Java 类android.widget.Toolbar 实例源码

项目:Traveler-List    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    toolbar = (Toolbar)findViewById(;

  isListView = true;

  mStaggeredLayoutManager = new StaggeredGridLayoutManager(1, StaggeredGridLayoutManager.VERTICAL);
  mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView)findViewById(;


  mAdapter = new TravelListAdapter(this);
项目:Brevent    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(;

    Resources resources = getResources();
    String[] titles = resources.getStringArray(R.array.fragment_guide);
    String[] messages = resources.getStringArray(R.array.fragment_guide_message);
    String[] messages2 = resources.getStringArray(R.array.fragment_guide_message2);
    String titleShowButton = resources.getString(R.string.fragment_guide_enjoy);

    ViewPager pager = findViewById(;
    pager.setAdapter(new GuidePagerAdapter(getFragmentManager(), titles, titleShowButton,
            messages, messages2));
项目:BloomReader    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // This is one half of configuring the action bar to have an up (back) arrow instead of
    // the usual hamburger menu. The other half is the override of configureActionBar().
    // I would like to put this line in that method but for some unknown reason that doesn't
    // work...we get no control at all in the hamburger position.

    filter = getIntent().getStringExtra("filter");

    // Initialize the bookshelf label (empty in MainActivity) with the data
    // passed through our intent.
    View toolbar = findViewById(;
    final int background = Color.parseColor("#" + getIntent().getStringExtra("background"));
    TextView labelText = (TextView) findViewById(;
    ImageView bloomIcon = (ImageView)findViewById(;
    // replace the main bloom icon with the bookshelf one.

    // The color chosen for the bookshelf may not contrast well with the default white
    // color of text and the back arrow and the default black color of the bookshelf icon.
    // Change them all to black or white, whichever gives better contrast.
    int forecolor = pickTextColorBasedOnBgColor(background, Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK);
    // This bit of magic from
    // makes the the back arrow use the contrasting foreground color
    Drawable upArrow = ((;
    upArrow.setColorFilter(forecolor, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);

    // And this bit, from,
    // switches the color of the bookshelf icon.
项目:android-unsplash    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    TransitionSet transitions = new TransitionSet();
    Slide slide = new Slide(Gravity.BOTTOM);
    transitions.addTransition(new Fade());

    Intent intent = getIntent();
    sharedElementCallback = new DetailSharedElementEnterCallback(intent);
    initialItem = intent.getIntExtra(IntentUtil.SELECTED_ITEM_POSITION, 0);

    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

项目:react-native-notifications    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    ViewGroup layout;
        layout = (ViewGroup) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.activity_main, null);
        Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) layout.findViewById(;
    } else {
        layout = (ViewGroup) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.activity_main_prelollipop, null);
    mReactRootView = new ReactRootView(this);


    if (SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M && !Settings.canDrawOverlays(this)) {
        Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_OVERLAY_PERMISSION, Uri.parse("package:" + getPackageName()));
        startActivityForResult(intent, OVERLAY_PERMISSION_REQ_CODE);
    } else {
项目:HTCAuthorizer    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    setActionBar((Toolbar) findViewById(;
    //noinspection ConstantConditions

    ((LayoutInflater) getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)).inflate(
            R.layout.activity_log, (ViewGroup) findViewById(, true);

    final WebView v = (WebView) findViewById(;

项目:Tweetin    文件   
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
    ViewCompat.setElevation(toolbar, ViewUnit.getElevation(this, 2));


    inReplyToFragment = (InReplyToFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
项目:Tweetin    文件   
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
    ViewCompat.setElevation(toolbar, ViewUnit.getElevation(this, 2));

    String keyWord = getIntent().getStringExtra(getString(R.string.search_intent_key_word));
    if (keyWord == null) {
        keyWord = getString(R.string.search_defauft_key_word);


    searchFragment = (SearchFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
项目:Tweetin    文件   
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
    ViewCompat.setElevation(toolbar, ViewUnit.getElevation(this, 2));


    tweet = (new TweetUnit(this)).getTweetFromIntent(getIntent());

    pictureFragment = (PictureFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
项目:MonsterHunter4UDatabase    文件   
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
    Fragment fragment = fm.findFragmentById(;

    if (fragment == null) {
        fragment = createFragment();
        fm.beginTransaction().add(, fragment)

