<h1>All New Cars</h1> <div ng-include="car-list.html" ng-data-cars="allCars | onlyNew"></div> <h1>All Toyotas</h1> <div ng-include="car-list.html" ng-data-cars="allCars | make:toyota"></div>
<!-- car-list.html --> <div ng-repeat="car in cars" ng-controller="CarListControl"> {{car.year}} {{car.make}} {{car.model}} </div>
该指令在父作用域和子作用域中重命名的“本地”变量之间提供了2路数据绑定。它可以与其他指令结合使用,例如ng- include实现出色的模板可重用性。需要AngularJS 1.2.x
ng- include
<div with-locals locals-cars="allCars | onlyNew"></div>
编辑 我已经重构为利用(独立于)本机ngInclude指令,并将某些计算移至编译函数中以提高效率。
angular.module('withLocals', []) .directive('withLocals', function($parse) { return { scope: true, compile: function(element, attributes, transclusion) { // for each attribute that matches locals-* (camelcased to locals[A-Z0-9]), // capture the "key" intended for the local variable so that we can later // map it into $scope.locals (in the linking function below) var mapLocalsToParentExp = {}; for (attr in attributes) { if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(attr) && /^locals[A-Z0-9]/.test(attr)) { var localKey = attr.slice(6); localKey = localKey[0].toLowerCase() + localKey.slice(1); mapLocalsToParentExp[localKey] = attributes[attr]; } } var updateParentValueFunction = function($scope, localKey) { // Find the $parent scope that initialized this directive. // Important in cases where controllers have caused this $scope to be deeply nested inside the original parent var $parent = $scope.$parent; while (!$parent.hasOwnProperty(mapLocalsToParentExp[localKey])) { $parent = $parent.$parent; } return function(newValue) { $parse(mapLocalsToParentExp[localKey]).assign($parent, newValue); } }; return { pre: function($scope, $element, $attributes) { // setup `$scope.locals` hash so that we can map expressions // from the parent scope into it. $scope.locals = {}; for (localKey in mapLocalsToParentExp) { // For each local key, $watch the provided expression and update // the $scope.locals hash (i.e. attribute `locals-cars` has key // `cars` and the $watch()ed value maps to `$scope.locals.cars`) $scope.$watch( mapLocalsToParentExp[localKey], function(localKey) { return function(newValue, oldValue) { $scope.locals[localKey] = newValue; }; }(localKey), true ); // Also watch the local value and propagate any changes // back up to the parent scope. var parsedGetter = $parse(mapLocalsToParentExp[localKey]); if (parsedGetter.assign) { $scope.$watch('locals.'+localKey, updateParentValueFunction($scope, localKey)); } } } }; } }; });