我已经意识到使用SQL数据库(Postgres)是将我的关系数据(24个CSV文件中的40+ GB)移植到具有嵌套结构的 Elasticsearch中的最有效方法之一。但是我仍然对Postgres的JSON输出的格式存在一些问题:1)不需要的换行符(\ n),2)不需要的标题行和3)不需要的日期格式。这是一个基本示例进行演示:
file1 id,age,gender,wave 1,49,M,1 2,72,F,0 file2 id,time,event1 1,2095-04-20 12:28:55,V39 1,2095-04-21 2:27:45,T21 2,2094-05-17 18:17:25,V39 file3 id,time,event2 1,2095-04-22 3:48:53,P90 2,2094-05-18 1:28:23,RT4 2,2094-05-18 4:23:53,W3
with f_1 as( SELECT id, json_agg(file1.*) AS tag FROM forum.file1 GROUP BY id ), f_2 as ( SELECT id, json_agg(file2.*) AS tag FROM forum.file2 GROUP BY id ), f_3 as ( SELECT id, json_agg(file3.*) AS tag FROM forum.file3 GROUP BY id ) SELECT ('{"id":' || a.id), ('"file1":' || a.tag), ('"file2":' || b.tag), ('"file3":' || c.tag ||'}') FROM f_1 AS a, f_2 AS b, f_3 AS c WHERE b.id = a.id AND c.id = a.id;
?column?,?column?,?column?,?column? {"id":1,"file1":[{"id":1,"age":49,"gender":"M","wave":1}],"file2":[{"id":1,"time":"2095-04-20T12:28:55","event1":"V39"}, {"id":1,"time":"2095-04-21T02:27:45","event1":"T21"}],"file3":[{"id":1,"time":"2095-04-22T03:48:53","event2":"P90"}]} {"id":2,"file1":[{"id":2,"age":72,"gender":"F","wave":0}],"file2":[{"id":2,"time":"2094-05-17T18:17:25","event1":"V39"}],"file3":[{"id":2,"time":"2094-05-18T01:28:23","event2":"RT4"}, {"id":2,"time":"2094-05-18T04:23:53","event2":"W3"}]}
您可以看到,对于给定的ID,多行数据。对于给定的ID(即没有\ n),我需要所有数据都在一行上。我没有花很多时间但想更改的其他几个小问题是不需要第一行,我想摆脱它?column?,?column?,?column?,?column?而不必在处理完成后打开文件。理想情况下,我也希望T日期输出中没有任何内容。我应该能够T在Elasticsearch中容纳它,但是到目前为止还没有被它接受。这是我希望从Postgres获得的输出,该输出可用于Elasticsearch的输入(使用stream2es和嵌套的映射结构):
{"id":1,"file1":[{"id":1,"age":49,"gender":"M","wave":1}],"file2":[{"id":1,"time":"2095-04-20 12:28:55","event1":"V39"},{"id":1,"time":"2095-04-21 02:27:45","event1":"T21"}],"file3":[{"id":1,"time":"2095-04-22 03:48:53","event2":"P90"}]} {"id":2,"file1":[{"id":2,"age":72,"gender":"F","wave":0}],"file2":[{"id":2,"time":"2094-05-17 18:17:25","event1":"V39"}],"file3":[{"id":2,"time":"2094-05-18 01:28:23","event2":"RT4"},{"id":2,"time":"2094-05-18 04:23:53","event2":"W3"}]}
SELECT to_json('{"id":' || a.id), to_json('"file1":' || a.tag::json), to_json('"file2":' || b.tag::json), to_json('"file3":' || c.tag::json ||'}')
es2stream异常: Exception in thread "stream dispatcher" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IPersistentMap
Exception in thread "stream dispatcher" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IPersistentMap
regexp_replace (str, '(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)T', '\1 ', 'g')
replace (str, e' \n ', '')
COPY ( with f_1 as( SELECT id, json_agg(file1.*) AS tag FROM forum.file1 GROUP BY id ), f_2 as ( SELECT id, json_agg(file2.*) AS tag FROM forum.file2 GROUP BY id ), f_3 as ( SELECT id, json_agg(file3.*) AS tag FROM forum.file3 GROUP BY id ) SELECT replace( regexp_replace( format('{"id":%s,"file1":%s,"file2":%s,"file3":%s}', a.id, a.tag, b.tag, c.tag), '(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)T', '\1 ', 'g'), e' \n ', '') FROM f_1 AS a, f_2 AS b, f_3 AS c WHERE b.id = a.id AND c.id = a.id ) TO '/full/path/to/your/file';
create or replace function format_data_line(command text, data_str text) returns setof text language plpgsql as $$ begin return next command; return next replace( regexp_replace(data_str, '(\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d)T', '\1 ', 'g'), e' \n ', ''); end $$; COPY ( with f_1 as( SELECT id, json_agg(file1.*) AS tag FROM forum.file1 GROUP BY id ), f_2 as ( SELECT id, json_agg(file2.*) AS tag FROM forum.file2 GROUP BY id ), f_3 as ( SELECT id, json_agg(file3.*) AS tag FROM forum.file3 GROUP BY id ) SELECT format_data_line( 'my command', format('{"id":%s,"file1":%s,"file2":%s,"file3":%s}', a.id, a.tag, b.tag, c.tag)) FROM f_1 AS a, f_2 AS b, f_3 AS c WHERE b.id = a.id AND c.id = a.id ) TO '/full/path/to/your/file';