
Is it possible to transform these three functions into one?


Is it possible to transform these three functions into one?

def percentage_liked(ratings):
    list_liked = [i>=4 for i in ratings]
    # TODO: Complete the function
    percentage_liked = list_liked.count(True)/len(list_liked)
    return percentage_liked

def percentage_not_liked(ratings):
    list_liked = [i<=2 for i in ratings]
    # TODO: Complete the function
    percentage_not_liked = list_liked.count(True)/len(list_liked)
    return percentage_not_liked

def neutral_liked(ratings):
    list_liked = [i==3 for i in ratings]
    # TODO: Complete the function
    neutral_liked = list_liked.count(True)/len(list_liked)
    return neutral_like

阅读 85




Yes, you can consolidate these three functions into one by adding a parameter to specify the condition. Here’s an example:

def calculate_percentage(ratings, condition):
    list_liked = [condition(i) for i in ratings]
    # TODO: Complete the function
    percentage = list_liked.count(True) / len(list_liked)
    return percentage

# Example usage:
ratings = [4, 5, 3, 2, 4, 1, 3]
percentage_liked = calculate_percentage(ratings, lambda x: x >= 4)
percentage_not_liked = calculate_percentage(ratings, lambda x: x <= 2)
neutral_liked = calculate_percentage(ratings, lambda x: x == 3)

print(f"Percentage Liked: {percentage_liked}")
print(f"Percentage Not Liked: {percentage_not_liked}")
print(f"Neutral Liked: {neutral_liked}")

In this example, the calculate_percentage function takes a ratings list and a condition function as parameters. The condition function is a lambda function that specifies the condition for each case (liked, not liked, neutral). This way, you can reuse the same function for different conditions.
