private void prepareSharedElementTransition(TransitionState state, View sceneRoot, Object sharedElementTransition, Fragment inFragment, Fragment outFragment, boolean isBack, ArrayList<View> sharedElementTargets) { final View view = sceneRoot; final Object obj = sharedElementTransition; final ArrayList<View> arrayList = sharedElementTargets; final TransitionState transitionState = state; final boolean z = isBack; final Fragment fragment = inFragment; final Fragment fragment2 = outFragment; sceneRoot.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(new OnPreDrawListener() { public boolean onPreDraw() { view.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this); if (obj != null) { FragmentTransitionCompat21.removeTargets(obj, arrayList); arrayList.clear(); ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews = BackStackRecord.this.mapSharedElementsIn(transitionState, z, fragment); FragmentTransitionCompat21.setSharedElementTargets(obj, transitionState.nonExistentView, namedViews, arrayList); BackStackRecord.this.setEpicenterIn(namedViews, transitionState); BackStackRecord.this.callSharedElementEnd(transitionState, fragment, fragment2, z, namedViews); } return true; } }); }
@Override protected Map<String, String> getDefaultStyle() { Map<String,String> map = new ArrayMap<>(); boolean isVertical = true; if (parent != null) { if (parent.getType() != null) { if (parent.getType().equals(WXBasicComponentType.HLIST)) { isVertical = false; } } } String prop = isVertical ? Constants.Name.HEIGHT : Constants.Name.WIDTH; if (getStyles().get(prop) == null && getStyles().get(Constants.Name.FLEX) == null) { map.put(Constants.Name.FLEX, "1"); } return map; }
private void findAllFragmentsWithViews( fragmentManager, ArrayMap<View,> result) { int index = 0; while (true) { tempBundle.putInt(FRAGMENT_INDEX_KEY, index++); fragment = null; try { fragment = fragmentManager.getFragment(tempBundle, FRAGMENT_MANAGER_GET_FRAGMENT_KEY); } catch (Exception e) { // This generates log spam from FragmentManager anyway. } if (fragment == null) { break; } if (fragment.getView() != null) { result.put(fragment.getView(), fragment); if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { findAllFragmentsWithViews(fragment.getChildFragmentManager(), result); } } } }
@Test public void pauseTest() { Class<?> reflected = showDoc.getClass(); try { Method method = reflected.getDeclaredMethod("resetValues"); method.setAccessible(true); method.invoke(showDoc); Field pauseBool = reflected.getDeclaredField("boolValues"); pauseBool.setAccessible(true); Assert.assertFalse(((ArrayMap<String, Boolean>) pauseBool.get(showDoc)).get("isPaused")); Field field = reflected.getDeclaredField("audioPlayer"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(showDoc,new MediaPlayer()); showDoc.pause(); Assert.assertTrue(((ArrayMap<String, Boolean>) pauseBool.get(showDoc)).get("isPaused")); } catch(Exception e){ assertFalse(true); } }
private DeviceState fromSimpleDeviceModel(Models.SimpleDevice offlineDevice) { Set<String> functions = new HashSet<>(); Map<String, VariableType> variables = new ArrayMap<>(); return new DeviceState.DeviceStateBuilder(, functions, variables) .name( .cellular(offlineDevice.cellular) .connected(offlineDevice.isConnected) .version("") .deviceType(ParticleDeviceType.fromInt(offlineDevice.productId)) .platformId(offlineDevice.platformId) .productId(offlineDevice.productId) .imei(offlineDevice.imei) .currentBuild(offlineDevice.currentBuild) .defaultBuild(offlineDevice.defaultBuild) .ipAddress(offlineDevice.ipAddress) .lastAppName("") .status(offlineDevice.status) .requiresUpdate(false) .lastHeard(offlineDevice.lastHeard) .build(); }
/** * generate viewtype by component * * @param component * @return */ private int generateViewType(WXComponent component) { long id; try { id = Integer.parseInt(component.getDomObject().getRef()); String type = component.getDomObject().getAttrs().getScope(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(type)) { if (mRefToViewType == null) { mRefToViewType = new ArrayMap<>(); } if (!mRefToViewType.containsKey(type)) { mRefToViewType.put(type, id); } id = mRefToViewType.get(type); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { WXLogUtils.eTag(TAG, e); id = RecyclerView.NO_ID; WXLogUtils.e(TAG, "getItemViewType: NO ID, this will crash the whole render system of WXListRecyclerView"); } return (int) id; }
