我正在使用JPA 2.0 /hibernate验证来验证我的模型。我现在遇到一种情况,必须验证两个字段的组合:
public class MyModel { public Integer getValue1() { //... } public String getValue2() { //... } }
如何使用JPA 2.0 / Hibernate执行这种验证?使用简单的@NotNull注释,两个吸气剂都必须为非null才能通过验证。
对于多属性验证,应使用类级别的约束。摘自 Bean Validation Sneak Peek第二部分:自定义约束:
``` @AddressAnnotation public class Address { @NotNull @Max(50) private String street1; @Max(50) private String street2; @Max(10) @NotNull private String zipCode; @Max(20) @NotNull String city; @NotNull private Country country;
@Constraint(validatedBy = MultiCountryAddressValidator.class) @Target(ElementType.TYPE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface AddressAnnotation { String message() default “{error.address}”; Class<?>[] groups() default { }; Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default { }; }
public class MultiCountryAddressValidator implements ConstraintValidator { public void initialize(AddressAnnotation constraintAnnotation) { // initialize the zipcode/city/country correlation service }
/** * Validate zipcode and city depending on the country */ public boolean isValid(Address object, ConstraintValidatorContext context) { if (!(object instanceof Address)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("@Address only applies to Address"); } Address address = (Address) object; Country country = address.getCountry(); if (country.getISO2() == "FR") { // check address.getZipCode() structure for France (5 numbers) // check zipcode and city correlation (calling an external service?) return isValid; } else if (country.getISO2() == "GR") { // check address.getZipCode() structure for Greece // no zipcode / city correlation available at the moment return isValid; } // ...
``` } }
高级地址验证规则已被排除在地址对象之外,并由实现 MultiCountryAddressValidator。通过访问对象实例,类级别的约束具有很大的灵活性,并且可以验证多个相关属性。请注意,这里的排序不包括方程式,我们将在下一篇文章中再次讨论。