private void showFragmentById(int id) { final Class<? extends Fragment> target = FRAGMENTS.get(id); final Fragment fragment = Fragment.instantiate(this, target.getName()); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { setupFragmentTransition(fragment); } final FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction() .replace(, fragment); for (Pair<View, String> sharedElement : sharedElements) { transaction.addSharedElement(sharedElement.first, sharedElement.second); } sharedElements = new ArrayList<>(); transaction.commit(); }
/** * Converts all the values in the provided collection, and adds them to a new map. */ @NonNull public static <T, U, V> Map<U, V> toMap( @Nullable Collection<T> values, @NonNull ValueConverter<T, Pair<U, V>> valueConverter) { if (values == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } Map<U, V> result = createMap(values.size()); for (T value : values) { Pair<U, V> converted = valueConverter.convert(value); result.put(converted.first, converted.second); } return result; }
/** * Parses encryption data from an audio/video sample entry, populating {@code out} and returning * the unencrypted atom type, or 0 if no common encryption sinf atom was present. */ private static int parseSampleEntryEncryptionData(ParsableByteArray parent, int position, int size, StsdData out, int entryIndex) { int childPosition = parent.getPosition(); while (childPosition - position < size) { parent.setPosition(childPosition); int childAtomSize = parent.readInt(); Assertions.checkArgument(childAtomSize > 0, "childAtomSize should be positive"); int childAtomType = parent.readInt(); if (childAtomType == Atom.TYPE_sinf) { Pair<Integer, TrackEncryptionBox> result = parseSinfFromParent(parent, childPosition, childAtomSize); if (result != null) { out.trackEncryptionBoxes[entryIndex] = result.second; return result.first; } } childPosition += childAtomSize; } // This enca/encv box does not have a data format so return an invalid atom type. return 0; }
private static Pair<Float, Float> parsePivot(@Nullable String transformOrigin, int width, int height,int viewportW) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(transformOrigin)) { int firstSpace = transformOrigin.indexOf(FunctionParser.SPACE); if (firstSpace != -1) { int i = firstSpace; for (; i < transformOrigin.length(); i++) { if (transformOrigin.charAt(i) != FunctionParser.SPACE) { break; } } if (i < transformOrigin.length() && transformOrigin.charAt(i) != FunctionParser.SPACE) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(2); list.add(transformOrigin.substring(0, firstSpace).trim()); list.add(transformOrigin.substring(i, transformOrigin.length()).trim()); return parsePivot(list, width, height,viewportW); } } } return parsePivot(Arrays.asList(WXAnimationBean.Style.CENTER, WXAnimationBean.Style.CENTER), width, height,viewportW); }
@Test public void testKeywordString() throws Exception { //Registering a list of adUnits test ArrayList<BidResponse> bids = new ArrayList<>(); BidResponse testBid = new BidResponse(TestConstants.cpm3, ServerResponses.ut_url); testBid.addCustomKeyword("pb_cache_id", "14y3834yq5iu5"); testBid.addCustomKeyword("hb_pb", "0.54"); testBid.addCustomKeyword("hb_bidder", "mock_bidder"); bids.add(testBid); MockServer.addTestSetup(TestConstants.configID1, bids); ArrayList<AdUnit> adUnits = new ArrayList<AdUnit>(); adUnits.add(adUnit1); Prebid.init(activity.getApplicationContext(), adUnits, TestConstants.accountId); Robolectric.flushBackgroundThreadScheduler(); Robolectric.flushForegroundThreadScheduler(); ArrayList<Pair<String, String>> keywords = BidManager.getKeywordsForAdUnit(adUnit1.getCode(), activity.getApplicationContext()); for (Pair keywordPair : keywords) { if ("pb_cache_id".equals(keywordPair.first)) { assertEquals("14y3834yq5iu5", keywordPair.second); } else if ("hb_pb".equals(keywordPair.first)) { assertEquals("0.54", keywordPair.second); } else if ("hb_bidder".equals(keywordPair.first)) { assertEquals("mock_bidder", keywordPair.second); } } }