/** * Load voice settings from file and set radio buttons * @throws IOException * @throws XmlPullParserException */ private void loadData() throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { ArrayMap<String, String> values = settingsManager.getSettings(); voice = values.get("id"); Voice loadedVoice = searchVoice(voice); if(loadedVoice == null){ Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Errore caricamento impostazioni", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return; } // Language/Locale language = loadedVoice.get("locale"); spnLanguage.setSelection(((ArrayAdapter) spnLanguage.getAdapter()).getPosition(language)); // Gender gender = loadedVoice.get("gender"); if(gender.equals("male")) rbM.setChecked(true); else rbF.setChecked(true); updateChoice(); // Voice int pos=((ArrayAdapter) spnVoice.getAdapter()).getPosition(voice); spnVoice.setSelection(pos); // Speed speed = Float.valueOf(values.get("speed")); spnSpeed.setSelection(Math.round((speed - 1) / 0.25f)); }
private void bindConnect() { refreshListAndNotifyData(presenter.getLastMessages(dbMessageCount)); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); Map<String, String> map = new ArrayMap<>(); map.put("appid", SPUtils.getAppid()); map.put("platform", "Android"); map.put("token", SPUtils.getUserToken()); map.put("version", "2.2"); map.put("uuid", Utils.getUUID(mActivity)); bundle.putString("query",; bundle.putString("url", SPUtils.getChatUrl()); presenter.initParams(bundle); presenter.connect(); }
/** * Construct a new map, that contains a unique String key for each value. * <p> * Current algorithm will construct unique key by appending a unique position number to * key's toString() value * * @return a {@link Map} */ public ArrayMap<String, V> getUniqueMap() { ArrayMap<String, V> uniqueMap = new ArrayMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<K, List<V>> entry : mInternalMap.entrySet()) { int count = 1; for (V value : entry.getValue()) { if (count == 1) { addUniqueEntry(uniqueMap, entry.getKey().toString(), value); } else { // append unique number to key for each value addUniqueEntry(uniqueMap, String.format("%s%d", entry.getKey(), count), value); } count++; } } return uniqueMap; }
public RecyclerViewGroupAdapter(Context context, List<T> dataList , @LayoutRes int[] typeLayoutIds, Integer groupType, RecyclerViewGroupTypeProcessor<T> groupTypeProcessor) { mContext = context; if (groupType != null && groupType >= 0) mGroupViewType = groupType; mDataList = dataList; if (typeLayoutIds != null && typeLayoutIds.length != 0) { mTypeLayoutIds = new ArrayMap<>(); int typeSize = typeLayoutIds.length; for (int i = 0; i < typeSize; i++) { mTypeLayoutIds.put(i, typeLayoutIds[i]); } } mGroupTypeProcessor = groupTypeProcessor; initGroup(); }
/** * init group info for group count, position map and count map */ private void initGroup() { mGroupPositionMap = new ArrayMap<>(); mGroupItemCountMap = new ArrayMap<>(); mGroupCount = 0; int lastGroupPosition = 0; if (mDataList != null && !mDataList.isEmpty()) { int dataSize = mDataList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { if (getItemViewType(i) == mGroupViewType) { mGroupPositionMap.put(mGroupCount, i); lastGroupPosition = i; if (mGroupCount != 0) { mGroupItemCountMap.put(mGroupCount - 1, i - mGroupPositionMap.get(mGroupCount - 1)); } mGroupCount++; } } mGroupItemCountMap.put(mGroupCount - 1, dataSize - lastGroupPosition); } }
/** * find out the child position of its group * * @param position adapter item position * @return */ private int findChildGroupPosition(int position) { if (mChildGroupPositionCacheMap == null) mChildGroupPositionCacheMap = new ArrayMap<>(); if (mDataList == null || mDataList.isEmpty()) return -1; int tempPosition = mDataList.size(); int groupPosition = 0; if (mChildGroupPositionCacheMap.containsKey(position)) return mChildGroupPositionCacheMap.get(position); for (int i = mGroupCount; i > 0; i--) { if (tempPosition <= position) { groupPosition = i; mChildGroupPositionCacheMap.put(position, groupPosition); break; } tempPosition -= mGroupItemCountMap.get(i - 1); } return groupPosition; }
