我在AngularJS .run下有以下代码,该代码在我的本地开发计算机上可以正常运行,但在上传到客户端服务器后将无法工作…经过几次测试,很明显,在加载控制器时,事件并未尚未触发,因此取决于此事件的控制器中的大多数功能均无法正常工作。有人可以告诉我我在做什么错以及如何解决吗?谢谢
myApp.run(['AuthDataSvc', '$rootScope', function (AuthDataSvc, $rootScope) { AuthDataSvc.getAuth().then(function(Token){ $rootScope.$broadcast('Token', Token); }, function(status){ console.log(status); }); }]);
myApp.run(['AuthDataSvc', '$rootScope', function (AuthDataSvc, $rootScope) { AuthDataSvc.getAuth(); /* no op we will use the service to determine logged in */ }]); /* inside a controller */ if(AuthDataSvc.isLoggedIn()){ //do something. }
2)使用route.resolve。解析是在路由上定义的,并且只有在将诺言设置为已解析后,Controller才会加载。我为您展示了一个示例ui- router,ng-route您需要选择毒药。如果您不使用ui-router,则应考虑使用。
ui- router
/* app.config ... route config.. */ var waitForLogon = { UserToken: ["AuthDataSvc", function (AuthDataSvc) { return AuthDataSvc.logon(); }] }; //this is for ng-route $routeProvider .when('/Book/:bookId', { templateUrl: '--', controller: 'MyCtrl', resolve: waitForLogon }) //this is for ui-router $stateProvider .state('me', { templateUrl: '--', controller: 'MeCtrl', resolve: waitForLogon })
/* controller */ angular.module('yourapp') .controller('MyCtrl', ["UserToken", ... , function(UserToken){ //User Token will always be here when your Ctrl loads. });
/* service code -- */ angular.module('yourapp') .service('AuthDataSvc', ["LogonModel", "$q", function(LogonModel, $q) { this._q = null; var that = this; this._doAuth = function(){ this.getAuth().then(function(Token){ that._q.resolve(Token) }, function(error){that._q.reject(error);} }; this.logon = function () { if(!this._q){ this._q = $q.defer(); this._doAuth();// <-current auth do here, and resolve this._q when done } return this._q.promise; }; });