// Make module Foo angular.module('Foo', []); // Bootstrap Foo var injector = angular.bootstrap($('body'), ['Foo']); // Make controller Ctrl in module Foo angular.module('Foo').controller('Ctrl', function() { }); // Load an element that uses controller Ctrl var ctrl = $('<div ng-controller="Ctrl">').appendTo('body'); // compile the new element injector.invoke(function($compile, $rootScope) { // the linker here throws the exception $compile(ctrl)($rootScope); });
当我尝试运行上述代码时,由$ compile返回的链接器将抛出:Argument 'Ctrl' is not a function, got undefined。如果我正确地理解了引导程序,那么它返回的注射器应该知道该Foo模块,对吗?
Argument 'Ctrl' is not a function, got undefined
相反,如果我使用制作了一个新的注入器angular.injector(['ng', 'Foo']),它似乎可以工作,但是会创建一个新的注入器,该注入器$rootScope的范围不再与Foo引导该模块的元素相同。
angular.injector(['ng', 'Foo'])
// Make module Foo and store $controllerProvider in a global var controllerProvider = null; angular.module('Foo', [], function($controllerProvider) { controllerProvider = $controllerProvider; }); // Bootstrap Foo angular.bootstrap($('body'), ['Foo']); // .. time passes .. // Load javascript file with Ctrl controller angular.module('Foo').controller('Ctrl', function($scope, $rootScope) { $scope.msg = "It works! rootScope is " + $rootScope.$id + ", should be " + $('body').scope().$id; }); // Load html file with content that uses Ctrl controller $('<div id="ctrl" ng-controller="Ctrl" ng-bind="msg">').appendTo('body'); // Register Ctrl controller manually // If you can reference the controller function directly, just run: // $controllerProvider.register(controllerName, controllerFunction); // Note: I haven't found a way to get $controllerProvider at this stage // so I keep a reference from when I ran my module config function registerController(moduleName, controllerName) { // Here I cannot get the controller function directly so I // need to loop through the module's _invokeQueue to get it var queue = angular.module(moduleName)._invokeQueue; for(var i=0;i<queue.length;i++) { var call = queue[i]; if(call[0] == "$controllerProvider" && call[1] == "register" && call[2][0] == controllerName) { controllerProvider.register(controllerName, call[2][1]); } } } registerController("Foo", "Ctrl"); // compile the new element $('body').injector().invoke(function($compile, $rootScope) { $compile($('#ctrl'))($rootScope); $rootScope.$apply(); });
更新: 注册指令和服务,而不是分别$controllerProvider.register简单地使用$compileProvider.directive和$provide.factory。同样,您需要在初始模块配置中保存对这些引用的引用。
UDPATE 2: 这是一个小提琴,可以自动注册所有加载的控制器/指令/服务,而无需单独指定它们。