/** * find out the child position of its group * * @param groupPosition the group position of the group list * @param position adapter item position * @return */ private int findChildPosition(int groupPosition, int position) { if (mChildItemPositionCacheMap == null) mChildItemPositionCacheMap = new ArrayMap<>(); if (mDataList == null || mDataList.isEmpty()) return -1; int positionInGroup = 0; if (mChildItemPositionCacheMap.containsKey(position)) return mChildItemPositionCacheMap.get(position); int groupItemCount = mGroupItemCountMap.get(groupPosition); int groupRealPosition = mGroupPositionMap.get(groupPosition); positionInGroup = (position - groupRealPosition) % groupItemCount - 1; mChildItemPositionCacheMap.put(position, positionInGroup); return positionInGroup; }
/*** * Public method that read information about theme settings from XML file * @param parser the current parser used to parse the XML file * @return ThemeSetting contains loaded settings * @throws XmlPullParserException * @throws IOException */ private ThemeSetting readThemeSetting(XmlPullParser parser) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "themesetting"); ArrayMap<String, String> newValues = new ArrayMap<>(); while ( != XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { if (parser.getEventType() != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { continue; } String name = parser.getName(); if (name.equals("font")) { newValues.put("font", readText(parser)); } else if (name.equals("palette")) { newValues.put("palette", readText(parser)); } else if (name.equals("highlight")) { newValues.put("highlight", readText(parser)); } } ThemeSetting themesetting = new ThemeSetting(); themesetting.changeSetting(newValues); return themesetting; }
private void performLogin() { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mNameView.getText().toString()) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(mPasswordView.getText().toString()) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(mUrlView.getText().toString())) { final String userName = mNameView.getText().toString().trim(); final String userPassword = mPasswordView.getText().toString(); final Map<String, Object> params = new ArrayMap<String, Object>(); params.put(Constants.PREFS_USER, userName); params.put(Constants.PREFS_PASSWORD, userPassword); showDialog(); Communicator.getInstance().login(params, collectUrl(mUrlView.getText().toString()), this); } else { DialogHelper.showAlertDialog(LoginActivity.this, getString(R.string.fill_fields)); } }
public ArrayMap<Integer, long[]> getIds() { ArrayMap<Integer, long[]> arrayMap = new ArrayMap<>(); if (choiceMode == ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, SparseBooleanArray> entry : multipleIds.entrySet()) { List<Integer> l = new ArrayList<>(); SparseBooleanArray ids = entry.getValue(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) { if (ids.valueAt(i)) { l.add(ids.keyAt(i)); } } long[] _ids = new long[l.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { _ids[i] = l.get(i); } arrayMap.put(entry.getKey(), _ids); } } return arrayMap; }
/** * generate viewtype by component * @param component * @return */ private int generateViewType(WXComponent component) { long id; try { id = Integer.parseInt(component.getDomObject().getRef()); String type = component.getDomObject().getAttrs().getScope(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(type)) { if (mRefToViewType == null) { mRefToViewType = new ArrayMap<>(); } if (!mRefToViewType.containsKey(type)) { mRefToViewType.put(type, id); } id = mRefToViewType.get(type); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { WXLogUtils.eTag(TAG, e); id = RecyclerView.NO_ID; WXLogUtils.e(TAG, "getItemViewType: NO ID, this will crash the whole render system of WXListRecyclerView"); } return (int) id; }
@Override public void onDataChanged(DataEventBuffer dataEvents) { for (DataEvent dataEvent : dataEvents) { if (dataEvent.getType() == DataEvent.TYPE_CHANGED) { if (ZabbkitConstants.PATH_DATA_REQUEST.equals(dataEvent.getDataItem().getUri().getPath())) { Map<String, Object> params = new ArrayMap<String, Object>(); params.put(Constants.REQ_SELECT_HOSTS, new String[]{ Constants.REQ_VAL_HOST_ID, Constants.REQ_VAL_HOST}); params.put(Constants.REQ_SORT_FIELD, Constants.REQ_VAL_DESCRIPTION); params.put(Constants.REQ_OUTPUT, Constants.REQ_VAL_EXTEND); params.put(Constants.REQ_MONITORED, true); params.put(Constants.REQ_EXPAND_DESCRIPTION, true); Communicator.getInstance().getTriggers(params, this); } } } }
