
React remix middleware and database connection


I am facing a problem that is Remix doesn’t have a middleware before a loader function. In Express we have middlewares to authenticate a user. I am calling isAuth function in every loader and action function for authenticating.

export let loader = async ({ request }) => {
  await isAuth(request);
  const users = await getAllUsers();

  return json({ users }, { status: 200 });

and also I am connecting my database in every utility function.

export const getAllUsers = async () => {
  await dbconnect();
  return await User.find();

export const getUser = async (id) => {
  await dbconnect();
  return await User.findById(id);

So is there a better way of doing it?

阅读 79




In Remix, you can use the getData function to run logic before the loader runs, similar to middleware in Express. The getData function can be defined in your route file and is executed before the loader and action functions. You can use it to handle authentication, connect to the database, or perform any other necessary tasks.

Here’s an example:

// routes/some-route.js

import { json, redirect } from '@remix-run/node';
import { dbconnect, isAuth } from '../utils/auth';
import { getAllUsers } from '../utils/user';

export let getData = async ({ request }) => {
  await isAuth(request);
  await dbconnect();

export let loader = async () => {
  const users = await getAllUsers();

  return json({ users }, { status: 200 });

In this example:

  1. The getData function runs first and calls isAuth and dbconnect to handle authentication and connect to the database.
  2. The loader function runs afterward, utilizing the authenticated user and the connected database.

This way, you centralize your authentication and database connection logic in the getData function, making it more modular and easier to manage. If an error occurs during authentication or database connection in getData, it will prevent the loader function from running.

Keep in mind that Remix encourages the use of higher-level hooks like useEffect and useMemo for handling side effects and data fetching within your components. However, for tasks like authentication and database connection that need to run before rendering, using getData in the route file is a good approach.
