Angular Controller中的方法很少,它们不在scope变量上。
var testController = TestModule.controller('testController', function($scope, testService) { function handleSuccessOfAPI(data) { if (angular.isObject(data)) { $scope.testData = data; } } function handleFailureOfAPI(status) { console.log("handleFailureOfAPIexecuted :: status :: "+status); } // this is controller initialize function. function init() { $scope.testData = null; // partial URL $scope.strPartialTestURL = "partials/testView.html; // send test http request testService.getTestDataFromServer('testURI', handleSuccessOfAPI, handleFailureOfAPI); } init(); }
现在,在我的茉莉花测试中,我们正在传递“ handleSuccessOfAPI”和“ handleFailureOfAPI”方法,但是这些是未定义的。
describe('Unit Test :: Test Controller', function() { var scope; var testController; var httpBackend; var testService; beforeEach( function() { module('test-angular-angular'); inject(function($httpBackend, _testService_, $controller, $rootScope) { httpBackend = $httpBackend; testService= _testService_; scope = $rootScope.$new(); testController= $controller('testController', { $scope: scope, testService: testService}); }); }); afterEach(function() { httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingExpectation(); httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingRequest(); }); it('Test controller data', function (){ var URL = 'test server url'; // set up some data for the http call to return and test later. var returnData = { excited: true }; // create expectation httpBackend.expectGET(URL ).respond(200, returnData); // make the call. testService.getTestDataFromServer(URL , handleSuccessOfAPI, handleFailureOfAPI); $scope.$apply(function() { $scope.runTest(); }); // flush the backend to "execute" the request to do the expectedGET assertion. httpBackend.flush(); // check the result. // (after Angular 1.2.5: be sure to use `toEqual` and not `toBe` // as the object will be a copy and not the same instance.) expect(scope.testData ).not.toBe(null); }); });
var handleSuccessOfAPI = function(){};
可以离散调用(因此已测试)的任何功能将在控制器的$ scope上可用。