public GridRangeStyle findSiblingStyleByPosition(int position) { GridRangeStyle rangeStyle = null; if (mParent != null) { ArrayMap<Range<Integer>, GridRangeStyle> siblings = mParent.mChildren; for (int i = 0, size = siblings.size(); i < size; i++) { Range range = siblings.keyAt(i); if (range.contains(position)) { GridRangeStyle childRangeStyle = siblings.valueAt(i); if (!childRangeStyle.equals(this)) { rangeStyle = childRangeStyle; } break; } } } return rangeStyle; }
/** * Initializes a new {@link CastMessageHandler} instance. * @param session The {@link CastSession} for communicating with the Cast SDK. * @param provider The {@link CastMediaRouteProvider} for communicating with the page. */ public CastMessageHandler(CastMediaRouteProvider provider) { mRouteProvider = provider; mRequests = new SparseArray<RequestRecord>(); mStopRequests = new ArrayMap<String, Queue<Integer>>(); mVolumeRequests = new ArrayDeque<RequestRecord>(); mHandler = new Handler(); synchronized (INIT_LOCK) { if (sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes == null) { sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes = new HashMap<String, String>(); sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes.put("STOP_MEDIA", "STOP"); sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes.put("MEDIA_SET_VOLUME", "SET_VOLUME"); sMediaOverloadedMessageTypes.put("MEDIA_GET_STATUS", "GET_STATUS"); } } }
@Override public JsInterfaceHolder addJavaObjects(ArrayMap<String, Object> maps) { if(!checkSecurity()){ return this; } Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> sets = maps.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> mEntry : sets) { Object v = mEntry.getValue(); boolean t = checkObject(v); if (!t) throw new JsInterfaceObjectException("this object has not offer method javascript to call ,please check addJavascriptInterface annotation was be added"); else addJavaObjectDirect(mEntry.getKey(), v); } return this; }
@Override public void onMotionEvent(View view, MotionEvent event) { if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { if (lSCell != null && lSCell.serviceManager != null) { BusSupport busSupport = lSCell.serviceManager.getService(BusSupport.class); ArrayMap<String, String> params = new ArrayMap<String, String>(); params.put("spmcOffset", String.valueOf(lSCell.cells.size()));"onMotionEvent", null, params, null)); } } }
public void loadSQLiteData() { { SQLiteHandle mSqLiteHandle = new SQLiteHandle(getActivity()); Cursor cursor = mSqLiteHandle.queryUnappearstaredItems(); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor != null || cursor.getCount() != 0 || cursor.getCount() != -1) { Log.i("cursor", "存在"); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { Map<String, String> map = new ArrayMap<String, String>(); map.put("title", cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("ItemTitle"))); map.put("pubdate", cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("ItemPubdate"))); map.put("description", cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("ItemDescription"))); map.put("rssname", cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("RssName"))); Log.i("appear-item", map.get("title") + ":" + map.get("pubdate")); mapList.add(map); } } cursor.close(); mSqLiteHandle.updateUnAppearStaredItems(); } mSqLiteHandle.dbClose(); mSqLiteHandle = null; } }
@Override public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder holder, int position) { holder.tvTitle.setText(mMap.keyAt(position)); holder.flContent.removeAllViews(); ArrayMap<String,String> mNodeBlock = mMap.valueAt(position); for (ArrayMap.Entry<String,String> node : mNodeBlock.entrySet()) { TextView tvNode = new TextView(mContext); tvNode.setText(node.getValue()); tvNode.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, R.color.colorText)); tvNode.setPadding(SystemUtil.dp2px(6f), SystemUtil.dp2px(6f), SystemUtil.dp2px(6f), SystemUtil.dp2px(6f)); tvNode.setOnClickListener(new OnNodeClickListener(node.getKey())); holder.flContent.addView(tvNode); } }
public Map<String,Object> updateStatusAndGetUpdateStyles(String clzName, boolean status, Map<String, Map<String,Object>> pesudoStyles, Map<String,Object> originalStyles){ String prevStatusesStr = getStatuses();//before change setStatus(clzName,status); String statusesStr = getStatuses();//after change Map<String,Object> updateStyles = pesudoStyles.get(statusesStr); Map<String,Object> prevUpdateStyles = pesudoStyles.get(prevStatusesStr); /** * NEW INSTANCE, DO NOT USE MAP OBJECT FROM pesudoStyles */ Map<String,Object> resultStyles = new ArrayMap<>(); if(prevStatusesStr != null){ resultStyles.putAll(prevUpdateStyles); } //reset for (String key : resultStyles.keySet()) { resultStyles.put(key, originalStyles.containsKey(key) ? originalStyles.get(key) : ""); } //apply new update if(updateStyles != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : updateStyles.entrySet()) { resultStyles.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return resultStyles; }
