
Go: imported a struct from git, only one member is undefined, rest two are found by the compiler


Please ignore the paths, they are only for reference. The issue is with the struct import.

Here is my Go code


import (


func someFoo(cloudName string) {

    var platform constants.PLATFORM
    if cloudName  == "azure" {
        platform = constants.AZURE
    } else if cloudName  == "aws" {
        platform = constants.AWS
    } else if cloudName  == "gcp" {
        platform = constants.GCP

    fmt.Sprintf("The cloud is %s", platform)

Here is the git.com/common/constants

package constants

type PLATFORM string

const (
    AWS   PLATFORM = "aws"
    AZURE PLATFORM = "azure"
    GCP   PLATFORM = "gcp"

[EDIT -start-] As requested here is my go.mod

module git.com/folder/folder/my-app

go 1.18

replace git.com/common => /go/src/git.com/common

require (
    git.com/common v1.2.0

[EDIT -end-]

And when compiled in the gitlab I am getting this error: src/business-logic/foo.go: undefined: constants.GCP

Go version: 1.18

I am very new to the GO and did not find any related answers on the stack overflow.

阅读 82




It looks like you have a module-aware project, and you’re using a replace directive in your go.mod file to point to a local directory for the git.com/common package. The error you’re encountering, undefined: constants.GCP, suggests that the constants package is not being imported correctly.

Given the project structure and the use of modules, make sure you’re importing the correct path in your foo.go file. The import path in your foo.go file should match the module path specified in your go.mod file.

Here is how you can adjust your import in foo.go:

import (


func someFoo(cloudName string) {

    var platform constants.PLATFORM
    if cloudName == "azure" {
        platform = constants.AZURE
    } else if cloudName == "aws" {
        platform = constants.AWS
    } else if cloudName == "gcp" {
        platform = constants.GCP

    fmt.Sprintf("The cloud is %s", platform)

Make sure that the import path corresponds to the correct structure within your module.

Additionally, ensure that your constants package is in the correct location relative to your module root. It should be inside the common directory within your project structure.

After making these changes, try to build your project again. If the issue persists, check that the constants package is in the correct module and has the correct export identifiers. The constants.GCP should be accessible if it’s properly exported from the constants package.
