private Observable<List<ProviderInfo>> getProviders(){ return Observable.fromCallable(new Callable<List<ProviderInfo>>() { @Override public List<ProviderInfo> call() throws Exception { List<ProviderInfo> info = new ArrayList<>(); for (PackageInfo providerInfo :getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS)){ if (providerInfo.providers != null){ for (ProviderInfo provider : providerInfo.providers) { if (provider.authority != null) { if (sp.getBoolean("need_filter",false)){ info.add(provider); }else if(provider.readPermission!=null){ info.add(provider); } } } } } return info; } }); }
@Test public void testProviderRegistry() { Context appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext(); PackageManager pm = appContext.getPackageManager(); // We define the component name based on the package name from the context and the // Provider class. ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(appContext.getPackageName(), FavoritesProvider.class.getName()); try { // Fetch the provider info using the component name from the PackageManager // This throws an exception if the provider isn't registered. ProviderInfo providerInfo = pm.getProviderInfo(componentName, 0); // Make sure that the registered authority matches the authority from the Contract. assertEquals("Error: FavoritesProvider registered with authority: " + providerInfo.authority + " instead of authority: " + FavoritesContract.AUTHORITY, providerInfo.authority, FavoritesContract.AUTHORITY); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { // I guess the provider isn't registered correctly. assertTrue("Error: FavoritesProvider not registered at " + appContext.getPackageName(), false); } }
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) @Override protected ResolveInfo newResult(VPackage.ProviderIntentInfo filter, int match, int userId) { final VPackage.ProviderComponent provider = filter.provider; PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) provider.owner.mExtras; ProviderInfo pi = PackageParserEx.generateProviderInfo(provider, mFlags, ps.readUserState(userId), userId); if (pi == null) { return null; } final ResolveInfo res = new ResolveInfo(); res.providerInfo = pi; if ((mFlags & PackageManager.GET_RESOLVED_FILTER) != 0) { res.filter = filter.filter; } res.priority = filter.filter.getPriority(); res.preferredOrder = provider.owner.mPreferredOrder; res.match = match; res.isDefault = filter.hasDefault; res.labelRes = filter.labelRes; res.nonLocalizedLabel = filter.nonLocalizedLabel; res.icon = filter.icon; return res; }
private void addProviderInfo(String stubAuthority, ProviderInfo info) { if (!targetProviderInfos.containsKey(info.authority)) { targetProviderInfos.put(info.authority, info); if (!pkgs.contains(info.packageName)) { pkgs.add(info.packageName); } //stub map to activity info Set<ProviderInfo> list = providerInfosMap.get(stubAuthority); if (list == null) { list = new TreeSet<ProviderInfo>(sProviderInfoComparator); list.add(info); providerInfosMap.put(stubAuthority, list); } else { list.add(info); } } }
public void testProviderRegistry() { PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager(); ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(mContext.getPackageName(), LeaderProvider.class.getName()); try { // Fetch the provider info using the component name from the PackageManager // This throws an exception if the provider isn't registered. ProviderInfo providerInfo = pm.getProviderInfo(componentName, 0); // Make sure that the registered authority matches the authority from the Contract. assertEquals("Error: LeaderProvider registered with authority: " + providerInfo.authority + " instead of authority: " + LeaderContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY, providerInfo.authority, LeaderContract.CONTENT_AUTHORITY); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { assertTrue("Error: LeaderProvider not registered at " + mContext.getPackageName(), false); } }
@Override public IBinder acquireProviderClient(int userId, ProviderInfo info) { ProcessRecord callerApp; synchronized (mPidsSelfLocked) { callerApp = findProcessLocked(VBinder.getCallingPid()); } if (callerApp == null) { throw new SecurityException("Who are you?"); } String processName = info.processName; ProcessRecord r; synchronized (this) { r = startProcessIfNeedLocked(processName, userId, info.packageName); } if (r != null && r.client.asBinder().isBinderAlive()) { try { return r.client.acquireProviderClient(info); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; }
