public ScrollInventoryActor(Inventory inventory, int slots) { defaults().space(4f); add(new Label(inventory.getDisplayName(), new LabelStyle(Fonts.hud, Color.WHITE))); row(); inner = new Table(); inner.defaults().space(4f); for (int i = 0; i < inventory.itemStacks.length; i++) { SlotActor slotActor = new SlotActor(inventory, i); inner.add(slotActor); if ((i + 1) % inventory.width == 0) { inner.row(); } } inner.pack(); scrollPane = new ScrollPane(inner); scrollPane.setScrollingDisabled(true, false); add(scrollPane).height(slots * CALIBRATION_PER_ROW).fill(); row(); pack(); }
public InventoryActor(Inventory inventory) { defaults().space(4f); add(new Label(inventory.getDisplayName(), new LabelStyle(Fonts.hud, Color.WHITE))).colspan(inventory.width); row(); SlotActor slotActor; for (int i = 0; i < inventory.itemStacks.length; i++) { slotActor = new SlotActor(inventory, i); add(slotActor); if ((i + 1) % inventory.width == 0) { row(); } } pack(); }
public InventoryActor(Inventory inventory) { defaults().space(4f); add(new Label(inventory.getDisplayName(), new LabelStyle(Fonts.hud, Color.WHITE))).colspan(inventory.width); row(); for (int i = 0; i < inventory.itemStacks.length; i++) { SlotActor slotActor = new SlotActor(inventory, i); add(slotActor); if ((i + 1) % inventory.width == 0) { row(); } } pack(); }
private void createInfoLabel() { infoBackground = new Image(); TextureRegionDrawable image = new TextureRegionDrawable(AssetManager.getInstance().getTextureRegion("default")); infoBackground.setDrawable(image.tint(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.6f))); infoBackground.setSize(, / 20); stage.addActor(infoBackground); infoLabel = new Label("", skin); FreeTypeFontParameter fontParameter = new FreeTypeFontParameter(); fontParameter.size = / 30; LabelStyle style = new LabelStyle(); style.font = fontGenerator.generateFont(fontParameter); style.fontColor = Color.WHITE; infoLabel.setStyle(style); infoLabel.setWidth(; stage.addActor(infoLabel); }
@Override public void stylePropertyChanged(StyleProperty styleProperty, Actor styleActor) { if (styleProperty.type == Drawable.class) { dialogFactory.showDialogDrawables(styleProperty); } else if (styleProperty.type == Color.class) { dialogFactory.showDialogColors(styleProperty); } else if (styleProperty.type == BitmapFont.class) { dialogFactory.showDialogFonts(styleProperty); } else if (styleProperty.type == Float.TYPE) { main.getUndoableManager().addUndoable(new UndoableManager.DoubleUndoable(main, styleProperty, ((Spinner) styleActor).getValue()), false); } else if (styleProperty.type == ScrollPaneStyle.class) { main.getUndoableManager().addUndoable(new UndoableManager.SelectBoxUndoable(root, styleProperty, (SelectBox) styleActor), true); } else if (styleProperty.type == LabelStyle.class) { main.getUndoableManager().addUndoable(new UndoableManager.SelectBoxUndoable(root, styleProperty, (SelectBox) styleActor), true); } else if (styleProperty.type == ListStyle.class) { main.getUndoableManager().addUndoable(new UndoableManager.SelectBoxUndoable(root, styleProperty, (SelectBox) styleActor), true); } }
public void showTooltip(Actor actor) { Vector2 v = new Vector2(); actor.localToStageCoordinates(v); if (tooltip == null) { LabelStyle style = new LabelStyle(); style.font = tooltipStyle.font; style.background = tooltipStyle.background; style.fontColor = tooltipStyle.fontColor; tooltip = new Label(tooltips.get(actor), style); tooltip.setStyle(style); tooltip.pack(); tooltip.setPosition(v.x + 7.5f, v.y - tooltip.getPrefHeight() - 15); tooltip.setOriginY(tooltip.getPrefHeight()); tooltip.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0); tooltip.setScale(1, 0); tooltip.addAction(parallel(fadeIn(0.15f), scaleTo(1, 1, 0.15f))); } else { tooltip.setText(tooltips.get(actor)); tooltip.pack(); tooltip.setPosition(v.x + 7.5f, v.y - tooltip.getPrefHeight() - 15); } stage.addActor(tooltip); }