    // Integrate Toolbar so sliding drawer can go over toolbar mtoolbar = ( findViewById(;

    super.setupDrawer(); // Needs to be called after setContentView
    // Disabled by request. Turns into BACK button
    //super.enableDrawerIndicator(); // Enable drawer toggle button
项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:ProgressManager    文件   
 * Set a {@link android.widget.Toolbar Toolbar} to act as the {@link ActionBar} for this
 * Activity window.
 * <p>When set to a non-null value the {@link #getActionBar()} method will return
 * an {@link ActionBar} object that can be used to control the given toolbar as if it were
 * a traditional window decor action bar. The toolbar's menu will be populated with the
 * Activity's options menu and the navigation button will be wired through the standard
 * {@link home} menu select action.</p>
 * <p>In order to use a Toolbar within the Activity's window content the application
 * must not request the window feature {@link Window#FEATURE_ACTION_BAR FEATURE_ACTION_BAR}.</p>
 * @param toolbar Toolbar to set as the Activity's action bar, or {@code null} to clear it
public void setActionBar(@Nullable Toolbar toolbar) {
    final ActionBar ab = getActionBar();
    if (ab instanceof WindowDecorActionBar) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("This Activity already has an action bar supplied " +
                "by the window decor. Do not request Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR and set " +
                "android:windowActionBar to false in your theme to use a Toolbar instead.");

    // If we reach here then we're setting a new action bar
    // First clear out the MenuInflater to make sure that it is valid for the new Action Bar
    mMenuInflater = null;

    // If we have an action bar currently, destroy it
    if (ab != null) {

    if (toolbar != null) {
        final ToolbarActionBar tbab = new ToolbarActionBar(toolbar, getTitle(), this);
        mActionBar = tbab;
    } else {
        mActionBar = null;
        // Re-set the original window callback since we may have already set a Toolbar wrapper

项目:cwac-crossport    文件   
 * In the future, we can make this constructor public if we want to let developers customize
 * the
 * animation.
ActionBarDrawerToggle(Activity activity, Toolbar toolbar, DrawerLayout drawerLayout,
                      DrawerArrowDrawable slider, @StringRes int openDrawerContentDescRes,
                      @StringRes int closeDrawerContentDescRes) {
  if (toolbar != null) {
    mActivityImpl = new ToolbarCompatDelegate(toolbar);
    toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
      public void onClick(View v) {
        if (mDrawerIndicatorEnabled) {
        } else if (mToolbarNavigationClickListener != null) {
  } else if (activity instanceof DelegateProvider) { // Allow the Activity to provide an impl
    mActivityImpl = ((DelegateProvider) activity).getDrawerToggleDelegate();
    mActivityImpl = new JellybeanMr2Delegate(activity);
    mActivityImpl = new IcsDelegate(activity);
    mActivityImpl = new HoneycombDelegate(activity);
  }*/ else {
    mActivityImpl = new DummyDelegate(activity);

  mDrawerLayout = drawerLayout;
  mOpenDrawerContentDescRes = openDrawerContentDescRes;
  mCloseDrawerContentDescRes = closeDrawerContentDescRes;
  if (slider == null) {
    mSlider = new DrawerArrowDrawable(mActivityImpl.getActionBarThemedContext());
  } else {
    mSlider = slider;

  mHomeAsUpIndicator = getThemeUpIndicator();
项目:buildAPKsSamples    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    setActionBar((Toolbar) findViewById(;
    mEditBody = (EditText) findViewById(;
项目:buildAPKsSamples    文件   
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    setActionBar((Toolbar) findViewById(;
    ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();
    if (actionBar != null) {

    if (getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_MIDI)) {
项目:Presenter-Client-Android    文件   
 * Verify that the settings activity can be started from main menu.
public void startSettingsActivity() {
    CharSequence settingsTitle =

项目:Presenter-Client-Android    文件   
 * Verify that the about activity can be started from main menu.
public void startAboutActivity() {
    CharSequence aboutTitle =

项目:Presenter-Client-Android    文件   
 * Helper class that matches a given toolbar title.
 * @param textMatcher The matcher to verify the toolbar title against
 * @return The matcher that will verify the toolbar title
private static Matcher<Object> withToolbarTitle(final Matcher<CharSequence> textMatcher) {
    return new BoundedMatcher<Object, Toolbar>(Toolbar.class) {
        public boolean matchesSafely(Toolbar toolbar) {
            return textMatcher.matches(toolbar.getTitle());

        public void describeTo(Description description) {
            description.appendText("with toolbar title: ");
项目:BitmapView    文件   
public void onViewCreated(View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
    mToolbar = (Toolbar) view.findViewById(;
    mRecyclerView = (RecyclerView) view.findViewById(;
    mRecyclerView.setPadding(mRecyclerView.getPaddingLeft(), mRecyclerView.getPaddingTop(), mRecyclerView.getPaddingRight(), ViewUtility.getNavigationBarHeight());
项目:isu    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    FragmentActivityWeakReference = new WeakReference < FragmentActivity > (this);

