$singleMarkers = array(); $clusterMarkers = array(); while (count($markers)) { $marker = array_pop($markers); $cluster = array(); // Compare marker against all remaining markers. foreach ($markers as $key => $compareMarker) { // This function returns the distance between two markers, at a defined zoom level. $pixels = pixelDistance($marker['lat'], $marker['lng'], $compareMarker['lat'], $compareMarker['lng'], $zoomLevel); // If two markers are closer than defined distance, remove compareMarker from array and add to cluster. if ($pixels < $distance) { unset($markers[$key]); $cluster[] = $compareMarker; } } // If a marker was added to cluster, also add the marker we were comparing to. if (count($cluster) > 0) { $cluster[] = $marker; $clusterMarkers[] = $cluster; } else { $singleMarkers[] = $marker; } } function pixelDistance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $zoom) { $x1 = $lon1*10000000; //This is what I did to compensate for using lat/lon values instead of pixels. $y1 = $lat1*10000000; $x2 = $lon2*10000000; $y2 = $lat2*10000000; return sqrt(pow(($x1-$x2),2) + pow(($y1-$y2),2)) >> (21 - $zoom); //21 is the max zoom level }
$singleMarkers = array(); $clusterMarkers = array(); // Minimum distance between markers to be included in a cluster, at diff. zoom levels $DISTANCE = (10000000 >> $ZOOM) / 100000; // Loop until all markers have been compared. while (count($markers)) { $marker = array_pop($markers); $cluster = array(); // Compare against all markers which are left. foreach ($markers as $key => $target) { $pixels = abs($marker['lat']-$target['lat']) + abs($marker['lng']-$target['lng']); // If the two markers are closer than given distance remove target marker from array and add it to cluster. if ($pixels < $DISTANCE) { unset($markers[$key]); $cluster[] = $target; } } // If a marker has been added to cluster, add also the one we were comparing to. if (count($cluster) > 0) { $cluster[] = $marker; $clusterMarkers[] = $cluster; } else { $singleMarkers[] = $marker; } }
function pixelDistance($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2, $zoom) { $x1 = $lon1*10000000; //This is what I did to compensate for using lat/lon values instead of pixels. $y1 = $lat1*10000000; $x2 = $lon2*10000000; $y2 = $lat2*10000000; return ($x1-$x2) + ($y1-$y2) >> (21 - $zoom); }
不知道您是否需要该>> (21 - $zoom)位来进行计算,因此我将其保留。但是除非您确实需要在其他地方使用计算出的距离值,否则您可能可以直接使用纬度/经度就可以摆脱困境(无需乘以任何东西) )并采用曼哈顿距离,假设您预先进行计算$distance以适合该度量,那么从计算角度讲,这比强迫所有距离都适合的单位和大小要便宜得多$distance。
>> (21 - $zoom)
我也强烈推荐本书“ 编程集体智能:构建智能Web 2.0应用程序” ,该书深入探讨了群集,不仅适用于地理数据,还适用于数据分析的其他领域。