        try {
            Log.e("BatchRequest", "Error body: " + response.errorBody().string());
        } catch (IOException e) {
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Error: " + response.code(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    // ... (rest of your code)

By making these adjustments, you can ensure that the batch request payload and headers are constructed correctly for Retrofit. If the issue persists, examining the server logs or documentation for more details about the error may be helpful.