/** * Parses an AudioSpecificConfig, as defined in ISO 14496-3 * * @param audioSpecificConfig The AudioSpecificConfig to parse. * @return A pair consisting of the sample rate in Hz and the channel count. */ public static Pair<Integer, Integer> parseAacAudioSpecificConfig(byte[] audioSpecificConfig) { ParsableBitArray bitArray = new ParsableBitArray(audioSpecificConfig); int audioObjectType = getAacAudioObjectType(bitArray); int sampleRate = getAacSamplingFrequency(bitArray); int channelConfiguration = bitArray.readBits(4); if (audioObjectType == AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE_SBR || audioObjectType == AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE_PS) { // For an AAC bitstream using spectral band replication (SBR) or parametric stereo (PS) with // explicit signaling, we return the extension sampling frequency as the sample rate of the // content; this is identical to the sample rate of the decoded output but may differ from // the sample rate set above. // Use the extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex. sampleRate = getAacSamplingFrequency(bitArray); audioObjectType = getAacAudioObjectType(bitArray); if (audioObjectType == AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE_ER_BSAC) { // Use the extensionChannelConfiguration. channelConfiguration = bitArray.readBits(4); } } int channelCount = AUDIO_SPECIFIC_CONFIG_CHANNEL_COUNT_TABLE[channelConfiguration]; Assertions.checkArgument(channelCount != AUDIO_SPECIFIC_CONFIG_CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_INVALID); return Pair.create(sampleRate, channelCount); }
@Override public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { View resultView = convertView; ViewHolder holder; if (resultView == null) { resultView = inflater.inflate(android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, null); holder = new ViewHolder((TextView) resultView.findViewById(; resultView.setTag(holder); } else { holder = (ViewHolder) resultView.getTag(); } Pair<String /* uuid */, NavBarEntry> entry = getItem(position); fillViews(holder, entry); return resultView; }
private void tryRestoreInstanceState(HashSet<Long> idsToCheckOnRestore) { if (idsToCheckOnRestore == null || mListView.getAdapter() == null) { return; } boolean idsFound = false; Adapter adapter = mListView.getAdapter(); for (int pos = adapter.getCount() - 1; pos >= 0; pos--) { if (idsToCheckOnRestore.contains(adapter.getItemId(pos))) { idsFound = true; if (mItemsToCheck == null) { mItemsToCheck = new HashSet<Pair<Integer, Long>>(); } mItemsToCheck.add(new Pair<Integer, Long>(pos, adapter.getItemId(pos))); } } if (idsFound) { // We found some IDs that were checked. Let's now restore the multi-selection // state. mActionMode = mActivity.startSupportActionMode(mCallbacks); } }
private Pair<Integer, Integer> getNewInterleavedChannels() { // Determine which RTP channels are used List<Integer> takenRtpChannels = new ArrayList<>(); for (RtpStream s : streams) { if (s.getRtpProtocol() == RtpStream.RtpProtocol.TCP) { Pair<Integer, Integer> i = s.getInterleavedRtpChannels(); if (i != null) takenRtpChannels.add(i.first); } } // Determine the lowest available RTP channels Integer rtpChannel = null, rtcpChannel = null; for (int i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i += 2) { if (!takenRtpChannels.contains(i)) { rtpChannel = i; rtcpChannel = i + 1; } } return new Pair<>(rtpChannel, rtcpChannel); }
/** * Execute the translation request * * @param ctx the application context * @param language the {@link TranslationLanguageBing} * @param translationString the content to translate * @return the translation result {@link Pair} with the first parameter denoting success */ public static Pair<Boolean, String> execute(@NonNull final Context ctx, @NonNull final TranslationLanguageBing language, @NonNull final String translationString) { if (BingCredentials.isTokenValid(ctx)) { if (DEBUG) { MyLog.i(CLS_NAME, "execute: token valid"); } return new BingTranslateAPI().execute(ctx, SPH.getBingToken(ctx), translationString, TranslationLanguageBing.AUTO_DETECT, language); } else { if (DEBUG) { MyLog.i(CLS_NAME, "execute: token invalid"); } if (new BingOAuth().execute(ctx, true)) { return new BingTranslateAPI().execute(ctx, SPH.getBingToken(ctx), translationString, TranslationLanguageBing.AUTO_DETECT, language); } else { if (DEBUG) { MyLog.w(CLS_NAME, "execute: refreshing token failed"); } return new Pair<>(false, null); } } }