private void handleDocumentsProvider(ProviderInfo info) { // Ignore stopped packages for now; we might query them // later during UI interaction. if ((info.applicationInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_STOPPED) != 0) { if (LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "Ignoring stopped authority " + info.authority); mTaskStoppedAuthorities.add(info.authority); return; } // Try using cached roots if filtering boolean cacheHit = false; if (mAuthority != null && !mAuthority.equals(info.authority)) { synchronized (mLock) { if (mTaskRoots.putAll(info.authority, mRoots.get(info.authority))) { if (LOGD) Log.d(TAG, "Used cached roots for " + info.authority); cacheHit = true; } } } // Cache miss, or loading everything if (!cacheHit) { mTaskRoots.putAll(info.authority, loadRootsForAuthority(mContext.getContentResolver(), info.authority)); } }
void addProviderInfo(int pid, int uid, ProviderInfo stubInfo, ProviderInfo targetInfo) { ProcessItem item = items.get(pid); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(targetInfo.processName)) { targetInfo.processName = targetInfo.packageName; } if (item == null) { item = new ProcessItem(); = pid; item.uid = uid; items.put(pid, item); } item.stubProcessName = stubInfo.processName; if (!item.pkgs.contains(targetInfo.packageName)) { item.pkgs.add(targetInfo.packageName); } item.targetProcessName = targetInfo.processName; item.addProviderInfo(stubInfo.authority, targetInfo); }
@Override public VParceledListSlice<ProviderInfo> queryContentProviders(String processName, int vuid, int flags) { int userId = VUserHandle.getUserId(vuid); checkUserId(userId); flags = updateFlagsNought(flags); ArrayList<ProviderInfo> finalList = new ArrayList<>(3); // reader synchronized (mPackages) { for (VPackage.ProviderComponent p : mProvidersByComponent.values()) { PackageSetting ps = (PackageSetting) p.owner.mExtras; if (processName == null || ps.appId == VUserHandle.getAppId(vuid) && { ProviderInfo providerInfo = PackageParserEx.generateProviderInfo(p, flags, ps.readUserState(userId), userId); finalList.add(providerInfo); } } } if (!finalList.isEmpty()) { Collections.sort(finalList, sProviderInitOrderSorter); } return new VParceledListSlice<>(finalList); }
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) @Override public List<ResolveInfo> queryIntentContentProviders(Intent intent, String resolvedType, int flags, int userId) { checkUserId(userId); flags = updateFlagsNought(flags); ComponentName comp = intent.getComponent(); if (comp == null) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1) { if (intent.getSelector() != null) { intent = intent.getSelector(); comp = intent.getComponent(); } } } if (comp != null) { final List<ResolveInfo> list = new ArrayList<ResolveInfo>(1); final ProviderInfo pi = getProviderInfo(comp, flags, userId); if (pi != null) { final ResolveInfo ri = new ResolveInfo(); ri.providerInfo = pi; list.add(ri); } return list; } // reader synchronized (mPackages) { String pkgName = intent.getPackage(); if (pkgName == null) { return mProviders.queryIntent(intent, resolvedType, flags, userId); } final VPackage pkg = mPackages.get(pkgName); if (pkg != null) { return mProviders.queryIntentForPackage(intent, resolvedType, flags, pkg.providers, userId); } return Collections.emptyList(); } }
public static ProviderInfo generateProviderInfo(VPackage.ProviderComponent p, int flags, PackageUserState state, int userId) { if (p == null) return null; if (!checkUseInstalledOrHidden(state, flags)) { return null; } // Make shallow copies so we can store the metadata safely ProviderInfo pi = new ProviderInfo(; if ((flags & PackageManager.GET_META_DATA) != 0 && (p.metaData != null)) { pi.metaData = p.metaData; } if ((flags & PackageManager.GET_URI_PERMISSION_PATTERNS) == 0) { pi.uriPermissionPatterns = null; } pi.applicationInfo = generateApplicationInfo(p.owner, flags, state, userId); return pi; }
private String getMyAuthority() throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException { if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { return (String) FieldUtils.readField(this, "mAuthority"); } else { Context context = getContext(); PackageInfo pkgInfo = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS); if (pkgInfo != null && pkgInfo.providers != null && pkgInfo.providers.length > 0) { for (ProviderInfo info : pkgInfo.providers) { if (TextUtils.equals(, getClass().getName())) { return info.authority; } } } } return null; }
