我有基于gradle的带有junit测试的Java项目,我正在为其构建CI工作。我使用松弛Slack Notification插件成功地将松弛与Jenkins集成在一起。
Jenkins版本:2.173 松弛通知版本:2.20
jenkins CI是脚本化管道,具有以下代码:
stage('Test') { def slackHelper = new com.xyz.jenkins.libraries.SlackNotifier(env) try { sh "./gradlew test" junit 'build/test-results/test/*.xml' } finally { AbstractTestResultAction testResultAction = currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(AbstractTestResultAction.class) slackHelper.getTestStatuses(currentBuild) slackSend(channel: '#ci-cd', attachments: slackHelper.buildUnitTestSlackNotificationMessage()) } }
/** * Calculates test result as a string * @param currentBuild : jenkins object, should be passed from jenkins pipeline script * @return the final test result as a string */ @NonCPS def getTestStatuses(currentBuild) { final AbstractTestResultAction testResultAction = currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(AbstractTestResultAction.class) if (testResultAction != null) { this.total = testResultAction.totalCount this.failed = testResultAction.failCount this.skipped = testResultAction.skipCount this.passed = total - failed - skipped } }
def buildUnitTestSlackNotificationMessage() { final JSONObject unitTestResult = new JSONObject() unitTestResult.put("fallback", this.jenkinsEnvironment.JOB_NAME + "with build#" + this.jenkinsEnvironment.BUILD_NUMBER + "finish with unit test result : Passed: " + this.passed + " | Failed: " + this.failed + " | Skipped: " + this.skipped ) unitTestResult.put("color", this.getUnitTestReportColor()) unitTestResult.put("pretext", "Message from CI job: " + this.jenkinsEnvironment.JOB_NAME + "#" + this.jenkinsEnvironment.BUILD_NUMBER) unitTestResult.put("title", "BuildLog") unitTestResult.put("title_link", "<<<JenkinsHost>>>" + this.jenkinsEnvironment.JOB_NAME + "/" + this.jenkinsEnvironment.BUILD_NUMBER + "/console") unitTestResult.put("text", "Passed: " + this.passed + " | Failed: " + this.failed + " | Skipped: " + this.skipped) unitTestResult.put("image_url", this.getLogoURL()) this.attachments.add(unitTestResult) return this.attachments.toString() }
Message from CI job: <<<JobName>>>#47 BuildLog Passed: null | Failed: null | Skipped: null
我在reddit中得到了答案,功劳归于:/ u / Bodumin
Move the junit step into the finally. What's likely happening is that test returns a non 0 (error) status so it fails it of the try.
stage('Test') { def slackHelper = new com.xyz.jenkins.libraries.SlackNotifier(env) try { sh "./gradlew test" } finally { junit 'build/test-results/test/*.xml' AbstractTestResultAction testResultAction = currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(AbstractTestResultAction.class) slackHelper.getTestStatuses(currentBuild) slackSend(channel: '#ci-cd', attachments: slackHelper.buildUnitTestSlackNotificationMessage()) } }