book: { properties: { isbn: { //- ISBN of the book type: 'string' //- 9783791535661 }, title: { //- Title of the book type: 'string' //- Alice in Wonderland }, author: { //- Author of the book(maybe should be array) type: 'string' //- Lewis Carroll }, category: { //- Category of the book(maybe should be array) type: 'string' //- Fantasy }, toc: { //- Array of the chapters in the book type: 'nested', properties: { html: { //- HTML Content of a chapter type: 'string' //- <!DOCTYPE html><html>...</html> }, title: { //- Title of the chapter type: 'string' //- Down the Rabbit Hole }, fileName: { //- File name of this chapter type: 'string' //- chapter_1.html }, firstPage: { //- The first page of this chapter type: 'integer' //- 3 }, numberOfPages: { //- How many pages are in this chapter type: 'integer' //- 27 }, sections: { //- An array of all of the sections within a chapter type: 'nested', properties: { html: { //- The html content of a section type: 'string' //- <section>...</section> }, title: { //- The title of a section type: 'string' //- section number 2 or something }, figures: { //- Array of the figures within a section type: 'nested', properties: { html: { //- HTML content of a figure type: 'string' //- <figure>...</figure> }, caption: { //- The name of a figure type: 'string' //- Figure 1 }, id: { //- Id of a figure type: 'string', // figure4 } } }, paragraphs: { //- Array of the paragraphs within a section type: 'nested', properties: { html: { //- HTML content of a paragraph type: 'string', //- <p>...</p> } id: { //- Id of a paragraph type: 'string', // paragraph3 } } } } } } } } }
- the best matching paragraph including it's nearest paragraphs on either side - the best matching section from a single book including any child sections - the best figure given it is inside a section with a matching title - etc