我有一个表格,其中我需要两个或多个日期字段来处理不同的事情。我尝试了Angular UI Bootstrap,当表单中只有1个日期字段时,它可以正常工作。但是如果我有多个日期字段并且我不知道更简单的方法来使它生效,它将停止工作。
<label>First Date</label> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" datepicker-popup="{{format}}" name="dt" ng-model="formData.dt" is-open="opened" datepicker-options="dateOptions" ng-required="true" close-text="Close" /> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open($event)"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button> </span> </div> <label>Second Date</label> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" datepicker-popup="{{format}}" name="dtSecond" ng-model="formData.dtSecond" is-open="opened" datepicker-options="dateOptions" ng-required="true" close-text="Close" /> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open($event)"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button> </span> </div>
myApp.controller('DatePickrCntrl', function ($scope) { $scope.today = function() { $scope.formData.dt = new Date(); }; $scope.today(); $scope.showWeeks = true; $scope.toggleWeeks = function () { $scope.showWeeks = ! $scope.showWeeks; }; $scope.clear = function () { $scope.dt = null; }; // Disable weekend selection $scope.disabled = function(date, mode) { return ( mode === 'day' && ( date.getDay() === 0 || date.getDay() === 6 ) ); }; $scope.toggleMin = function() { $scope.minDate = ( $scope.minDate ) ? null : new Date(); }; $scope.toggleMin(); $scope.open = function($event) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); $scope.opened = true; }; $scope.dateOptions = { 'year-format': "'yy'", 'starting-day': 1 }; $scope.formats = ['dd-MMMM-yyyy', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'shortDate']; $scope.format = $scope.formats[0]; });
2)当我删除is-open="opened"属性时,弹出窗口似乎正常工作。但是,如果没有is-open="opened",则ng- click="open($event)for按钮不起作用。
ng- click="open($event)
3)由于每个日期字段都有不同的ng模型,因此我无法为任何日期字段设置默认日期,但第一个带有 ng-model="formData.dt"
我想知道其他人在使用Angular UI Bootstrap时如何以一种形式本身实现多个日期字段。
<label>First Date</label> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" datepicker-popup="{{format}}" name="dt" ng-model="formData.dt" is-open="datepickers.dt" datepicker-options="dateOptions" ng-required="true" close-text="Close" /> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open($event,'dt')"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button> </span> </div> <label>Second Date</label> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" datepicker-popup="{{format}}" name="dtSecond" ng-model="formData.dtSecond" is-open="datepickers.dtSecond" datepicker-options="dateOptions" ng-required="true" close-text="Close" /> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open($event,'dtSecond')"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button> </span> </div> myApp.controller('DatePickrCntrl', function ($scope) { $scope.datepickers = { dt: false, dtSecond: false } $scope.today = function() { $scope.formData.dt = new Date(); // ***** Q1 ***** $scope.formData.dtSecond = new Date(); }; $scope.today(); $scope.showWeeks = true; $scope.toggleWeeks = function () { $scope.showWeeks = ! $scope.showWeeks; }; $scope.clear = function () { $scope.dt = null; }; // Disable weekend selection $scope.disabled = function(date, mode) { return ( mode === 'day' && ( date.getDay() === 0 || date.getDay() === 6 ) ); }; $scope.toggleMin = function() { $scope.minDate = ( $scope.minDate ) ? null : new Date(); }; $scope.toggleMin(); $scope.open = function($event, which) { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); $scope.datepickers[which]= true; }; $scope.dateOptions = { 'year-format': "'yy'", 'starting-day': 1 }; $scope.formats = ['dd-MMMM-yyyy', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'shortDate']; $scope.format = $scope.formats[0]; }); // ***** Q2 ***** somemodel can be just an array [1,2,3,4,5] <div ng-repeat="o in somemodel"> <label>Date Label</label> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control" datepicker-popup="{{format}}" name="dt{{o}}" ng-model="datepickers.data[o]" is-open="datepickers.isopen[o]" datepicker-options="datepickers.option" ng-required="true" close-text="Close" /> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open($event,o)"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i></button> </span> </div> </div> myApp.controller('DatePickrCntrl', function ($scope) { $scope.datepickers = { data: {}, options: { 'year-format': "'yy'", 'starting-day': 1 }, isopen: {} } $http.get("get/data/for/some/model", function(result) { $scope.somemodel = result; for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { $scope.datepickers.isopen[result] = false; $scope.datepickers.data[result] = new Date(); //set default date. } }); // fill in rest of the function });