Polygon(Point(11824, 10756), Point(11822, 10618), Point(11912, 10517), Point(12060, 10529), Point(12158, 10604), Point(12133, 10713), Point(12027, 10812), Point(11902, 10902)), Polygon(Point(11077, 13610), Point(10949, 13642), Point(10828, 13584), Point(10772, 13480), Point(10756, 13353), Point(10849, 13256), Point(10976, 13224), Point(11103, 13294), Point(11171, 13414), Point(11135, 13558)), Polygon(Point(11051.801757813, 11373.985351563), Point(11165.717773438, 11275.469726563), Point(11281.733398438, 11255.646484375), Point(11381.07421875, 11333.15625), Point(11440.202148438, 11467.706054688), Point(11404.73046875, 11584.534179688), Point(11301.662109375, 11643.852539063), Point(11169.486328125, 11644.079101563), Point(11067.555664063, 11579.676757813), Point(11018.21484375, 11454.750976563)), Polygon(Point(12145, 13013), Point(12069.065429688, 13014.67578125), Point(12012.672851563, 12953.833984375), Point(11973.942382813, 12910.14453125), Point(11958.610351563, 12853.736328125), Point(11988.58203125, 12780.668945313), Point(12046.806640625, 12735.046875), Point(12117.080078125, 12729.838867188), Point(12185.567382813, 12743.389648438), Point(12225.575195313, 12803.530273438), Point(12255.934570313, 12859.2109375), Point(12263.861328125, 12914.166992188), Point(12221.2578125, 12978.983398438)),
它们是在以后绘制的,我无法访问,只能访问此坐标。所以我有多边形边缘的x / y和红点的x / y。现在我必须知道红点在哪个多边形中。
要知道该点在哪个多边形中,可以使用“ 射线投射”算法。
dot(u,v) --> ((u).x * (v).x + (u).y * (v).y) norm(v) --> sqrt(dot(v,v)) // norm = length of vector dist(u,v)--> norm(u-v) // distance = norm of difference // Vector contains x and y // Point contains x and y // Segment contains P0 and P1 of type Point // Point = Point ± Vector // Vector = Point - Point // Vector = Scalar * Vector Point closest_Point_in_Segment_to(Point P, Segment S) { Vector v = S.P1 - S.P0; Vector w = P - S.P0; double c1 = dot(w,v); if ( c1 <= 0 ) // the closest point is outside the segment and nearer to P0 return S.P0; double c2 = dot(v,v); if ( c2 <= c1 ) // the closest point is outside the segment and nearer to P1 return S.P1; double b = c1 / c2; Point Pb = S.P0 + b * v; return Pb; } [Point, Segment] get_closest_border_point_to(Point point, Polygon poly) { double bestDistance = MAX_DOUBLE; Segment bestSegment; Point bestPoint; foreach s in poly.segments { Point closestInS = closest_Point_in_Segment_to(point, s); double d = dist(point, closestInS); if (d < bestDistance) { bestDistance = d; bestSegment = s; bestPoint = closestInS; } } return [bestPoint, bestSegment]; }