private void update() { StateListDrawable background = new StateListDrawable(); background.addState(new int[]{android.R.attr.state_pressed}, createDrawable(backgroundColorPressed, cornerColorPressed, cornerWidth, cornerRadius)); background.addState(new int[]{-android.R.attr.state_enabled}, createDrawable(backgroundColorDisabled, cornerColorDisabled, cornerWidth, cornerRadius)); background.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD, createDrawable(backgroundColor, cornerColor, cornerWidth, cornerRadius)); setBackground(background); setTextColor(new ColorStateList( new int[][]{ new int[]{android.R.attr.state_pressed}, new int[]{-android.R.attr.state_enabled}, new int[]{} }, new int[]{ textColorPressed, textColorDisabled, textColor } )); }
/** * 清除View(etc:ListView) 拉至顶部或底部的橡皮筋效果 */ public static void clearDrawableAnimation(View view) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21 || view == null) { return; } Drawable drawable; if (view instanceof ListView) { drawable = ((ListView) view).getSelector(); if (drawable != null) { drawable.setState(StateSet.NOTHING); } } else { drawable = view.getBackground(); if (drawable != null) { drawable.setState(StateSet.NOTHING); drawable.jumpToCurrentState(); } } }
@SuppressLint("NewApi") public static void clearDrawableAnimation(View view) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21 || view == null) { return; } Drawable drawable; if (view instanceof ListView) { drawable = ((ListView) view).getSelector(); if (drawable != null) { drawable.setState(StateSet.NOTHING); } } else { drawable = view.getBackground(); if (drawable != null) { drawable.setState(StateSet.NOTHING); drawable.jumpToCurrentState(); } } }
public StateListDrawable build(Context ctx) { StateListDrawable stateListDrawable = new StateListDrawable(); GradientDrawable normal = (GradientDrawable) ContextCompat.getDrawable(ctx, R.drawable.action_item_badge); GradientDrawable selected = (GradientDrawable) normal.getConstantState().newDrawable().mutate(); normal.setColor(mColor); selected.setColor(mColorPressed); if (mStroke > -1) { normal.setStroke(mStroke, mStrokeColor); selected.setStroke(mStroke, mStrokeColor); } if (mCorners > -1) { normal.setCornerRadius(mCorners); selected.setCornerRadius(mCorners); } stateListDrawable.addState(new int[]{android.R.attr.state_pressed}, selected); stateListDrawable.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD, normal); return stateListDrawable; }
/** * Extracts state_ attributes from an attribute set. * * @param attrs The attribute set. * @return An array of state_ attributes. */ protected int[] extractStateSet(AttributeSet attrs) { int j = 0; final int numAttrs = attrs.getAttributeCount(); int[] states = new int[numAttrs]; for (int i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) { final int stateResId = attrs.getAttributeNameResource(i); if (stateResId == 0) { break; } else if (stateResId == android.R.attr.drawable || stateResId == || stateResId == R.attr.drawableTint || stateResId == R.attr.drawableTintMode) { // Ignore attributes from StateListDrawableItem and // AnimatedStateListDrawableItem. continue; } else { states[j++] = attrs.getAttributeBooleanValue(i, false) ? stateResId : -stateResId; } } states = StateSet.trimStateSet(states, j); return states; }
protected static int[] extractStateSet(AttributeSet attrs) { int j = 0; final int numAttrs = attrs.getAttributeCount(); int[] states = new int[numAttrs]; for (int i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) { final int stateResId = attrs.getAttributeNameResource(i); switch (stateResId) { case 0: break; case android.R.attr.color: case android.R.attr.alpha: // Ignore attributes from StateListDrawableItem and // AnimatedStateListDrawableItem. continue; default: states[j++] = attrs.getAttributeBooleanValue(i, false) ? stateResId : -stateResId; } } states = StateSet.trimStateSet(states, j); return states; }
