现在假设我创建了一个获取操作来删除客户端,如果它失败了,我在客户端减速器中有一些代码应该做一些事情,但我也想在 AppToolbar 中显示一些全局错误。
但是客户端和 AppToolbar 减速器不共享状态的同一部分,因此我无法在减速器中创建新的动作。
更新 1:
我忘了说我用的是este devstack
更新 2: 我将 Eric 的答案标记为正确,但我不得不说,我在本例中使用的解决方案更像是 Eric 和 Dan 的答案的组合......您只需要在代码中找到最适合您的内容......
在 Redux 应用程序中使用单独的 Reducer 来处理状态的不同部分,处理全局错误确实很有挑战性。以下是处理这种情况的结构化方法:
// actionTypes.js export const DELETE_CLIENT_FAILURE = 'DELETE_CLIENT_FAILURE'; export const GLOBAL_ERROR = 'GLOBAL_ERROR'; // actionCreators.js export const deleteClientFailure = (error) => ({ type: DELETE_CLIENT_FAILURE, error, }); export const globalError = (error) => ({ type: GLOBAL_ERROR, error, });
// globalErrorReducer.js import { GLOBAL_ERROR } from './actionTypes'; const initialState = { message: null, }; const globalErrorReducer = (state = initialState, action) => { switch (action.type) { case GLOBAL_ERROR: return { ...state, message: action.error, }; default: return state; } }; export default globalErrorReducer;
// rootReducer.js import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; import clientsReducer from './clientsReducer'; import appToolbarReducer from './appToolbarReducer'; import globalErrorReducer from './globalErrorReducer'; const rootReducer = combineReducers({ clients: clientsReducer, appToolbar: appToolbarReducer, globalError: globalErrorReducer, }); export default rootReducer;
如果您使用 Redux Thunk,请在异步操作中处理错误并分派全局错误操作:
// clientActions.js import { deleteClientFailure, globalError } from './actionCreators'; export const deleteClient = (clientId) => { return async (dispatch) => { try { // Assume deleteClientApi is a function that deletes a client await deleteClientApi(clientId); // Dispatch success action if needed } catch (error) { dispatch(deleteClientFailure(error.message)); dispatch(globalError('Failed to delete client. Please try again.')); } }; };
如果您使用 Redux Saga,请在 saga 中以类似的方式处理错误:
// clientSagas.js import { call, put, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'; import { DELETE_CLIENT_REQUEST, deleteClientFailure, globalError } from './actionCreators'; import { deleteClientApi } from './api'; function* deleteClientSaga(action) { try { yield call(deleteClientApi, action.payload.clientId); // Dispatch success action if needed } catch (error) { yield put(deleteClientFailure(error.message)); yield put(globalError('Failed to delete client. Please try again.')); } } export function* watchDeleteClient() { yield takeEvery(DELETE_CLIENT_REQUEST, deleteClientSaga); }
// AppToolbar.js import React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; const AppToolbar = ({ errorMessage }) => ( <div> {errorMessage && <div className="error-message">{errorMessage}</div>} {/* Other toolbar contents */} </div> ); const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({ errorMessage: state.globalError.message, }); export default connect(mapStateToProps)(AppToolbar);
此设置可确保错误可以全局处理并显示在AppToolbar组件中,而无需紧密耦合您的 Reducer。每个 Reducer 都专注于其自己的状态部分,而全局错误状态则处理整个应用程序的错误。