因此,我改为尝试使用redis- py(常规阻止扭曲的api)并将调用包装在延迟线程中。它很好用,但是我想在调用redis时执行一次内部延迟,因为我想建立连接池以试图进一步加快速度。
#!/usr/bin/env python from twisted.internet import reactor,threads from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall import time def main_loop(): print 'doing stuff in main loop.. do not block me!' def aBlockingRedisCall(): print 'doing lookup... this may take a while' time.sleep(10) return 'results from redis' def result(res): print res def main(): lc = LoopingCall(main_loop) lc.start(2) d = threads.deferToThread(aBlockingRedisCall) d.addCallback(result) reactor.run() if __name__=='__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python from twisted.internet import reactor,defer from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall import time def main_loop(): print 'doing stuff in main loop.. do not block me!' def aBlockingRedisCall(x): if x<5: #all connections are busy, try later print '%s is less than 5, get a redis client later' % x x+=1 d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback(aBlockingRedisCall) reactor.callLater(1.0,d.callback,x) return d else: print 'got a redis client; doing lookup.. this may take a while' time.sleep(10) # this is now blocking.. any ideas? d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback(gotFinalResult) d.callback(x) return d def gotFinalResult(x): return 'final result is %s' % x def result(res): print res def aBlockingMethod(): print 'going to sleep...' time.sleep(10) print 'woke up' def main(): lc = LoopingCall(main_loop) lc.start(2) d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback(aBlockingRedisCall) d.addCallback(result) reactor.callInThread(d.callback, 1) reactor.run() if __name__=='__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python from twisted.internet import reactor,defer, threads from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall import time def main_loop(): print 'doing stuff in main loop.. do not block me!' def aBlockingRedisCall(x): if x<5: #all connections are busy, try later print '%s is less than 5, get a redis client later' % x x+=1 d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback(aBlockingRedisCall) reactor.callLater(1.0,d.callback,x) return d else: print 'got a redis client; doing lookup.. this may take a while' def getstuff( x ): time.sleep(3) return "stuff is %s" % x # getstuff is blocking, so you need to push it to a new thread d = threads.deferToThread(getstuff, x) d.addCallback(gotFinalResult) return d def gotFinalResult(x): return 'final result is %s' % x def result(res): print res def aBlockingMethod(): print 'going to sleep...' time.sleep(10) print 'woke up' def main(): lc = LoopingCall(main_loop) lc.start(2) d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback(aBlockingRedisCall) d.addCallback(result) reactor.callInThread(d.callback, 1) reactor.run() if __name__=='__main__': main()
如果redis api不太复杂,则可以使用twisted.web重写它,而不是仅在很多线程中调用阻塞的api,这样会更自然。