app.directive('setFocus', ['$timeout', function($timeout) { return { restrict: 'AC', link: function(_scope, _element) { $timeout(function() { _element[0].focus(); }, 0); } }; }]);
如何使用Typescript编写此代码并在链接函数中获得$ timeout可访问的权限?我的示例如下所示:
/// <reference path="../../reference.ts"/> class SetFocus{ constructor() { var directive: ng.IDirective = {}; directive.restrict = 'EA'; directive.scope = { }; directive.link= function ($scope, $element, $attrs) { // How can I access $timeout here? } return directive; } } directives.directive('setFocus', [SetFocus]);
class SetFocus implements ng.IDirective { //Directive settings restrict :string = 'EA'; scope : any= {}; //Take timeout argument in the constructor constructor(private $timeout: ng.ITimeoutService) { } link: ng.IDirectiveLinkFn = ($scope: ng.IScope, $element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, $attrs: ng.IAttributes) => { //refer to the timeout this.$timeout(function() { $element[0].focus(); }, 0); } //Expose a static func so that it can be used to register directive. static factory(): ng.IDirectiveFactory { //Create factory function which when invoked with dependencies by //angular will return newed up instance passing the timeout argument var directive: ng.IDirectiveFactory = ($timeout:ng.ITimeoutService) => new SetFocus($timeout); //directive's injection list directive.$inject = ["$timeout"]; return directive; } } directives.directive('setFocus', SetFocus.factory());
您现在拥有的方式可能有问题。由于未更新指令工厂,因此其构造函数将this作为全局对象执行。这样,你就不会最终有一个巨大的构造函数,还可以以适当的类写 安永 方式。
var directive: ng.IDirectiveFactory = (...args) => new (SetFocus.bind.apply(SetFocus, [null].concat(args)));