我一直试图在 Gtk 中使用数据库中的数据创建分层 TreeView,但一直没有成功(创建具有未知数据集长度的分层 Gtk.TreeStore)。我发现在 TKinter 中我几乎可以做我想做的事情,但是存在一些问题。
add_node(k, v, x) File "/home/bigbird/tvTk3.py", line 10, in add_node tree.insert(k, 1, i, text=i,values=[myList2[x][1]]) File "/usr/lib/python3.10/tkinter/ttk.py", line 1361, in insert res = self.tk.call(self._w, "insert", parent, index, _tkinter.TclError: Item Electric already exists
import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk as ttk myList = [['Board', 71], ['Book', 8], ['Breadboard', 6], ['Cables', 48], ['Capacitor', 9], ['Capacitor | Ceramic', 10], ['Capacitor | Electrolytic', 11], ['Circuits', 73], ['Circuits | 555 Timer', 77], ['Circuits | Audio', 76], ['Connector', 12], ['Connectors', 49], ['Drill', 54], ['Drill | Electric', 56], ['Drill | Manual', 55], ['Screwdriver', 32], ['Screwdriver | Electric', 58], ['Screwdriver | Manual', 57], ['Veraboard', 7], ['Wire', 35], ['Wire | Jumper', 36], ['Wire | Solid Core', 37], ['Wire | Stranded', 38]] # MyList2 replaces ['Screwdriver | Electric', 58], ['Screwdriver | Manual', 57], of MyList with ['Screwdriver | Electrical', 58], ['Screwdriver | Hand', 57], myList2 = [['Board', 71], ['Book', 8], ['Breadboard', 6], ['Cables', 48], ['Capacitor', 9], ['Capacitor | Ceramic', 10], ['Capacitor | Electrolytic', 11], ['Circuits', 73], ['Circuits | 555 Timer', 77], ['Circuits | Audio', 76], ['Connector', 12], ['Connectors', 49], ['Drill', 54], ['Drill | Electric', 56], ['Drill | Manual', 55], ['Screwdriver', 32], ['Screwdriver | Electrical', 58], ['Screwdriver | Hand', 57], ['Veraboard', 7], ['Wire', 35], ['Wire | Jumper', 36], ['Wire | Solid Core', 37], ['Wire | Stranded', 38]] # /57036493/ def add_node(k, v,x): for i, j in v.items(): tree.insert(k, 1, i, text=i,values=[myList[x][1]]) # MyList2 will work, MyList does not if isinstance(j, dict): add_node(i, j,x) # /59767830/, /52971687/ tree = {} for path in myList: # MyList2 will work, MyList does not node = tree for level in path[0].split(' | '): if level: node = node.setdefault(level, dict()) # /57036493/ hierarchy = tree root = tk.Tk() root.geometry("900x900") tree = ttk.Treeview(root) ttk.Style().configure('Treeview', rowheight=30) tree["columns"] = ("one") tree.column("one") x=0 for k, v in hierarchy.items(): tree.insert("", 1, k, text=k, values=[myList[x][1]]) # MyList2 will work, MyList does not add_node(k, v, x) x+=1 tree.pack(expand=True, fill='both') root.mainloop()
我不确定你说的“名称”是什么意思。文本相同?是的。id 相同?不是。元素标识符必须是唯一的。但是,id 不必与你看到的文本匹配。
简单的解决方案是让 tkinter 计算每个元素的 id。例如,只需省略第三个位置参数:
tree.insert(k, 1, text=i, values=[myList[x][1]])
如果您需要该 id,该insert方法将返回它。
element_id = tree.insert(k, 1, text=i, values=[myList[x][1]])