public static StateListDrawable createStateListDrawable(Context context, String normalPicName, String pressedPicName) { Drawable normalDrawable; Drawable pressedDrawable; if (normalPicName.indexOf(".9") > -1) { normalDrawable = getNinePatchDrawable(context, normalPicName); } else { normalDrawable = getDrawable(context, normalPicName); } if (pressedPicName.indexOf(".9") > -1) { pressedDrawable = getNinePatchDrawable(context, pressedPicName); } else { pressedDrawable = getDrawable(context, pressedPicName); } StateListDrawable drawable = new StateListDrawable(); drawable.addState(new int[]{16842919}, pressedDrawable); drawable.addState(new int[]{16842913}, pressedDrawable); drawable.addState(new int[]{16842908}, pressedDrawable); drawable.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD, normalDrawable); return drawable; }
/** * Called by View */ void setState(int[] state) { Tuple match = null; final int count = mTuples.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final Tuple tuple = mTuples.get(i); if (StateSet.stateSetMatches(tuple.mSpecs, state)) { match = tuple; break; } } if (match == mLastMatch) { return; } if (mLastMatch != null) { cancel(); } mLastMatch = match; if (match != null) { start(match); } }
@NonNull @Override protected final View onInflateTabView(@NonNull final LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable final ViewGroup parent, @NonNull final AbstractTabViewHolder viewHolder) { View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.tablet_tab, parent, false); StateListDrawable backgroundDrawable = new StateListDrawable(); Drawable defaultDrawable = ContextCompat .getDrawable(getModel().getContext(), R.drawable.tablet_tab_background); Drawable selectedDrawable = ContextCompat .getDrawable(getModel().getContext(), R.drawable.tablet_tab_background_selected); backgroundDrawable.addState(new int[]{android.R.attr.state_selected}, selectedDrawable); backgroundDrawable.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD, defaultDrawable); ViewUtil.setBackground(view, backgroundDrawable); return view; }
void setState(int[] state) { Tuple match = null; int count = this.mTuples.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Tuple tuple = (Tuple) this.mTuples.get(i); if (StateSet.stateSetMatches(tuple.mSpecs, state)) { match = tuple; break; } } if (match != this.mLastMatch) { if (this.mLastMatch != null) { cancel(); } this.mLastMatch = match; View view = (View) this.mViewRef.get(); if (match != null && view != null && view.getVisibility() == 0) { start(match); } } }
private void initIdleStateDrawable() { int colorNormal = getNormalColor(mIdleColorState); int colorPressed = getPressedColor(mIdleColorState); int colorFocused = getFocusedColor(mIdleColorState); int colorDisabled = getDisabledColor(mIdleColorState); if (background == null) { background = createDrawable(colorNormal); } StrokeGradientDrawable drawableDisabled = createDrawable(colorDisabled); StrokeGradientDrawable drawableFocused = createDrawable(colorFocused); StrokeGradientDrawable drawablePressed = createDrawable(colorPressed); mIdleStateDrawable = new StateListDrawable(); mIdleStateDrawable.addState(new int[]{android.R.attr.state_pressed}, drawablePressed.getGradientDrawable()); mIdleStateDrawable.addState(new int[]{android.R.attr.state_focused}, drawableFocused.getGradientDrawable()); mIdleStateDrawable.addState(new int[]{-android.R.attr.state_enabled}, drawableDisabled.getGradientDrawable()); mIdleStateDrawable.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD, background.getGradientDrawable()); }
public void setCircleButtonStateListDrawable(View circleButton, int radius,int color) { WeakReference<Bitmap> imageNormal = new WeakReference<>(Bitmap.createBitmap(2 * radius, 2 * radius, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)); Canvas canvasNormal = new Canvas(imageNormal.get()); Paint paintNormal = new Paint(); paintNormal.setAntiAlias(true); paintNormal.setColor(color); canvasNormal.drawCircle(radius, radius, radius, paintNormal); StateListDrawable stateListDrawable = new StateListDrawable(); stateListDrawable.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD, new BitmapDrawable(circleButton.getContext().getResources(), imageNormal.get())); if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) { circleButton.setBackground(stateListDrawable); } else { circleButton.setBackgroundDrawable(stateListDrawable); } }