    String cmiyc = Tools.readString("cmiyc", null, this);
    if (cmiyc == null || cmiyc.isEmpty())
        Tools.saveString("cmiyc", Tools.random4(), this);

    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

    ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;
    viewPager.setAdapter(new TabsPagerAdapter(getFragmentManager()));

    TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) findViewById(;

    mMasked = (TextView) findViewById(;

    if (!Tools.appId(getApplicationContext()))

    mAbout = (TextView) findViewById(;
    mAbout.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            Intent myIntent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), AboutActivity.class);
项目:BeRetained    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

    //we must always call BeRetained.onCreate()

    boolean wasRestored = BeRetained.restore(this);
    if(wasRestored) {
    } else {


    FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
    RecyclerViewFragment recyclerViewFragment = (RecyclerViewFragment) fragmentManager.findFragmentById(;
    if(recyclerViewFragment == null) {
        recyclerViewFragment = new RecyclerViewFragment();
        fragmentManager.beginTransaction().add(, recyclerViewFragment).commit();

项目:XiangZiShen    文件   
private void initToolBar() {
    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
    toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
项目:BloomReader    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // This is one half of configuring the action bar to have an up (back) arrow instead of
    // the usual hamburger menu. The other half is the override of configureActionBar().
    // I would like to put this line in that method but for some unknown reason that doesn't
    // work...we get no control at all in the hamburger position.

    filter = getIntent().getStringExtra("filter");

    // Initialize the bookshelf label (empty in MainActivity) with the data
    // passed through our intent.
    View toolbar = findViewById(;
    final int background = Color.parseColor("#" + getIntent().getStringExtra("background"));
    TextView labelText = (TextView) findViewById(;
    ImageView bloomIcon = (ImageView)findViewById(;
    // replace the main bloom icon with the bookshelf one.

    // The color chosen for the bookshelf may not contrast well with the default white
    // color of text and the back arrow and the default black color of the bookshelf icon.
    // Change them all to black or white, whichever gives better contrast.
    int forecolor = pickTextColorBasedOnBgColor(background, Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK);
    // This bit of magic from
    // makes the the back arrow use the contrasting foreground color
    Drawable upArrow = ((;
    upArrow.setColorFilter(forecolor, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);

    // And this bit, from,
    // switches the color of the bookshelf icon.
项目:flowzr-android-black    文件   
protected void initToolbar() {
    final toolbar = ( findViewById(;
    final ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
    if (actionBar != null) {
项目:wearbooksource    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    /* The Toolbar -  introduced in API level 21 -  is a generalization of the concept of
    * actiobar, and can be placed at any level of the view heirarchy.
    * The Toolbar is more versatile and powerful.
    * An Activity can designate a Toolbar as its action bar, by invoking  setActionBar with
    * the Toolbar instance is its argument, as the following example illustrates.
    * Sanjay Mishra
    * Author : "Wearable Android ..." 2015/ WILEY
    * */

    toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById ( ;
    toolbar.setTitle( R.string.toolbar_title);
    toolbar.setLogo( R.mipmap.ic_launcher);


    actionBar = getActionBar() ;

项目:easy-a    文件   
 * Called when the activity is first created.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // Set up the layout from an XML file

    // Tell Android that is our ActionBar
    setActionBar((Toolbar) findViewById(;
项目:todos    文件   
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

    mShortAnimationDuration = getResources().getInteger(android.R.integer.config_shortAnimTime);

    mEmptyView = (TextView) findViewById(;
项目:HTCAuthorizer    文件   
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
    TextView title = (TextView) toolbar.findViewById(;
    //noinspection ConstantConditions

    Fragment f = new MainPreferenceFragment();

    if (getIntent().getExtras() != null
            && getIntent().getExtras().containsKey(MainPreferenceFragment.EXTRA_SUBSCREEN_ID)) {
        Bundle args = new Bundle();

        title.setText(title.getText() + " - " +
    } else if (getSharedPreferences(PREF_FILE_MAINACTIVITY, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
                .getBoolean(PREF_SHOW_HSP_WARN, true)) {

    getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, f).commit();