Error: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: "[ng:test] no injector found for element argument to getTestability\nhttp://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.8/ng/test" Stacktrace: Error: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: "[ng:test] no injector found for element argument to getTestability\nhttp://errors.angularjs.org/1.3.8/ng/test" at Error (<anonymous>) ==== async task ==== Protractor.waitForAngular() ==== async task ==== Asynchronous test function: it()
答案是您必须在HTML页面的顶部<html ng-app>或<html ng-app = "">顶部才能使用量角器。
<html ng-app>
<html ng-app = "">
<div ng-app = "">例如,将应用程序作为的一部分将不起作用
<div ng-app = "">