/** * Adds a new line of text to the tooltip. * * This will create a new label, add it as new row * to the tooltip and then return it. * * The created label will use the supplied style. * * If the supplied text is empty or null, this will return null; * * @param newText * @return */ public Label addLine(CharSequence newText, LabelStyle style) { if (newText == null || newText.length() < 1) { return null; } Label label = newLabel(newText, style); Cell<?> cell = add(label).prefWidth( == 0 ? : 0).padBottom(; row(); if (getRows() > 1) { getCells().get(getRows()-2).padBottom(0); } pack(); cell.width(label.getGlyphLayout().width); invalidateHierarchy(); this.pack(); return label; }
public void init(){ stage = new Stage(new ScreenViewport()); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); mainTable = new Table(); mainTable.setBounds(0, 0,,; stage.addActor(mainTable); font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("font2.fnt")); blueTextButtonStyle = new TextButtonStyle(); blueTextButtonStyle.up = TextureUtils.createDrawable(new Color(52f / 255f, 73f / 255f, 94f / 255f, 1.0f), 300, 75); blueTextButtonStyle.down = TextureUtils.createDrawable(new Color(44f / 255f, 62f / 255f, 80f / 255f, 1.0f), 300, 75); blueTextButtonStyle.over = TextureUtils.createDrawable(new Color(60f / 255f, 84f / 255f, 108f / 255f, 1.0f), 300, 75); blueTextButtonStyle.font = font; blueTextButtonStyle.fontColor = Color.BLACK; labelStyle = new LabelStyle(); labelStyle.background = blueTextButtonStyle.up; labelStyle.font = font; labelStyle.fontColor = Color.WHITE; }
@Override public void show() { //��ʼ float width = 800; float height = 480; //��̨ stage = new Stage(width, height,true); //��Դ AssetManager manager = HjGame.getManager(); HjGame.load(manager); //���� bitmapFont = new BitmapFont(); style = new LabelStyle(bitmapFont, bitmapFont.getColor()); loadLabel=new Label("loading... 0%", style); loadLabel.setPosition(width/2-loadLabel.getWidth()/2, height/3); Image imageBg = new Image(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/loading.png"))); imageBg.setPosition(width/2-imageBg.getWidth()/2, height/2-imageBg.getHeight()/2); stage.addActor(imageBg); stage.addActor(loadLabel); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); }
/** * Ajoute un timer à l'interface. * * @param aTimer Le Timer à utiliser */ public void addTimer(final Timer aTimer) { LabelStyle timerStyle = new LabelStyle(); timerStyle.font = skin.getFont("timer"); timerStyle.background = skin.getDrawable("frame_left"); skin.add("timer", timerStyle); aTimer.addObserver(this); timerColorAction = new ColorAction(); timerColorAction.setEndColor(Color.WHITE); timerColorAction.setDuration(0.5f); timerLabel = new Label(aTimer.toString(), skin, "timer"); timerContainer.setActor(timerLabel); timerContainer.height(48); }
/** * Ajoute des items actifs à l'interface. */ public void addItems() { skin.add("itemCounter", new LabelStyle(skin.getFont("itemCounter"), null)); activeItems = new HashMap<Sprite, Integer>(); itemsGroup = new Table(); itemsGroup.addAction(new Action() { @Override public boolean act(float delta) { itemsGroup.clearChildren(); for (Map.Entry<Sprite, Integer> entry : activeItems.entrySet()) { itemImage = new Image(entry.getKey()); itemsGroup.add(itemImage).padRight( / 50); itemCounter = new Label(entry.getValue().toString(), skin, "itemCounter"); itemsGroup.add(itemCounter).padRight( / 15); } return false; } }); itemsContainer.setActor(itemsGroup); }
public MenuPrincipal(OdysseeDesMaths jeu) { this.jeu = jeu; this.currentState = State.NORMAL; this.viewport = new StretchViewport(WIDTH, HEIGHT); this.stage = new Stage(viewport); this.tableau = new Table(); = new Skin();, TextureAtlas.class));, TextureAtlas.class));"background", Assets.getManager().get(Assets.MAIN_MENU_BACKGROUND, Texture.class)); //propriétés relatives à la police this.ftfp = new FreeTypeFontParameter(); this.menuFont = new BitmapFont(); this.fontButton = new BitmapFont(); this.playButtonStyle = new TextButtonStyle(); this.gameTitleStyle = new LabelStyle(); this.audioButtons = new AudioButtons(); this.createUI(); }