public void startDetailActivity(String itemId, View viewRoot) { Activity container = getActivity(); Intent i = new Intent(container, DetailActivity.class); i.putExtra(EXTRA_ITEM_ID, itemId); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { container.getWindow().setEnterTransition(new Fade(Fade.IN)); container.getWindow().setEnterTransition(new Fade(Fade.OUT)); ActivityOptions options = ActivityOptions .makeSceneTransitionAnimation(container, new Pair<>(viewRoot.findViewById(, getString(R.string.transition_drawable)), new Pair<>(viewRoot.findViewById(, getString(R.string.transition_message)), new Pair<>(viewRoot.findViewById(, getString(R.string.transition_time_and_date))); startActivity(i, options.toBundle()); } else { startActivity(i); } }
private static List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> getRanges(List<Integer> list) { if (list.size() < 1) return null; final List<List<Integer>> indexesList = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> someList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) { someList.add(list.get(i)); if (list.get(i + 1) - list.get(i) > 1) { indexesList.add(someList); someList = new ArrayList<>(); } } someList.add(list.get(list.size() - 1)); indexesList.add(someList); final List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<Integer> indexList : indexesList) { result.add(new Pair<>(indexList.get(0), indexList.size())); } return result; }
public void clear() { mTotal = 0; mIndex = 0; if (mIndexGen != null) { mIndexGen.set(0); } mLayoutManager.setLayoutHelpers(null); for (Pair<AdapterDataObserver, Adapter> p : mAdapters) { p.second.unregisterAdapterDataObserver(p.first); } mItemTypeAry.clear(); mAdapters.clear(); mIndexAry.clear(); }
@Override public synchronized void onProducerFinishWithCancellation( String requestId, String producerName, @Nullable Map<String, String> extraMap) { if (FLog.isLoggable(FLog.VERBOSE)) { Pair<String, String> mapKey = Pair.create(requestId, producerName); Long startTime = mProducerStartTimeMap.remove(mapKey); long currentTime = getTime(); FLog.v( TAG, "time %d: onProducerFinishWithCancellation: " + "{requestId: %s, stage: %s, elapsedTime: %d ms, extraMap: %s}", currentTime, requestId, producerName, getElapsedTime(startTime, currentTime), extraMap); } }
@Override public void onRecorderCanceled() { Vibrator vibrator = (Vibrator)getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE); vibrator.vibrate(50); getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); ListenableFuture<Pair<Uri, Long>> future = audioRecorder.stopRecording(); future.addListener(new ListenableFuture.Listener<Pair<Uri, Long>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(final Pair<Uri, Long> result) { new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() { @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { PersistentBlobProvider.getInstance(ConversationActivity.this).delete(result.first); return null; } }.execute(); } @Override public void onFailure(ExecutionException e) {} }); }
@Override public android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor openFile( uri, java.lang.String mode) throws { Pair<UUID, String> callIdAndAttachmentName = parseCallIdAndAttachmentName(uri); if (callIdAndAttachmentName == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } try { File file = NativeAppCallAttachmentStore.openAttachment( callIdAndAttachmentName.first, callIdAndAttachmentName.second); return, ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY); } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { Log.e(TAG, "Got unexpected exception:" + exception); throw exception; } }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mAdapter = new ChannelSearchDialog.SuggestionsAdapter(this); ListSearchView view = new ListSearchView(this, this); view.setBackgroundColor(StyledAttributesHelper.getColor(this, R.attr.colorBackgroundFloating, 0)); view.setSuggestionsAdapter(mAdapter); setContentView(view); mAdapter.setItemClickListener((int index, Pair<ServerConnectionInfo, String> value) -> { Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class); intent.putExtra(MainActivity.ARG_SERVER_UUID, value.first.getUUID().toString()); intent.putExtra(MainActivity.ARG_CHANNEL_NAME, value.second); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, getIntent().getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT)); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType("text/plain"); startActivity(intent); overridePendingTransition(android.R.anim.fade_in, android.R.anim.fade_out); finish(); }); }