public ArrayMap<String, String> getSettings() { ArrayMap<String, String> allSetts= new ArrayMap<>(); allSetts.putAll((SimpleArrayMap<String,String>) settings.get(0).getSpecs()); allSetts.putAll((SimpleArrayMap<String,String>) settings.get(1).getSpecs()); allSetts.putAll((SimpleArrayMap<String,String>) settings.get(2).getSpecs()); return allSetts; }
private ArrayMap<String, View> mapEnteringSharedElements(TransitionState state, Fragment inFragment, boolean isBack) { ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews = new ArrayMap(); View root = inFragment.getView(); if (root == null || this.mSharedElementSourceNames == null) { return namedViews; } FragmentTransitionCompat21.findNamedViews(namedViews, root); if (isBack) { return remapNames(this.mSharedElementSourceNames, this.mSharedElementTargetNames, namedViews); } namedViews.retainAll(this.mSharedElementTargetNames); return namedViews; }
@Override public void onOverScroll(View view, float offset) { if (lSCell != null && lSCell.serviceManager != null) { BusSupport busSupport = lSCell.serviceManager.getService(BusSupport.class); ArrayMap<String, String> params = new ArrayMap<String, String>(); params.put("offset", String.valueOf(offset));"onOverScroll", null, params, null)); } }
/** * Save setting data to file by settingManager */ private void save(){ ArrayMap<String, String> values = getVoiceSpec(voice); values.put("speed", Float.toString(speed)); try { settingsManager.changeFattsSetting(values); settingsManager.saveSettings(getContext()); Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Impostazioni salvate", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }catch(IOException e){ Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Errore salvataggio", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }
public static Map<String, String> readStringMap(Parcel parcel) { Map<String, String> map = new ArrayMap<>(); Bundle bundle = parcel.readBundle(Parcelables.class.getClassLoader()); for (String key : bundle.keySet()) { map.put(key, bundle.getString(key)); } return map; }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { context = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext(); settingManager = new SettingManager(); settingManager.loadSettings(context); mockedMap = new ArrayMap<>(); mockedMap2 = new ArrayMap<>(); mockedMap.put("key0","value"); mockedMap.put("key1","value"); mockedMap.put("key2","value"); }
@Override public void onClick(View v) { int id = v.getId(); if (id == { finish(); } else if (id == { Map<String, String> dataMap = new ArrayMap<>(); dataMap.put(Field.CONTENT, mETContent.getText().toString()); dataMap.put(Field.TICKET_ID, String.valueOf(mTicketId)); dataMap.put(Field.RATING, String.valueOf(mRatingStatus)); showDialog = true; presenter.rating(dataMap); } }
public static void loadErrorPage(final AmazonWebView webView, final String desiredURL, final int errorCode) { final Pair<Integer, Integer> errorResourceIDs = errorDescriptionMap.get(errorCode); if (errorResourceIDs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot load error description for unsupported errorcode=" + errorCode); } // This is quite hacky: ideally we'd just load the css file directly using a '<link rel="stylesheet"'. // However WebView thinks it's still loading the original page, which can be an https:// page. // If mixed content blocking is enabled (which is probably what we want in Focus), then webkit // will block file:///android_res/ links from being loaded - which blocks our css from being loaded. // We could hack around that by enabling mixed content when loading an error page (and reenabling it // once that's loaded), but doing that correctly and reliably isn't particularly simple. Loading // the css data and stuffing it into our html is much simpler, especially since we're already doing // string substitutions. // As an added bonus: file:/// URIs are broken if the app-ID != app package, see: // (this breaks loading css via file:/// // references