WindowInsetsCompat onWindowInsetChanged(final WindowInsetsCompat insets) { WindowInsetsCompat newInsets = null; if (ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows(this)) { // If we're set to fit system windows, keep the insets newInsets = insets; } // If our insets have changed, keep them and invalidate the scroll ranges... if (!ObjectsCompat.equals(mLastInsets, newInsets)) { mLastInsets = newInsets; invalidateScrollRanges(); } return insets; }
WindowInsetsCompat onWindowInsetChanged(final WindowInsetsCompat insets) { WindowInsetsCompat newInsets = null; if (ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows(this)) { // If we're set to fit system windows, keep the insets newInsets = insets; } // If our insets have changed, keep them and invalidate the scroll ranges... if (!ObjectsCompat.equals(lastInsets, newInsets)) { lastInsets = newInsets; invalidateScrollRanges(); } return insets; }
WindowInsetsCompat onWindowInsetChanged(final WindowInsetsCompat insets) { WindowInsetsCompat newInsets = null; if (ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows(this)) { // If we're set to fit system windows, keep the insets newInsets = insets; } // If our insets have changed, keep them and invalidate the scroll ranges... if (!ObjectsCompat.equals(lastInsets, newInsets)) { lastInsets = newInsets; requestLayout(); } // Consume the insets. This is done so that child views with fitSystemWindows=true do not // get the default padding functionality from View return insets.consumeSystemWindowInsets(); }
WindowInsetsCompat onWindowInsetChanged(final WindowInsetsCompat insets) { WindowInsetsCompat newInsets = null; if (ViewCompat.getFitsSystemWindows(this)) { // If we're set to fit system windows, keep the insets newInsets = insets; } // If our insets have changed, keep them and invalidate the scroll ranges... if (!ObjectsCompat.equals(mLastInsets, newInsets)) { mLastInsets = newInsets; requestLayout(); } // Consume the insets. This is done so that child views with fitSystemWindows=true do not // get the default padding functionality from View return insets.consumeSystemWindowInsets(); }
final WindowInsetsCompat setWindowInsets(WindowInsetsCompat insets) { if (!ObjectsCompat.equals(mLastInsets, insets)) { mLastInsets = insets; mDrawStatusBarBackground = insets != null && insets.getSystemWindowInsetTop() > 0; setWillNotDraw(!mDrawStatusBarBackground && getBackground() == null); // Now dispatch to the Behaviors insets = dispatchApplyWindowInsetsToBehaviors(insets); requestLayout(); } return insets; }
@Override public boolean areContentsTheSame(int oldItemPosition, int newItemPosition) { Country oldCountry = oldCountries.get(oldItemPosition); Country newCountry = newCountries.get(newItemPosition); return oldCountry.refreshedAt == newCountry.refreshedAt && oldCountry.btc == newCountry.btc && oldCountry.eth == newCountry.eth && ObjectsCompat.equals(oldCountry.currency, newCountry.currency) && ObjectsCompat.equals(oldCountry.code, newCountry.code); }
public void replace(Country newCountry) { for (Country country : countries) { if (ObjectsCompat.equals(country.code, newCountry.code)) { int index = countries.indexOf(country); countries.set(index, newCountry); notifyItemChanged(index); break; } } }
private void loadCardColor(Country country) { Context context = itemView.getContext(); Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), country.getFlagRes()); Palette.from(bitmap) .maximumColorCount(4) .generate(palette -> { if (!ObjectsCompat.equals(signature, country.toString())) { return; } Palette.Swatch swatch = palette.getDarkVibrantSwatch(); if (swatch == null) { swatch = palette.getLightVibrantSwatch(); } if (swatch == null) { swatch = new Palette.Swatch(Easel.getThemeAttrColor(context, R.attr.cardColor), 4); } cardCurrency.setCardBackgroundColor(Easel.getDarkerColor(swatch.getRgb(), 0.9f)); titleTextView.setTextColor(swatch.getTitleTextColor()); int bodyTextColor = swatch.getBodyTextColor(); ButterKnife.apply( Arrays.asList(btcTextView, ethTextView, btcLabelTextView, ethLabelTextView), (ButterKnife.Action<TextView>) (view, index) -> view.setTextColor(bodyTextColor)); overflowButton.setImageDrawable(Easel .tint(overflowButton.getDrawable(), bodyTextColor)); }); }
private void loadSummaries(String key) { ListPreference preference = (ListPreference) findPreference("THEME"); preference.setSummary(preference.getEntry()); if (ObjectsCompat.equals(key, "THEME")) { getActivity().recreate(); } }
final WindowInsetsCompat setWindowInsets(WindowInsetsCompat insets) { if (!ObjectsCompat.equals(lastInsets, insets)) { lastInsets = insets; drawStatusBarBackground = insets != null && insets.getSystemWindowInsetTop() > 0; setWillNotDraw(!drawStatusBarBackground && getBackground() == null); // Now dispatch to the Behaviors insets = dispatchApplyWindowInsetsToBehaviors(insets); requestLayout(); } return insets; }
public static Single<Country> loadRate(Country oldCountry) { long minutesBefore = System.currentTimeMillis() - (10 * 60 * 1000); if (oldCountry.refreshedAt > minutesBefore) return Single.error(new Throwable("No refresh needed!")); return getApi().getPrice(oldCountry.code, BTC_ETH) .map(response -> { HttpUrl url = response.raw().request().url(); String from = url.queryParameter(Api.FROM_SYMBOL); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(from)) { return null; } Exchange exchange = response.body(); if (exchange == null) { return null; } if (ObjectsCompat.equals(oldCountry.code, from)) { int btcStatus = Country.SAME; if (oldCountry.btc != -1) { if (exchange.bitcoin > oldCountry.btc) { btcStatus = Country.RISE; } else if (exchange.bitcoin < oldCountry.btc) { btcStatus = Country.DROP; } } int ethStatus = Country.SAME; if (oldCountry.eth != -1) { if (exchange.bitcoin > oldCountry.btc) { ethStatus = Country.RISE; } else if (exchange.bitcoin < oldCountry.btc) { ethStatus = Country.DROP; } } oldCountry.btcStatus = btcStatus; oldCountry.ethStatus = ethStatus; oldCountry.eth = exchange.ethereum; oldCountry.btc = exchange.bitcoin; oldCountry.refreshedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); return oldCountry; } return null; }) .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()); }