我需要帮助,如何根据下拉菜单中选择的文件名打开 html 文件。
当我单击“显示数据”时,它直接转到其他浏览器。它没有将我的 html 文件显示为附加图像。
我只是想,当我在下拉列表中选择一个 html 文件然后单击“显示数据”时,它就会打开我的 html 文件。
from tkinter import * from functools import partial import os import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk #import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox, ttk import pandas as pd import webbrowser from webbrowser import open as openlink import urllib def open(file_menu): filename = file_menu.get() webbrowser.open(filename) def clear_data(): tv1.delete(*tv1.get_children()) return None folder = os.path.realpath(r'C:\Users\Downloads\testing') filelist = [fname for fname in os.listdir(folder)] master = tk.Tk() master.geometry('1200x800') master.title('THB') # Frame for TreeView frame0 = tk.LabelFrame(master, text="Chapter",background="light grey") frame0.place(height=500, width=1200, rely=0.0, relx=0.0) optmenu = ttk.Combobox(frame0, values=filelist, state='readonly') optmenu.pack(fill='x') button_select = tk.Button(frame0, text="Show Data", width=15, height=2, compound=tk.CENTER, command=partial(open, optmenu)) button_select.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.5) button_select.pack(side=tk.TOP) # Frame for TreeView frame1 = tk.LabelFrame(master, text="Data",background="light blue") frame1.place(height=500, width=1200, rely=0.2, relx=0.0) ## Treeview Widget tv1 = ttk.Treeview(frame1) tv1.place(relheight=1, relwidth=1) # set the height and width of the widget to 100% of its container (frame1). treescrolly = tk.Scrollbar(frame1, orient="vertical", command=tv1.yview) # command means update the yaxis view of the widget treescrollx = tk.Scrollbar(frame1, orient="horizontal", command=tv1.xview) # command means update the xaxis view of the widget tv1.configure(xscrollcommand=treescrollx.set, yscrollcommand=treescrolly.set) # assign the scrollbars to the Treeview Widget treescrollx.pack(side="bottom", fill="x") # make the scrollbar fill the x axis of the Treeview widget treescrolly.pack(side="right", fill="y") # make the scrollbar fill the y axis of the Treeview widget master.mainloop()
固定部分def open(file_menu)::
def open(file_menu):
def open(file_menu): filename = file_menu.get() open_in_browser_link = f"file://{os.path.join(folder, filename)}" print(open_in_browser_link) webbrowser.open(open_in_browser_link)
from tkinter import * from functools import partial import os import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk #import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox, ttk import pandas as pd import webbrowser from webbrowser import open as openlink import urllib def open(file_menu): filename = file_menu.get() open_in_browser_link = f"file://{os.path.join(folder, filename)}" print(open_in_browser_link) webbrowser.open(open_in_browser_link) def clear_data(): tv1.delete(*tv1.get_children()) return None folder = os.path.realpath(r'C:\Users\Downloads\testing') filelist = [fname for fname in os.listdir(folder)] master = tk.Tk() master.geometry('1200x800') master.title('THB') # Frame for TreeView frame0 = tk.LabelFrame(master, text="Chapter",background="light grey") frame0.place(height=500, width=1200, rely=0.0, relx=0.0) optmenu = ttk.Combobox(frame0, values=filelist, state='readonly') optmenu.pack(fill='x') button_select = tk.Button(frame0, text="Show Data", width=15, height=2, compound=tk.CENTER, command=partial(open, optmenu)) button_select.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.5) button_select.pack(side=tk.TOP) # Frame for TreeView frame1 = tk.LabelFrame(master, text="Data",background="light blue") frame1.place(height=500, width=1200, rely=0.2, relx=0.0) ## Treeview Widget tv1 = ttk.Treeview(frame1) tv1.place(relheight=1, relwidth=1) # set the height and width of the widget to 100% of its container (frame1). treescrolly = tk.Scrollbar(frame1, orient="vertical", command=tv1.yview) # command means update the yaxis view of the widget treescrollx = tk.Scrollbar(frame1, orient="horizontal", command=tv1.xview) # command means update the xaxis view of the widget tv1.configure(xscrollcommand=treescrollx.set, yscrollcommand=treescrolly.set) # assign the scrollbars to the Treeview Widget treescrollx.pack(side="bottom", fill="x") # make the scrollbar fill the x axis of the Treeview widget treescrolly.pack(side="right", fill="y") # make the scrollbar fill the y axis of the Treeview widget master.mainloop()
*注意:但请记住,如果您打开一些浏览器不支持的文件,它们可能会要求使用您计算机上的其他应用程序打开。例如:如果您尝试打开 pdf。