There is an array consisting of a set of instructions [toggle 461,550 through 564,900] - this is the first element of the array, there are many of them.
Here, this text should be turned into this form
const instruction = "toggle"; const start = { row: 461, col: 550, }; const end = { row: 564, col: 900, };
To achieve this, you can use regular expressions to extract the relevant information from the instruction string. Here’s a JavaScript function that parses the instruction and returns the desired format:
function parseInstruction(instruction) { const regex = /(\w+) (\d+),(\d+) through (\d+),(\d+)/; const match = instruction.match(regex); if (!match) { // Handle invalid instruction format console.error("Invalid instruction format:", instruction); return null; } const [_, action, startRow, startCol, endRow, endCol] = match; const start = { row: parseInt(startRow, 10), col: parseInt(startCol, 10), }; const end = { row: parseInt(endRow, 10), col: parseInt(endCol, 10), }; return { action, start, end, }; } // Example usage: const instructionString = "toggle 461,550 through 564,900"; const parsedInstruction = parseInstruction(instructionString); if (parsedInstruction) { console.log(parsedInstruction); } else { console.log("Failed to parse instruction."); }
This function uses a regular expression to match and capture the action (“toggle”) and the coordinates. The captured values are then converted to integers and organized into the desired format.
Note: This assumes that the instruction string is well-formed. If there’s a possibility of variations in the instruction format, you might need to adjust the regular expression or add additional validation.