/** * Insert a new {@link CustomCommand} in the {@link DBCustomCommand} synchronising with a basic * lock object in a vain attempt to prevent concurrency issues. * * @param ctx the application context * @param customCommand to be set * @return true if the insertion was successful */ public static Pair<Boolean, Long> setCommand(@NonNull final Context ctx, @NonNull final CustomCommand customCommand, final long rowId) { synchronized (lock) { final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().disableHtmlEscaping().create(); final String gsonString = gson.toJson(customCommand); final DBCustomCommand dbCustomCommand = new DBCustomCommand(ctx); final Pair<Boolean, Long> duplicatePair; if (rowId > -1) { duplicatePair = new Pair<>(true, rowId); } else { duplicatePair = commandExists(dbCustomCommand, customCommand); } return dbCustomCommand.insertPopulatedRow(customCommand.getKeyphrase(), customCommand.getRegex(), gsonString, duplicatePair.first, duplicatePair.second); } }
public EasyFirebaseAuth(GoogleApiClient googleApiClient) { mAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance(); this.googleApiClient = googleApiClient; mAuthListener = new FirebaseAuth.AuthStateListener() { @Override public void onAuthStateChanged(@NonNull FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth) { final FirebaseUser user = firebaseAuth.getCurrentUser(); if (user != null) { if (firebaseUserSubscriber != null) { firebaseUserSubscriber.onNext(new Pair<GoogleSignInAccount, FirebaseUser>(googleSignInAccount, user)); firebaseUserSubscriber.onCompleted(); } if (loggedSubcriber != null) { loggedSubcriber.onNext(user); } // User is signed in Log.d("TAG", "onAuthStateChanged:signed_in:" + user.getUid()); } else { // User is signed out Log.d("TAG", "onAuthStateChanged:signed_out"); } } }; }
/** * We get the size from a generic image */ private Pair<Integer, Integer> readImageSize() { InputStream inputStream = null; Pair<Integer, Integer> dimensions = null; try { inputStream = getInputStream(); dimensions = BitmapUtil.decodeDimensions(inputStream); if (dimensions != null) { mWidth = dimensions.first; mHeight = dimensions.second; } }finally { if (inputStream != null) { try { inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Head in the sand } } } return dimensions; }
Pair<UUID, String> parseCallIdAndAttachmentName(Uri uri) { try { // We don't do explicit format checking here. Malformed URIs may generate NullPointerExceptions or // array bounds exceptions, which we'll catch and return null. All of these will result in a // FileNotFoundException being thrown in openFile. String callIdAndAttachmentName = uri.getPath().substring(1); String [] parts = callIdAndAttachmentName.split("/"); String callIdString = parts[0]; String attachmentName = parts[1]; UUID callId = UUID.fromString(callIdString); return new Pair<UUID, String>(callId, attachmentName); } catch (Exception exception) { return null; } }
public boolean deleteList(List<Pair<String, String[]>> where) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); lock.lock(); try { database.beginTransaction(); for (Pair<String, String[]> pair : where) { database.delete(getTableName(), pair.first, pair.second); } database.setTransactionSuccessful(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { OkLogger.printStackTrace(e); } finally { database.endTransaction(); lock.unlock(); OkLogger.v(TAG, System.currentTimeMillis() - start + " deleteList"); } return false; }
private static Pair<Float, Float> parsePivot(@Nullable String transformOrigin, int width, int height,int viewportW) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(transformOrigin)) { int firstSpace = transformOrigin.indexOf(FunctionParser.SPACE); if (firstSpace != -1) { int i = firstSpace; for (; i < transformOrigin.length(); i++) { if (transformOrigin.charAt(i) != FunctionParser.SPACE) { break; } } if (i < transformOrigin.length() && transformOrigin.charAt(i) != FunctionParser.SPACE) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(2); list.add(transformOrigin.substring(0, firstSpace).trim()); list.add(transformOrigin.substring(i, transformOrigin.length()).trim()); return parsePivot(list, width, height,viewportW); } } } return null; }