public ProviderInfo resolveContentProvider(String name, int flags) throws RemoteException { waitForReadyInner(); try { enforcePluginFileExists(); if (shouldNotBlockOtherInfo()) { for (PluginPackageParser pluginPackageParser : this.mPluginCache.values()) { for (ProviderInfo providerInfo : pluginPackageParser.getProviders()) { if (TextUtils.equals(providerInfo.authority, name)) { return providerInfo; } } } } List<String> pkgs = this.mActivityManagerService.getPackageNamesByPid(Binder.getCallingPid()); for (PluginPackageParser pluginPackageParser2 : this.mPluginCache.values()) { for (ProviderInfo providerInfo2 : pluginPackageParser2.getProviders()) { if (TextUtils.equals(providerInfo2.authority, name) && pkgs.contains(providerInfo2.packageName)) { return providerInfo2; } } } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(e); } return null; }
public ProviderInfo getProviderInfo(ComponentName className, int flags) throws NameNotFoundException, RemoteException { ProviderInfo providerInfo = null; if (className != null) { try { if (!(this.mApkManager == null || className == null)) { providerInfo = this.mApkManager.getProviderInfo(className, flags); } } catch (RemoteException e) { JLog.log("wuxinrong", "获取Provider信息 失败 e=" + e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (Exception e2) { JLog.log("wuxinrong", "获取Provider信息 失败 e=" + e2.getMessage()); } } return providerInfo; }
private static String getAuthorityFromPermission(String permission) { List<PackageInfo> packs = BaseApplication.getInstance().getPackageManager().getInstalledPackages(8); if (packs != null) { for (PackageInfo pack : packs) { ProviderInfo[] providers = pack.providers; if (!BaseTypeUtils.isArrayEmpty(providers)) { for (ProviderInfo provider : providers) { String readPermission = provider.readPermission; if (readPermission != null && permission.equals(readPermission)) { return provider.authority; } } continue; } } } return null; }
@Override protected void afterInvoke(Object receiver, Method method, Object[] args, Object invokeResult) throws Throwable { if (args != null) { if (invokeResult == null) { final int index0 = 0, index1 = 1; if (args.length >= 2 && args[index0] instanceof String && args[index1] instanceof Integer) { String name = (String) args[index0]; Integer flags = (Integer) args[index1]; ProviderInfo info = PluginManager.getInstance().resolveContentProvider(name, flags); if (info != null) { setFakedResult(info); } } } } super.afterInvoke(receiver, method, args, invokeResult); }
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) @Override protected ResolveInfo newResult(PackageParser.ProviderIntentInfo filter, int match) { final PackageParser.Provider provider = filter.provider; ProviderInfo pi = PackageParserCompat.generateProviderInfo(provider, mFlags); if (pi == null) { return null; } final ResolveInfo res = new ResolveInfo(); res.providerInfo = pi; if ((mFlags & PackageManager.GET_RESOLVED_FILTER) != 0) { res.filter = filter; } res.priority = filter.getPriority(); res.preferredOrder = provider.owner.mPreferredOrder; res.match = match; res.isDefault = filter.hasDefault; res.labelRes = filter.labelRes; res.nonLocalizedLabel = filter.nonLocalizedLabel; res.icon = filter.icon; return res; }
/** * Performs data import if possible. * @return true on successful data import, false if it was not available * @throws Exception if the import failed */ public static boolean performImportIfPossible(Context context) throws Exception { SharedPreferences devicePrefs = getDevicePrefs(context); String sourcePackage = devicePrefs.getString(KEY_DATA_IMPORT_SRC_PKG, ""); String sourceAuthority = devicePrefs.getString(KEY_DATA_IMPORT_SRC_AUTHORITY, ""); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sourcePackage) || TextUtils.isEmpty(sourceAuthority)) { return false; } // Synchronously clear the migration flags. This ensures that we do not try migration // again and thus prevents potential crash loops due to migration failure. devicePrefs.edit().remove(KEY_DATA_IMPORT_SRC_PKG).remove(KEY_DATA_IMPORT_SRC_AUTHORITY).apply(); if (!, Settings.METHOD_WAS_EMPTY_DB_CREATED) .getBoolean(Settings.EXTRA_VALUE, false)) { // Only migration if a new DB was created. return false; } for (ProviderInfo info : context.getPackageManager().queryContentProviders( null, context.getApplicationInfo().uid, 0)) { if (sourcePackage.equals(info.packageName)) { if ((info.applicationInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 0) { // Only migrate if the source launcher is also on system image. return false; } // Wait until we found a provider with matching authority. if (sourceAuthority.equals(info.authority)) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(info.readPermission) || context.checkPermission(info.readPermission, Process.myPid(), Process.myUid()) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { // All checks passed, run the import task. return new ImportDataTask(context, sourceAuthority).importWorkspace(); } } } } return false; }
public static QueryFragment newInstance(ProviderInfo provider) { QueryFragment fragment = new QueryFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putParcelable(ARG_PROVIDER, provider); fragment.setArguments(args); return fragment; }
public static ProviderInfo generateProviderInfo(Provider provider, int flags) { if (API_LEVEL >= M) { return, flags, sUserState, myUserId); } else if (API_LEVEL >= LOLLIPOP_MR1) { return, flags, sUserState, myUserId); } else if (API_LEVEL >= LOLLIPOP) { return, flags, sUserState, myUserId); } else if (API_LEVEL >= JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { return, flags, sUserState, myUserId); } else if (API_LEVEL >= JELLY_BEAN) { return, flags, false, 1, myUserId); } else { return, flags); } }
public static SchemaFragment newInstance(ProviderInfo provider) { SchemaFragment fragment = new SchemaFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putParcelable(ARG_PROVIDER, provider); fragment.setArguments(args); return fragment; }
/** * Parse and return {@link PathStrategy} for given authority as defined in * {@link #META_DATA_FILE_PROVIDER_PATHS} {@code <meta-data>}. * * @see #getPathStrategy(Context, String) */ private static PathStrategy parsePathStrategy(Context context, String authority) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { final SimplePathStrategy strat = new SimplePathStrategy(authority); final ProviderInfo info = context.getPackageManager() .resolveContentProvider(authority, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); final XmlResourceParser in = info.loadXmlMetaData( context.getPackageManager(), META_DATA_FILE_PROVIDER_PATHS); if (in == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Missing " + META_DATA_FILE_PROVIDER_PATHS + " meta-data"); } int type; while ((type = != END_DOCUMENT) { if (type == START_TAG) { final String tag = in.getName(); final String name = in.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_NAME); String path = in.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_PATH); File target = null; if (TAG_ROOT_PATH.equals(tag)) { target = DEVICE_ROOT; } else if (TAG_FILES_PATH.equals(tag)) { target = context.getFilesDir(); } else if (TAG_CACHE_PATH.equals(tag)) { target = context.getCacheDir(); } else if (TAG_EXTERNAL.equals(tag)) { target = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); } else if (TAG_EXTERNAL_FILES.equals(tag)) { File[] externalFilesDirs = getExternalFilesDirs(context, null); if (externalFilesDirs.length > 0) { target = externalFilesDirs[0]; } } else if (TAG_EXTERNAL_CACHE.equals(tag)) { File[] externalCacheDirs = getExternalCacheDirs(context); if (externalCacheDirs.length > 0) { target = externalCacheDirs[0]; } } if (target != null) { strat.addRoot(name, buildPath(target, path)); } } } return strat; }
public List<ProviderInfo> queryContentProviders(String processName, int uid, int flags) { try { // noinspection unchecked return getInterface().queryContentProviders(processName, uid, flags).getList(); } catch (RemoteException e) { return VirtualRuntime.crash(e); } }
