Medicine XXX Sulpher This medicine contains sulpher and should be taken only after consultation with your doctor. Medicine YYY contains: sulpher Not recommended by most physicians Medicine ZZZ This medicine works like sulpher but does not contain sulpher at all.
XXX应该在搜索词“ Sulpher”的顶部列出,因为那是该文档中的第一个单词。如果YYY列在顶部,则可以,因为与XXX相同。但是ZZZ应该永远是最后一个。换句话说,在“左侧”找到的术语应比在“右侧”找到的术语具有更高的优先级。
PUT sulphur { "settings": { "analysis": { "normalizer": { "keyword_lowercase": { "type": "custom", "filter": ["lowercase"] } } } }, "mappings": { "properties": { "text": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "normalizer": "keyword_lowercase" } } } } } } POST sulphur/_doc {"text":"This medicine works like sulpher but does not contain sulpher at all."} POST sulphur/_doc {"text":"contains: sulpher Not recommended by most physicians"} POST sulphur/_doc {"text":"Sulpher This medicine contains sulpher and should be taken only after consultation with your doctor."}
GET sulphur/_search { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "function_score": { "query": { "match": { "text": "sulpher" } }, "script_score": { "script": """ def pos = doc['text.keyword'].value.indexOf('sulpher'); return Math.exp((2.0/(pos+1))) """ }, "boost_mode": "replace" } } ] } } }
[ { "_index":"sulphur", "_type":"_doc", "_id":"sf5S2nEBW-D5QnrWODvB", "_score":7.389056, "_source":{ "text":"Sulpher This medicine contains sulpher and should be taken only after consultation with your doctor." } }, { "_index":"sulphur", "_type":"_doc", "_id":"sP5S2nEBW-D5QnrWNjtw", "_score":1.1993961, "_source":{ "text":"contains: sulpher Not recommended by most physicians" } }, { "_index":"sulphur", "_type":"_doc", "_id":"r_5S2nEBW-D5QnrWNDuw", "_score":1.079959, "_source":{ "text":"This medicine works like sulpher but does not contain sulpher at all." } } ]