when running debug builds, and probably klar too) - which means this wouldn't // be possible even if we hacked around the mixed content issues. final String cssString = HtmlLoader.loadResourceFile(webView.getContext(), R.raw.errorpage_style, null); final Map<String, String> substitutionMap = new ArrayMap<>(); final Resources resources = webView.getContext().getResources(); substitutionMap.put("%page-title%", resources.getString(R.string.errorpage_title)); substitutionMap.put("%button%", resources.getString(R.string.errorpage_refresh)); substitutionMap.put("%messageShort%", resources.getString(errorResourceIDs.first)); substitutionMap.put("%messageLong%", resources.getString(errorResourceIDs.second, desiredURL)); substitutionMap.put("%css%", cssString); final String errorPage = HtmlLoader.loadResourceFile(webView.getContext(), R.raw.errorpage, substitutionMap); // We could load the raw html file directly into the webview using a file:///android_res/ // URI - however we'd then need to do some JS hacking to do our String substitutions. Moreover // we'd have to deal with the mixed-content issues detailed above in that case. webView.loadDataWithBaseURL(desiredURL, errorPage, "text/html", "UTF8", desiredURL); }
@Override public void submitData() { Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.setContent(mETContent.getText().toString()); comment.setCreatedAt(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); comment.setMessageStatus(MessageStatus.SENDING); // comment.setAuthorName(!TextUtils.isEmpty(SPUtils.getUserName()) ? SPUtils.getUserName() : "Android SDK"); comment.setAuthorName(nickName); List<Attachment> attachments = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < getFileList().size(); i++) { Attachment attachment = new Attachment(); attachment.setContent_url(getFileList().get(i).getAbsolutePath()); attachment.setName(getFileList().get(i).getName()); attachments.add(attachment); } comment.setAttachmentList(attachments); mCommentList.add(comment); commentPosition = mCommentList.indexOf(comment); mListView.setSelection(mCommentList.size() - 1); showDialog = false; String content = mETContent.getText().toString(); Map<String, String> map = new ArrayMap<>(); map.put(ParamsKey.CONTENT, content); map.put(ParamsKey.TICKET_ID, String.valueOf(ticket_id)); mETContent.setText(""); presenter.replayTicket(map); }
@Override public Map<String, String> getDataMap() { Map<String, String> map = new ArrayMap<>(); map.put(ParamsKey.TITLE, SPUtils.getTicketTitle()); map.put(ParamsKey.CONTENT, mETContent.getText().toString()); return map; }
@Override public void getPostListById(HelpCenterRequestType helpCenterRequestType) { Map<String, String> map = new ArrayMap<>(); map.put(Field.FORUM_ID, String.valueOf(getMvpView().getPostId())); map.putAll(getMvpView().getCustomMap()); HelpCenterTypeChildCase.RequestCase requestCase = new HelpCenterTypeChildCase.RequestCase(helpCenterRequestType, map); dealData(requestCase); }
public Map<String,Object> updateStatusAndGetUpdateStyles(String clzName, boolean status, Map<String, Map<String,Object>> pesudoStyles, Map<String,Object> originalStyles){ String prevStatusesStr = getStatuses();//before change setStatus(clzName,status); String statusesStr = getStatuses();//after change Map<String,Object> updateStyles = pesudoStyles.get(statusesStr); Map<String,Object> prevUpdateStyles = pesudoStyles.get(prevStatusesStr); /** * NEW INSTANCE, DO NOT USE MAP OBJECT FROM pesudoStyles */ Map<String,Object> resultStyles = new ArrayMap<>(); if(prevUpdateStyles != null){ resultStyles.putAll(prevUpdateStyles); } //reset for (String key : resultStyles.keySet()) { resultStyles.put(key, originalStyles.containsKey(key) ? originalStyles.get(key) : ""); } //apply new update if(updateStyles != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : updateStyles.entrySet()) { resultStyles.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return resultStyles; }
private void setNameOverrides(TransitionState state, ArrayMap<String, View> namedViews, boolean isEnd) { int count = namedViews.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { String source = (String) namedViews.keyAt(i); String target = FragmentTransitionCompat21.getTransitionName((View) namedViews.valueAt(i)); if (isEnd) { setNameOverride(state.nameOverrides, source, target); } else { setNameOverride(state.nameOverrides, target, source); } } }