/** * Extracts state_ attributes from an attribute set. * * @param attrs The attribute set. * @return An array of state_ attributes. */ static int[] extractStateSet(AttributeSet attrs) { int j = 0; final int numAttrs = attrs.getAttributeCount(); int[] states = new int[numAttrs]; for (int i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) { final int stateResId = attrs.getAttributeNameResource(i); if (stateResId == 0) { break; } else if (stateResId == android.R.attr.drawable || stateResId == || stateResId == R.attr.drawableTint || stateResId == R.attr.drawableTintMode) { // Ignore attributes from StateListDrawableItem and // AnimatedStateListDrawableItem. continue; } else { states[j++] = attrs.getAttributeBooleanValue(i, false) ? stateResId : -stateResId; } } states = StateSet.trimStateSet(states, j); return states; }
/** * Called by View */ void setState(int[] state) { Tuple match = null; final int count = mTuples.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final Tuple tuple = mTuples.get(i); if (StateSet.stateSetMatches(tuple.mSpecs, state)) { match = tuple; break; } } if (match == mLastMatch) { return; } if (mLastMatch != null) { cancel(); } mLastMatch = match; View view = mViewRef.get(); if (match != null && view != null && view.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE ) { start(match); } }
public StateListDrawable build(Context ctx) { StateListDrawable stateListDrawable = new StateListDrawable(); GradientDrawable normal = (GradientDrawable) UIUtil.getCompatDrawable(ctx, R.drawable.action_item_badge); GradientDrawable selected = (GradientDrawable) normal.getConstantState().newDrawable().mutate(); normal.setColor(mColor); selected.setColor(mColorPressed); if (mCorners > -1) { normal.setCornerRadius(mCorners); selected.setCornerRadius(mCorners); } stateListDrawable.addState(new int[]{android.R.attr.state_pressed}, selected); stateListDrawable.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD, normal); return stateListDrawable; }
/** Called by View */ void setState(int[] state) { Tuple match = null; final int count = tuples.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final Tuple tuple = tuples.get(i); if (StateSet.stateSetMatches(tuple.specs, state)) { match = tuple; break; } } if (match == lastMatch) { return; } if (lastMatch != null) { cancel(); } lastMatch = match; if (match != null) { start(match); } }
public StateListDrawable build(Context ctx) { StateListDrawable stateListDrawable = new StateListDrawable(); GradientDrawable normal = (GradientDrawable) UIUtils.getCompatDrawable(ctx, mStyle.getGradientDrawable()); GradientDrawable selected = (GradientDrawable) normal.getConstantState().newDrawable().mutate(); ColorHolder.applyToOrTransparent(mStyle.getColor(), ctx, normal); if (mStyle.getColorPressed() == null) { ColorHolder.applyToOrTransparent(mStyle.getColor(), ctx, selected); } else { ColorHolder.applyToOrTransparent(mStyle.getColorPressed(), ctx, selected); } if (mStyle.getCorners() != null) { normal.setCornerRadius(mStyle.getCorners().asPixel(ctx)); selected.setCornerRadius(mStyle.getCorners().asPixel(ctx)); } stateListDrawable.addState(new int[]{android.R.attr.state_pressed}, selected); stateListDrawable.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD, normal); return stateListDrawable; }
@Override protected boolean onStateChange(int[] state) { boolean active = StateSet.stateSetMatches(STATE_SELECTED, state) | StateSet.stateSetMatches(STATE_PRESSED, state); if (active != mActive) { mActive = active; // Log.d("FolderTransitionDrawable", "onStateChange " + StateSet.dump(state) + " " + active); if (!active) { unscheduleSelf(this); if (mAlpha != 255) { startTransition(false); } } else { scheduleSelf(this, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + 500); } return true; } return false; }
@Deprecated public final void a(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3) { if (paramInt1 == 0) { return; } Resources localResources = getResources(); StateListDrawable localStateListDrawable = new StateListDrawable(); if (paramInt2 != 0) { Drawable localDrawable2 = localResources.getDrawable(paramInt2); localStateListDrawable.addState(new int[] { 16842910, 16842913 }, localDrawable2); } Drawable localDrawable1 = localResources.getDrawable(paramInt1); if (paramInt3 == 0) {} for (Object localObject = a(localDrawable1);; localObject = localResources.getDrawable(paramInt3)) { localStateListDrawable.addState(new int[] { -16842910 }, (Drawable)localObject); localStateListDrawable.addState(new int[] { -16842910, 16842913 }, (Drawable)localObject); localStateListDrawable.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD, localDrawable1); this.a.setImageDrawable(localStateListDrawable); return; } }