/** * Implementation is provided by the parent class. */ @Override public void attachInfo(Context context, ProviderInfo info) { mAuthority = info.authority; mMatcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH); mMatcher.addURI(mAuthority, "root", MATCH_ROOTS); mMatcher.addURI(mAuthority, "root/*", MATCH_ROOT); mMatcher.addURI(mAuthority, "root/*/recent", MATCH_RECENT); mMatcher.addURI(mAuthority, "root/*/search", MATCH_SEARCH); mMatcher.addURI(mAuthority, "document/*", MATCH_DOCUMENT); mMatcher.addURI(mAuthority, "document/*/children", MATCH_CHILDREN); mMatcher.addURI(mAuthority, "tree/*/document/*", MATCH_DOCUMENT_TREE); mMatcher.addURI(mAuthority, "tree/*/document/*/children", MATCH_CHILDREN_TREE); // Sanity check our setup if (!info.exported) { throw new SecurityException("Provider must be exported"); } if (!info.grantUriPermissions) { throw new SecurityException("Provider must grantUriPermissions"); } /* if (!android.Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS.equals(info.readPermission) || !android.Manifest.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS.equals(info.writePermission)) { throw new SecurityException("Provider must be protected by MANAGE_DOCUMENTS"); } */ super.attachInfo(context, info); }
public ProviderInfo getProviderInfo(ComponentName componentName, int flags, int userId) { try { return getInterface().getProviderInfo(componentName, flags, userId); } catch (RemoteException e) { return VirtualRuntime.crash(e); } }
@Override public ProviderInfo resolveContentProvider(String name, int flags, int userId) { checkUserId(userId); synchronized (mPackages) { final PackageParser.Provider provider = mProvidersByAuthority.get(name); if (provider != null) { ProviderInfo providerInfo = PackageParserCompat.generateProviderInfo(provider, flags); PackageParser.Package p = mPackages.get(providerInfo.packageName); AppSetting settings = (AppSetting) p.mExtras; ComponentFixer.fixComponentInfo(settings, providerInfo, userId); return providerInfo; } } return null; }
@Override public void attachInfo(Context context, ProviderInfo providerInfo) { if (providerInfo == null) { throw new NullPointerException("CrashReporterInitProvider ProviderInfo cannot be null."); } // So if the authorities equal the library internal ones, the developer forgot to set his applicationId if ("com.balsikandar.crashreporter.CrashReporterInitProvider".equals(providerInfo.authority)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Incorrect provider authority in manifest. Most likely due to a " + "missing applicationId variable in application\'s build.gradle."); } super.attachInfo(context, providerInfo); }
public ProviderInfo resolveContentProvider(String name, int flags, int userId) { try { return getInterface().resolveContentProvider(name, flags, userId); } catch (RemoteException e) { return VirtualRuntime.crash(e); } }
private static void doValidateProcessNames(final Application app, final String[] process_names) { try { final PackageInfo info = app.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(app.getPackageName(), GET_ACTIVITIES | GET_SERVICES | GET_RECEIVERS | GET_PROVIDERS); final Set<String> defined_process_names = new HashSet<>(); if (info.activities != null) for (final ActivityInfo activity : info.activities) defined_process_names.add(activity.processName); if ( != null) for (final ServiceInfo service : defined_process_names.add(service.processName); if (info.receivers != null) for (final ActivityInfo receiver : info.receivers) defined_process_names.add(receiver.processName); if (info.providers != null) for (final ProviderInfo provider : info.providers) defined_process_names.add(provider.processName); for (final String process_name : process_names) if (! defined_process_names.contains(getFullProcessName(app, process_name))) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Process name \"" + process_name + "\" is not used by any component in AndroidManifest.xml"); } catch (final PackageManager.NameNotFoundException ignored) {} // Should never happen }
@Override public void attachInfo(Context context, ProviderInfo providerInfo) { if (providerInfo == null) { throw new NullPointerException("DebugDBInitProvider ProviderInfo cannot be null."); } // So if the authorities equal the library internal ones, the developer forgot to set his applicationId if ("com.amitshekhar.DebugDBInitProvider".equals(providerInfo.authority)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Incorrect provider authority in manifest. Most likely due to a " + "missing applicationId variable in application\'s build.gradle."); } super.attachInfo(context, providerInfo); }