/** * load conversation list * * @return + */ protected List<EMConversation> loadConversationList(){ // get all conversations Map<String, EMConversation> conversations = EMClient.getInstance().chatManager().getAllConversations(); List<Pair<Long, EMConversation>> sortList = new ArrayList<Pair<Long, EMConversation>>(); /** * lastMsgTime will change if there is new message during sorting * so use synchronized to make sure timestamp of last message won't change. */ synchronized (conversations) { for (EMConversation conversation : conversations.values()) { if (conversation.getAllMessages().size() != 0) { sortList.add(new Pair<Long, EMConversation>(conversation.getLastMessage().getMsgTime(), conversation)); } } } try { // Internal is TimSort algorithm, has bug sortConversationByLastChatTime(sortList); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } List<EMConversation> list = new ArrayList<EMConversation>(); for (Pair<Long, EMConversation> sortItem : sortList) { list.add(sortItem.second); } return list; }
public static Pair<Integer, Integer> decodeDimensions(FileDescriptor fd) { if (fd == null) return null; BitmapFactory.Options options = CompressKit.getDefaultDecodeBoundsOptions(); BitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor(fd, null, options); return (options.outWidth == -1 || options.outHeight == -1) ? null : Pair.create(options.outWidth, options.outHeight); }
public DynamicStickerBase(DstickerDataBean parama, String paramString1, String paramString2, String paramString3) { super(paramString2, paramString3); this.cE = paramString1; this.cF = parama; =; String str = this.cE.substring("file://".length()); Pair localPair = MResFileReaderBase.tryGetMergeFile(str); if (null != localPair) { this.cG = new MResFileIndexReader(str + "/" + (String) localPair.first, str + "/" + (String) localPair.second); } }
@Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { mWebView = view; setUpWebView(view); while (!mToInjectJavaScripts.isEmpty()) { Pair<String, ValueCallback<String>> pair = mToInjectJavaScripts.poll(); inject(view, pair.first, pair.second); } super.onPageFinished(view, url); }
@Override boolean apply(IXulDataSelectContext dataCtx, ArrayList<XulDataNode> ctx) { HashSet<Integer> keepPositions = new HashSet<Integer>(); int orgSize = ctx.size(); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < _ranges.size(); i1++) { Pair<Integer, Integer> range = _ranges.get(i1); int begin = range.first; int end = range.second; if (begin < 0) { begin += orgSize; } if (end < 0) { end += orgSize; } if (end < 0 || begin < 0) { // invalid range continue; } if (end > orgSize) { end = orgSize; } for (int i = begin; i <= end; ++i) { keepPositions.add(i); } } while (orgSize > 0) { --orgSize; if (!keepPositions.contains(orgSize)) { ctx.remove(orgSize); } } return true; }
private List<String> getChildAdapterDataStringList(List<Pair<String, Integer>> list) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(list.size()); for (Pair<String, Integer> item : list) { result.add(item.first); } return result; }
private void OnWallpaperLoaded(final Palette palette) { progress.setVisibility(View.GONE); apply.startAnimation(anim); apply.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); apply.setImageDrawable(DrawableHelper.getTintedDrawable(ActivitySetWallpapers.this, R.drawable.ic_more_vert_accent_24dp, MirePaletteUtils.getColor(palette, Preferences.getAttributeColor(ActivitySetWallpapers.this, R.attr.colorAccent)))); apply.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { final int defaultColor = Preferences.getAttributeColor(ActivitySetWallpapers.this, R.attr.colorAccent); final int colorInt = MirePaletteUtils.getColor(palette, defaultColor); Intent intent = new Intent(ActivitySetWallpapers.this, ActivityDialogWallpaperChoiceOptions.class); intent.putExtra(URL, image); intent.putExtra(NAME, title); intent.putExtra(TEXT, text); intent.putExtra(COLOR, colorInt); int src = DrawableHelper.getDrawableInt(ActivitySetWallpapers.this, R.drawable.ic_more_vert_accent_24dp, MirePaletteUtils.getColor(palette, Preferences.getAttributeColor(ActivitySetWallpapers.this, R.attr.colorAccent))); // Does not Work :'( CircularRevealTransformEnter.addExtras(intent, src); Pair<View, String> pair = (Pair<View, String>)Pair.create((View)findViewById(, "transition_dialog"); ActivityOptions options = ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(ActivitySetWallpapers.this, pair); startActivity(intent, options.toBundle()); } }); }