public void setState(int[] newState) { if (Arrays.equals(newState, currentState)) return; if (currentState != null) cancel(); for (final int[] state : states) { if (StateSet.stateSetMatches(state, newState)) { int firstColor = super.getColorForState(currentState, getDefaultColor()); int secondColor = super.getColorForState(newState, getDefaultColor()); colorAnimation.setIntValues(firstColor, secondColor); currentState = newState; animatedColor = firstColor; colorAnimation.start(); return; } } currentState = newState; }
/** * Called by View */ public void setState(int[] state) { Tuple match = null; final int count = mTuples.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final Tuple tuple = mTuples.get(i); if (StateSet.stateSetMatches(tuple.mSpecs, state)) { match = tuple; break; } } if (match == lastMatch) { return; } if (lastMatch != null) { cancel(); } lastMatch = match; View view = (View) viewRef.get(); if (match != null && view != null && view.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE) { start(match); } }
/** * Use this method to add a Tab to the tabForm. Each tab is it's own * Form. * * @param title The title of the tab * @param selected - The selected drawable image ( use something like "image42" ) of the tab icon * @param notselected - The not selected drawable image of the tab icon * @param formtoopen - The Form to open in this tab's space */ public void addTab(String title, String selected, String notselected, Class<?> formtoopen) { int[] temp = new int[2]; temp[0] = getResources().getIdentifier(selected, "drawable", getPackageName()); temp[1] = getResources().getIdentifier(notselected, "drawable", getPackageName()); StateListDrawable draw = new StateListDrawable(); BitmapDrawable draw1 = (BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(temp[0]); BitmapDrawable draw2 = (BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(temp[1]); draw.addState(new int[] {android.R.attr.state_selected}, draw1); draw.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD , draw2); Intent intent = new Intent().setClass(this, formtoopen); TabHost.TabSpec spec; spec = tabHost.newTabSpec(title.toLowerCase()).setIndicator(title, draw).setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); }
/** * Use this method to add a Tab to the tabForm. Each tab is it's own * Form. * * @param title The title of the tab * @param selected - The resourceId of the selected tab icon * @param notselected - The resourceId of the not selected tab icon * @param formtoopen - The Form to open in this tab's space */ public void addTab(String title, int selectedresId, int notselectedresId, Class<?> formtoopen) { int[] temp = new int[2]; temp[0] = selectedresId; temp[1] = notselectedresId; StateListDrawable draw = new StateListDrawable(); BitmapDrawable draw1 = (BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(temp[0]); BitmapDrawable draw2 = (BitmapDrawable) getResources().getDrawable(temp[1]); draw.addState(new int[] {android.R.attr.state_selected}, draw1); draw.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD , draw2); Intent intent = new Intent().setClass(this, formtoopen); TabHost.TabSpec spec; spec = tabHost.newTabSpec(title.toLowerCase()).setIndicator(title, draw).setContent(intent); tabHost.addTab(spec); }
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) void setBackgroundAccentColor(View view, int accentColor) { final StateListDrawable background = new StateListDrawable(); final float radius = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 5, resources.getDisplayMetrics()); // pressed or in focus GradientDrawable tmp = new GradientDrawable(); tmp.setCornerRadius(radius); tmp.setColor(getPressedColor(accentColor)); for (int[]state: focussedOrPressedButEnabled) { background.addState(state, tmp); } // default tmp = new GradientDrawable(); tmp.setColor(accentColor); tmp.setCornerRadius(radius); background.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD, tmp); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { view.setBackground(background); } else { view.setBackgroundDrawable(background); } }