/** * parseProviders * * @param apkPath apkPath * @return providers */ public static List<ProviderInfo> parseProviders(String apkPath) { List<ProviderInfo> ret = new ArrayList<>(); File apkFile = new File(apkPath); if (apkFile.exists()) { try { Class<?> packageParserClass = Class.forName(""); Method parsePackageMethod = packageParserClass.getDeclaredMethod("parsePackage", File.class, int.class); Object packageParser = packageParserClass.newInstance(); Object packageObj = parsePackageMethod.invoke(packageParser, apkFile, PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS); Field providersField = packageObj.getClass().getDeclaredField("providers"); List providers = (List) providersField.get(packageObj); Class<?> packageParser$ProviderClass = Class.forName("$Provider"); Class<?> packageUserStateClass = Class.forName(""); Class<?> userHandler = Class.forName("android.os.UserHandle"); Method getCallingUserIdMethod = userHandler.getDeclaredMethod("getCallingUserId"); int userId = (Integer) getCallingUserIdMethod.invoke(null); Object defaultUserState = packageUserStateClass.newInstance(); Method generateProviderInfo = packageParserClass.getDeclaredMethod("generateProviderInfo", packageParser$ProviderClass, int.class, packageUserStateClass, int.class); for (Object service : providers) { ProviderInfo info = (ProviderInfo) generateProviderInfo.invoke(packageParser, service, 0, defaultUserState, userId); ret.add(info); } } catch (Exception e) { } } return ret; }
/** * Performs data import if possible. * @return true on successful data import, false if it was not available * @throws Exception if the import failed */ public static boolean performImportIfPossible(Context context) throws Exception { SharedPreferences devicePrefs = getDevicePrefs(context); String sourcePackage = devicePrefs.getString(KEY_DATA_IMPORT_SRC_PKG, ""); String sourceAuthority = devicePrefs.getString(KEY_DATA_IMPORT_SRC_AUTHORITY, ""); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sourcePackage) || TextUtils.isEmpty(sourceAuthority)) { return false; } // Synchronously clear the migration flags. This ensures that we do not try migration // again and thus prevents potential crash loops due to migration failure. devicePrefs.edit().remove(KEY_DATA_IMPORT_SRC_PKG).remove(KEY_DATA_IMPORT_SRC_AUTHORITY).commit(); if (!, Settings.METHOD_WAS_EMPTY_DB_CREATED) .getBoolean(Settings.EXTRA_VALUE, false)) { // Only migration if a new DB was created. return false; } for (ProviderInfo info : context.getPackageManager().queryContentProviders( null, context.getApplicationInfo().uid, 0)) { if (sourcePackage.equals(info.packageName)) { if ((info.applicationInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 0) { // Only migrate if the source launcher is also on system image. return false; } // Wait until we found a provider with matching authority. if (sourceAuthority.equals(info.authority)) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(info.readPermission) || context.checkPermission(info.readPermission, Process.myPid(), Process.myUid()) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { // All checks passed, run the import task. return new ImportDataTask(context, sourceAuthority).importWorkspace(); } } } } return false; }
public static Object getContentProvider(ProviderInfo info){ String targetProcessName = info.processName!=null ? info.processName : RuntimeVariables.androidApplication.getPackageName(); String currentProcessName = RuntimeVariables.getProcessName(RuntimeVariables.androidApplication); if(info.multiprocess || targetProcessName.equals(RuntimeVariables.getProcessName(RuntimeVariables.androidApplication))){ return transactProviderInstall(currentProcessName,info); }else{ return transactProviderInstall(info.processName,info); } }
private static Object transactProviderInstall(String processName,ProviderInfo info){ Bundle extras = new Bundle(); extras.putParcelable(PROVIDER_INFO_KEY,info); ContentResolver contentResolver = RuntimeVariables.androidApplication.getContentResolver(); Bundle bundle =,METHOD_INSTALLPROVIDER,"",extras); Object holder = bundle.getParcelable(PROVIDER_HOLDER_KEY); return holder; }
private void addProviderInfo(ProviderInfo info) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(info.processName)) { info.processName = info.packageName; } ProcessItem item = items.get(info.processName); if (item == null) { item = new ProcessItem(); = info.processName; items.put(info.processName, item); } item.addProviderInfo(info); }
@Override public void attachInfo(Context context, ProviderInfo info) { super.attachInfo(context, info); TRANSACTION_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + info.authority + "/transaction"); matcher.addURI(info.authority, "transaction/#", TRANSACTION); matcher.addURI(info.authority, "transaction", TRANSACTIONS); }