/** * Used by the {@link Callable} in {@link Callable#call()} * * @return an array list containing {@link Pair} of {@link CC} and {@link Float} confidence scores */ public ArrayList<Pair<CC, Float>> detectCallable() { switch (sl) { case ENGLISH: return ((Hotword_en) hotword).detectCallable(); case ENGLISH_US: return ((Hotword_en) hotword).detectCallable(); default: return ((Hotword_en) hotword).detectCallable(); } }
public static void startDelayInstall(final String location,InstallListener listener) { createIdleInstallerIfNeed(); if(location!=null){ BundleImpl impl = (BundleImpl)Atlas.getInstance().getBundle(location); if(impl==null || !impl.checkValidate()){ sDelayInstallBundles.add(new Pair<String, InstallListener>(location,listener)); } } }
/** * Returns the index of request header in {@link #mRequestHeaders} or * -1 if not found. */ private int findRequestProperty(String key) { for (int i = 0; i < mRequestHeaders.size(); i++) { Pair<String, String> entry = mRequestHeaders.get(i); if (entry.first.equalsIgnoreCase(key)) { return i; } } return -1; }
public void configureUdp(Pair<Integer, Integer> remoteRtpPorts, InetAddress host) throws IllegalStateException { validateState(RtpStreamState.CONFIGURED, RtpStreamState.INITIALIZED); validateRtpProtocol(RtpProtocol.UDP); this.remoteRtpPorts = remoteRtpPorts; rtpPacket = new DatagramPacket(new byte[]{}, 0, host, remoteRtpPorts.first); rtcpPacket = new DatagramPacket(new byte[]{}, 0, host, remoteRtpPorts.second); state = RtpStreamState.CONFIGURED; startListening(); }
public Pair<Integer, Integer> getCategoryIdAndPageIdFromPagePosition(final int position) { int sum = 0; for (final CategoryProperties properties : mShownCategories) { final int temp = sum; sum += properties.mPageCount; if (sum > position) { return new Pair<>(properties.mCategoryId, position - temp); } } return null; }
private RoundedCornersBackgroundSpan(@NonNull Builder builder) { mPaint.setAntiAlias(true); mRadius = builder.mRadius; mPadding = builder.mPadding; mSeparatorWidth = builder.mSeparatorWidth; mTextAlignment = builder.mTextAlignment; for (final Pair<CharSequence, BackgroundHolder> textPart : builder.mTextParts) { if (textPart.second != null) { mBackgroundHolders.add(textPart.second); } } final char firstChar = builder.mTextParts.get(0).first.charAt(0); mRtlText = firstChar >= 0x5D0 && firstChar <= 0x6ff; }
/** * Convenience method to check if the most recent access token remains valid and automatically * request one if required. * * @param ctx the application context * @param apiKey the API key * @return an {@link Pair} of which the first parameter will denote success and the second an * {@link BVCredentials} object, containing the token credentials. If the request was unsuccessful, * the second parameter may be null. */ public static Pair<Boolean, BVCredentials> refreshTokenIfRequired(@NonNull final Context ctx, @NonNull final String apiKey) { final BVCredentials bvCredentials = getLastToken(ctx); if (isTokenValid(bvCredentials)) { return new Pair<>(true, bvCredentials); } else { return new BVAuthRequest(ctx.getApplicationContext(), apiKey).getToken(); } }
@Override public Observable<Pair<String, String>> playerNames() { return RxView.clicks(findViewById( .map( new Function<Object, Pair<String, String>>() { @Override public Pair<String, String> apply(Object irrelevant) throws Exception { return new Pair<>( playerOneEditText.getText().toString(), playerTwoEditText.getText().toString()); } }); }
@Override public void bind(Pair<ServerConnectionInfo, String> item) { String name = item.first.getName(); String channel = item.second; int iof = channel.indexOf(mHighlightQuery); SpannableString str = new SpannableString(channel + " " + name); str.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(mHighlightTextColor), iof, iof + mHighlightQuery.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); str.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(mSecondaryTextColor), channel.length() + 2, channel.length() + 2 + name.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); mText.setText(str); }
private Pair<Boolean, Integer> isBlockDialog(ArrayList<BlockModel> mBlockList, View view) { final String pkg = view.getContext().getPackageName(); final int len = mBlockList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { BlockModel model = mBlockList.get(i); if (!model.packageName.equals(pkg) || !model.className.equals(DIALOG_VIRTUAL_CLASSNAME)) { continue; } if (model.record.equals(getAllText(view))) { return new Pair<>(model.enable, i); } } return new Pair<>(false, -1); }