void setTextAccentColorInverse(TextView view, int accentColor) { final int pressedColor = getPressedColor(accentColor); final int disabledColor = getDisabledColor(accentColor); final int[][] states = new int[][]{ new int[]{android.R.attr.state_pressed, android.R.attr.state_enabled}, new int[]{android.R.attr.state_focused, android.R.attr.state_enabled}, new int[]{-android.R.attr.state_enabled}, StateSet.WILD_CARD }; final int[] colors = new int[]{pressedColor, pressedColor, disabledColor, accentColor}; final ColorStateList stateList = new ColorStateList(states, colors); view.setTextColor(stateList); }
/** * Sets up the background drawable for this list item. * * This must be done programatically, to use the theme-dependent background attribute * as a fallback for the "pressed" and "normal" states. */ private void setupBackground(final Context context){ // Load the "normal" state, a theme attribute final TypedArray backgroundArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes( new int[]{R.attr.selectableItemBackground}); final Drawable normalPressedBackground = backgroundArray.getDrawable(0); backgroundArray.recycle(); // Load the "selected" state final Drawable selectedBackground = new ColorDrawable( context.getResources().getColor(R.color.selected_item_background)); // Set up the state-list drawable final StateListDrawable background = new StateListDrawable(); background.addState(new int[]{android.R.attr.state_selected}, selectedBackground); background.addState(StateSet.WILD_CARD, normalPressedBackground); setBackgroundDrawable(background); }
public static ColorStateList generateDefaultTrackColorStateListFromTheme(Context context) { int[][] states = new int[][] { SELECTED_STATE_SET, ENABLED_STATE_SET, StateSet.WILD_CARD }; // This is an approximation of the track colors derived from Lollipop resources boolean isLightTheme = Utils.isLightTheme(context); int enabled = isLightTheme ? 0x28181818 : 0x85ffffff; int[] colors = new int[] { Utils.getThemeColor(context, android.R.attr.colorControlActivated), enabled, 0x14181818 //TODO: get this from a theme attr? }; return new ColorStateList(states, colors); }
public static void clearDrawableAnimation(View view) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 21 || view == null) { return; } Drawable drawable = null; if (view instanceof ListView) { drawable = ((ListView) view).getSelector(); if (drawable != null) { drawable.setState(StateSet.NOTHING); } } else { drawable = view.getBackground(); if (drawable != null) { drawable.setState(StateSet.NOTHING); drawable.jumpToCurrentState(); } } }
private static ColorStateList createIndetermColorStateList(Context context) { final int[][] states = new int[][]{ new int[]{-android.R.attr.state_enabled}, new int[]{R.attr.state_indeterminate}, new int[]{android.R.attr.state_checked}, StateSet.WILD_CARD }; final int normal = resolveColor(context, R.attr.colorControlNormal, Color.DKGRAY); final int activated = resolveColor(context, R.attr.colorControlActivated, Color.CYAN); final float disabledAlpha = resolveFloat(context, android.R.attr.disabledAlpha, 0.25f); final int[] colors = new int[]{ Utils.applyAlpha(normal, disabledAlpha), normal, activated, normal }; return new ColorStateList(states, colors); }
@Nullable @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { View res = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_fab, container, false); FloatingActionButton fabRoot = (FloatingActionButton) res.findViewById(; fabRoot.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_edit_white_24dp); fabRoot.setBackgroundTintList(new ColorStateList(new int[][]{ new int[]{android.R.attr.state_pressed}, StateSet.WILD_CARD, }, new int[]{ ActorSDK.sharedActor().style.getFabPressedColor(), ActorSDK.sharedActor().style.getFabColor(), })); fabRoot.setRippleColor(ActorSDK.sharedActor().style.getFabPressedColor()); fabRoot.setOnClickListener(v -> startActivity(new Intent(getActivity(), ComposeActivity.class))); return res; }