我目前在 Python 中使用 NumPy 执行此操作,如下所示(作为参考,此代码运行时间为 0.2 秒)。虽然效果很好,但我希望加快速度,因为我在代码中多次调用该函数(它占我项目中涉及的计算的 90% 以上)。
我正在寻找任何方法来改进此代码的运行时间,而无需并行化(即只有 1 个 CPU)。我很乐意使用 Python 中的任何公开可用的包,或者调用 C 或 C++(因为我听说这可以将运行时间提高一个数量级)。预处理数据矩阵Z也可以。可以利用一些方法来更好地计算,例如向量rho通常是稀疏的(大约 50% 的条目 = 0),并且行数通常比列数多得多(在大多数情况下n_cols <= 100)
n_cols <= 100
import time import numpy as np np.__config__.show() #make sure BLAS/LAPACK is being used np.random.seed(seed = 0) #initialize data matrix X and label vector Y n_rows, n_cols = 1e6, 100 X = np.random.random(size=(n_rows, n_cols)) Y = np.random.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(n_rows, 1)) Y[Y==0] = -1 Z = X*Y # all operations are carried out on Z def compute_logistic_loss_value_and_slope(rho, Z): #compute the value and slope of the logistic loss function in a way that is numerically stable #loss_value: (1 x 1) scalar = 1/n_rows * sum(log( 1 .+ exp(-Z*rho)) #loss_slope: (n_cols x 1) vector = 1/n_rows * sum(-Z*rho ./ (1+exp(-Z*rho)) #see also: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20085768/ scores = Z.dot(rho) pos_idx = scores > 0 exp_scores_pos = np.exp(-scores[pos_idx]) exp_scores_neg = np.exp(scores[~pos_idx]) #compute loss value loss_value = np.empty_like(scores) loss_value[pos_idx] = np.log(1.0 + exp_scores_pos) loss_value[~pos_idx] = -scores[~pos_idx] + np.log(1.0 + exp_scores_neg) loss_value = loss_value.mean() #compute loss slope phi_slope = np.empty_like(scores) phi_slope[pos_idx] = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_scores_pos) phi_slope[~pos_idx] = exp_scores_neg / (1.0 + exp_scores_neg) loss_slope = Z.T.dot(phi_slope - 1.0) / Z.shape[0] return loss_value, loss_slope #initialize a vector of integers where more than half of the entries = 0 rho_test = np.random.randint(low=-10, high=10, size=(n_cols, 1)) set_to_zero = np.random.choice(range(0,n_cols), size =(np.floor(n_cols/2), 1), replace=False) rho_test[set_to_zero] = 0.0 start_time = time.time() loss_value, loss_slope = compute_logistic_loss_value_and_slope(rho_test, Z) print "total runtime = %1.5f seconds" % (time.time() - start_time)
由于您提到rho稀疏(大约 50% 的条目为零),因此scipy.sparse要避免不必要的Z。
import numpy as np impo import scipy.sparse as sp # Assuming 'rho_test' is the sparse vector rho_sparse = sp.csr_matrix(rho_test) rho_sparse = sp.csr_matrix(rho_test) de rho_sparse = sp.csr_matrix(rho rho_sparse = sp.csr_matr rho_sparse = sp.c rho_spars def compute_logistic_loss_value_and_slope(rho, Z): # Convert rho to a sparse matrix (CSR format) rho_sparse = sp.csr_matrix(rho) rho_sparse = sp.csr_matrix(rho) rho_sparse = sp.csr_matrix(rho) rho_sparse = sp.csr_matrix(rho rho_sparse = sp.csr_matri rho_sparse = sp.csr rho_sparse = rho_sp # Compute the scores (Z.dot(rho)) only for non-zero entries in rho scores = Z.dot(rho_sparse.toarray()) scores = Z.dot(rho_sparse.toa scores = Z.dot(rh # Convert sparse to dense for the multiplication # Efficient handling of the positive/negative indices pos_idx = scores > pos_idx = scor pos_ 0 exp_scores_pos = np.exp(-scores[pos_idx]) exp_scores_neg = np.exp(scores[~pos_idx]) exp_scores_pos = np.exp(-scores[pos_idx]) exp_scores_neg = np.exp(scores[~pos_idx]) exp_scores_pos = np.exp(-scores[pos_idx]) exp_scores_neg = np.exp(scores[~pos_ exp_scores_pos = np.exp(-scores[pos_idx]) exp_scores_neg = np.exp(score exp_scores_pos = np.exp(-scores[pos_idx]) exp_scores_neg = np.e exp_scores_pos = np.exp(-scores[pos_idx]) exp_scores_n exp_scores_pos = np.exp(-scores[pos_idx]) exp exp_scores_pos = np.exp(-scores[pos_idx exp_scores_pos = np.e exp_scores_pos exp_sc # Compute loss value loss_value = np.empty_like(scores) loss_value[pos_idx] = np.log( loss_value = np.empty_like(scores) loss_value[pos_idx] = np.lo loss_value = np.empty_like(scores) loss_value[pos_idx] = loss_value = np.empty_like(scores) loss_value[pos_id loss_value = np.empty_like(scores) loss_value[ loss_value = np.empty_like(scores) loss loss_value = np.empty_like(scores) loss_value = np.empty_like(s loss_value = np.emp loss_value = loss_v 1.0 + exp_scores_pos) loss_value[~pos_idx] = -scores[~pos_idx] + np.log( loss_value[~pos_idx] = -scores[~pos_idx] + loss_value[~pos_idx] = -scores[~pos_id loss_value[~pos_idx] = -scores[~ loss_value[~pos_idx] = -s loss_value[~pos_id loss_v lo 1.0 + exp_scores_neg) loss_value = loss_value.mean() loss_value = loss_value.mean() loss_value = loss_value.mea loss_value = loss_ loss_val # Compute loss slope phi_slope = np.empty_like(scores) phi_slope[pos_idx] = phi_slope = np.empty_like(scores) phi_slope[pos_idx] phi_slope = np.empty_like(scores) phi_slope[pos_id phi_slope = np.empty_like(scores) phi_slope[pos phi_slope = np.empty_like(scores) phi_slope[ phi_slope = np.empty_like(scores) phi_sl phi_slope = np.empty_like(scores) ph phi_slope = np.empty_like(scores) phi_slope = np.empty_like(score phi_slope = np.empty_like phi_slope = np.empt phi_slope = phi_ 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_scores_pos) phi_slope[~pos_idx] = exp_scores_neg / ( phi_slope[~pos_idx] = exp_sco 1.0 + exp_scores_neg) loss_slope = Z.T.dot(phi_slope - loss_slope = Z.T.dot(phi_sl loss_slope = Z.T.do loss_slope 1.0) / Z.shape[0] return loss_value, loss_slope
为了提高数值稳定性并避免计算对数和指数时出现溢出问题,可以使用np.logaddexp。此函数log(1 + exp(x))以数值稳定的方式进行计算。
log(1 + exp(x))
loss_value[pos_idx] = np.log(1.0 + exp_scores_pos) loss_value[~pos_idx] = -scores[~pos_idx] + np.log(1.0 + exp_scores_neg)
loss_value = np.logaddexp(0, -scores) # for positive scores loss_value[~pos_idx] = -scores[~pos_idx] + np.logaddexp(0, scores) # for negative scores
def compute_logistic_loss_value_and_slope(rho, Z): # Only compute for non-zero entries of rho non_zero_idx = np.nonzero(rho)[0] # Get indices where rho is non-zero # Create a submatrix of Z for only the relevant columns Z_sub = Z[:, non_zero_idx] # Submatrix of Z corresponding to non-zero rho elements rho_sub = rho[non_zero_idx] # Only non-zero rho values # Compute the scores (Z.dot(rho)) only for relevant columns scores = Z_sub.dot(rho_sub) pos_idx = scores > 0 exp_scores_pos = np.exp(-scores[pos_idx]) exp_scores_neg = np.exp(scores[~pos_idx]) # Compute loss value loss_value = np.empty_like(scores) loss_value[pos_idx] = np.log(1.0 + exp_scores_pos) loss_value[~pos_idx] = -scores[~pos_idx] + np.log(1.0 + exp_scores_neg) loss_value = loss_value.mean() # Compute loss slope phi_slope = np.empty_like(scores) phi_slope[pos_idx] = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_scores_pos) phi_slope[~pos_idx] = exp_scores_neg / (1.0 + exp_scores_neg) # For the slope, extend back to the full matrix Z loss_slope = np.zeros(Z.shape[1]) loss_slope[non_zero_idx] = Z_sub.T.dot(phi_slope - 1.0) / Z.shape[0] return loss_value, loss_slope
如果需要进一步提高性能,您可能需要考虑使用Numba或Cython加快计算速度。这些工具允许您将 Python 代码编译为机器代码以提高性能,尤其是对于数值运算。
这是您的函数的一个简单的 Numba 加速版本:
import numba from numba import jit @jit(nopython=True) def compute_logistic_loss_value_and_slope(rho, Z): scores = Z.dot(rho) pos_idx = scores > 0 exp_scores_pos = np.exp(-scores[pos_idx]) exp_scores_neg = np.exp(scores[~pos_idx]) loss_value = np.empty_like(scores) loss_value[pos_idx] = np.log(1.0 + exp_scores_pos) loss_value[~pos_idx] = -scores[~pos_idx] + np.log(1.0 + exp_scores_neg) loss_value = loss_value.mean() phi_slope = np.empty_like(scores) phi_slope[pos_idx] = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp_scores_pos) phi_slope[~pos_idx] = exp_scores_neg / (1.0 + exp_scores_neg) loss_slope = Z.T.dot(phi_slope - 1.0) / Z.shape[0] return loss_value, loss_slope