我正在用 Pyomo 编写一个模型,该模型model.Biomass
针对县级约 100 种不同生物质类型(= 玉米、小麦、木屑等)的生物质生产进行优化(model.SourceCounty
)。我试图编写的约束之一要求我的模型的生物质输出等于我已经从另一个模型中获得的生产值。但是,这个其他模型不具备我的 Pyomo 模型所具有的粒度。它仅以区域(而非县级)为基础(model.Zone
= 草本生物质、木质生物质)的生物质生产值。
来自另一个模型的区域和更一般的生物量分组的生物量生产决策变量 () 相加,然后要求该总和等于另一个模型的输出,以便我的模型产生一致的结果。但是,我了解到我编写代码的当前方式(如下)不起作用,因为当决策变量的值尚未求解时,Pyomo 只调用一次约束。因此,我的带有 if 语句的 for 循环只返回 0 值。
from pyomo.environ import *
# initialize model -- can rewrite as Concrete Model if that's better for what I'm trying to do
model = AbstractModel()
# initialize indices, including some manually
model.SourceCounty = Set() # county
model.Biomass = Set() # biomass type in my model
model.Year = Set(initialize=[2022, 2024, 2026, 2028, 2030, 2032, 2035, 2040]) # year
model.SimpBiomass = Set(initialize=['herbaceous biomass', 'waste biomass', 'woody biomass']) # type of feedstock resource - simplified (from separate model)
model.Zone = Set(initialize=['midwest','southeast']) # zones from separate model
# Create data import structure
data = DataPortal()
# Load indices that require data frame
data.load(filename='fips.csv', set=model.SourceCounty)
data.load(filename='Resources.csv', set=model.Biomass)
# initialize parameters
model.EERF = Param(model.SimpBiomass, model.Zone, model.Year) # biomass production from the other model that I'm trying to match in my model
model.QIJ = Param(model.SourceCounty) # mapping of county FIPS code from my model to zones from other model
model.AC = Param(model.Biomass) # mapping of specific resource type from my model into less specific from other model (values are those in SimpBiomass)
# load in parameters
data.load(filename="county_to_zone.csv", param=model.QIJ)
data.load(filename="BT16_to_zone_Resource.csv", param=model.AC)
# create decision variables (known as Var in Pyomo)
model.x = Var(model.Biomass, model.SourceCounty, model.Year, domain=PositiveReals) # feedstock production indexed by feedstock, source county, year
# I leave out the objective function for brevity
# Constraint in question
def feedstock_prod_rule(model, c, q, t):
expr2 = 0 # initialize summing variable
# for each biomass type (a) in my model, check if it belongs to a biomass category (c) from the other model
for a in model.Biomass:
if model.AC[a] == c:
# for each county (i) in my model, check if it belongs to a zone (q) from the other model
for i in model.SourceCounty:
if model.QIJ[i] == q:
# if it belongs to q and c from other model, add to expr2
expr2 += model.x[a, i, t]
# Sum of all biomass production from my model within zone q and biomass type c (expr2 at end of looping) should equal the output of the other model (EERF).
return expr2 == model.EERF[c, q, t]
# Add as constraint
model.feedstock_prod = Constraint(model.SimpBiomass, model.Zone, model.Year, rule=feedstock_prod_rule)
总的来说,您说得对,您不能将条件语句嵌入到依赖于变量值的约束中,因为在将约束编码到模型中时,变量值是未知的。但是,您使用的是基于固定参数的条件,所以应该没问题。但是,您正在将参数值与集合中的项目进行比较,这是……一个糟糕的计划,即使它有效……从未尝试过。这样做的结构问题是,您正在使用 1:1 配对,而不是标记一组东西,这导致了条件语句。您的结构如下:
beans : food
lettuce : food
paper : trash
food: { beans, lettuce }
trash: { paper }
文件中执行此操作,因为我认为没有办法indexed sets
。有关更多示例,请参阅 pyomo dox。您甚至可以混合您的数据源,这样您就可以保留其他 csv,只要它们是一致的,所以您需要注意这一点。这是一个有效的例子,我认为它会清理你的模型。特别注意最后约束中的索引和分组):
import pyomo.environ as pe
m = pe.AbstractModel()
m.Group_names = pe.Set()
m.Items = pe.Set()
m.Groupings = pe.Set(m.Group_names, within=m.Items)
m.Cost = pe.Param(m.Group_names)
m.X = pe.Var(m.Items)
# Constraint "for each Group"
def C1(m, g_name):
return sum(m.X[i] for i in m.Groupings[g_name]) <= 10
m.C1 = pe.Constraint(m.Group_names, rule=C1)
# load data from sources
data = pe.DataPortal()
data.load(filename='cost.csv', param=m.Cost)
data.load(filename='items.csv', set=m.Items)
instance = m.create_instance(data)
文件(其他文件未显示,它们很简单):Group_names: ['Waste', 'Food', 'Critters']
'Waste': ['Trash', 'Coal']
'Food': ['Salad', 'Compost', 'Fish']
'Critters': ['Snails', 'Worms']
3 Set Declarations
Group_names : Size=1, Index=None, Ordered=Insertion
Key : Dimen : Domain : Size : Members
None : 1 : Any : 3 : {'Waste', 'Food', 'Critters'}
Groupings : Size=3, Index=Group_names, Ordered=Insertion
Key : Dimen : Domain : Size : Members
Critters : 1 : Items : 2 : {'Snails', 'Worms'}
Food : 1 : Items : 3 : {'Salad', 'Compost', 'Fish'}
Waste : 1 : Items : 2 : {'Trash', 'Coal'}
Items : Size=1, Index=None, Ordered=Insertion
Key : Dimen : Domain : Size : Members
None : 1 : Any : 7 : {'Trash', 'Snails', 'Worms', 'Coal', 'Salad', 'Compost', 'Fish'}
1 Param Declarations
Cost : Size=2, Index=Group_names, Domain=Any, Default=None, Mutable=False
Key : Value
Food : 8.9
Waste : 4.2
1 Var Declarations
X : Size=7, Index=Items
Key : Lower : Value : Upper : Fixed : Stale : Domain
Coal : None : None : None : False : True : Reals
Compost : None : None : None : False : True : Reals
Fish : None : None : None : False : True : Reals
Salad : None : None : None : False : True : Reals
Snails : None : None : None : False : True : Reals
Trash : None : None : None : False : True : Reals
Worms : None : None : None : False : True : Reals
1 Constraint Declarations
C1 : Size=3, Index=Group_names, Active=True
Key : Lower : Body : Upper : Active
Critters : -Inf : X[Snails] + X[Worms] : 10.0 : True
Food : -Inf : X[Salad] + X[Compost] + X[Fish] : 10.0 : True
Waste : -Inf : X[Trash] + X[Coal] : 10.0 : True