/** * adds an option to the menu page. Each menu page must have at least one option. * An option can either be enabled or disabled. * <br><br> * If it is disabled then it will be ignored for the {@link GameMenu#increaseSelection()} and {@link GameMenu#decreaseSelection()} calls and for the * {@link #getInitialOptionIndex()} method. * * @param label text of the option * @param enabled <b>true</b> to enable the option. <b>false</b> to disable the option and to * exclude it from the increase-/decreaseSelection() and getInitialOptioinIndex() calls * @param style LabelStyle of the option taken from the skin * @param padTop top padding of the option * @param padRight right padding of the option * @param padBottom bottom padding of the option * @param padLeft left padding of the option */ public void addOption(String label, boolean enabled, LabelStyle style, int padTop, int padRight, int padBottom, int padLeft) { if (options == null) { // no options defined yet // --> initialize options and optionEnabled arrays options = new Array<Label>(); optionEnabled = new Array<Boolean>(); } // create a new label with the specified text and style Label lbl = null; if (style == null) { lbl = new Label(label, skin.get("default", LabelStyle.class)); } else { lbl = new Label(label, style); } // add the new label to the options and optionEnabled arrays options.add(lbl); optionEnabled.add(enabled); // add the new option to the table instance with the specified padding // and also make a call to the row() method to finish one row of the table. // This means that only one label is displayed per row table.add(lbl).pad(padTop, padLeft, padBottom, padRight).row(); }
@Override public void initialize() { currentMode = Integer.parseInt(GameUtils.getCfgPreferenceValue(GameConstants.PREFERENCE_KEY_WIDTH)); availableResolutions43 = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>(); availableResolutions43.put(currentMode, Integer.parseInt(GameUtils.getCfgPreferenceValue(GameConstants.PREFERENCE_KEY_HEIGHT))); DisplayMode[] displayModes =; // store all remaining 4:3 resolutions final double aspect43 = 4.0 / 3.0; for (DisplayMode mode : displayModes) { // get current game resolution mode double aspect = 1.0 * mode.width / mode.height; if (aspect == aspect43 && !availableResolutions43.containsKey(mode.width)) { availableResolutions43.put(mode.width, mode.height); } } boolean fullscreen = Boolean.parseBoolean(GameUtils.getCfgPreferenceValue(GameConstants.PREFERENCE_KEY_FULLSCREEN)); addOption(GameUtils.getLocalizedLabel(""), true, MegamanConstants.MENU_OFFSET_TOP, 0, 0, 0); addOption("" + fullscreen, false, skin.get("menu_suboption", LabelStyle.class), 0, 0, MegamanConstants.MENU_PADDING_BETWEEN_OPTIONS / 2, 0); addOption(GameUtils.getLocalizedLabel(""), !fullscreen, !fullscreen ? skin.get("default", LabelStyle.class) : skin.get("menu_option_disabled", LabelStyle.class), 0, 0, 0, 0); addOption("" + currentMode + " x " + availableResolutions43.get(currentMode), false, skin.get("menu_suboption", LabelStyle.class), 0, 0, MegamanConstants.MENU_PADDING_BETWEEN_OPTIONS / 2, 0); addOption(GameUtils.getLocalizedLabel("MainMenu.option.back"), true, 0, 0, 0, 0); }
@Override public void initialize() { currentLocale = 0; availableLocales = new String[] { "de", "en" }; String currentLanguage = GameUtils.getCfgPreferenceValue(GameConstants.PREFERENCE_KEY_LANGUAGE); if (currentLanguage != null) { for (int i = 0; i < availableLocales.length; ++i) { if (currentLanguage.equals(availableLocales[i])) { currentLocale = i; break; } } } addOption(GameUtils.getLocalizedLabel("MainMenu.option.settings.language.changesinfo"), false, skin.get("menu_option_red", LabelStyle.class), MegamanConstants.MENU_OFFSET_TOP, 0, 30, 0); addOption(GameUtils.getLocalizedLabel("MainMenu.option.settings.language.language"), true, 30, 0, 10, 0); addOption(GameUtils.getLocalizedLabel("MainMenu.option.settings.language." + availableLocales[currentLocale]), false, skin.get("menu_suboption", LabelStyle.class), 0, 0, MegamanConstants.MENU_PADDING_BETWEEN_OPTIONS / 2, 0); addOption(GameUtils.getLocalizedLabel("MainMenu.option.back"), true, 30, 0, MegamanConstants.MENU_OFFSET_BOTTOM, 0); }
private Table loadScores() { Table table = new Table(); LabelStyle style = new LabelStyle(Assets.font, Color.WHITE); Skin skin = new Skin(); skin.add("default", style, LabelStyle.class); List<Player> players = Settings.getScores(); Collections.sort(players); for (int pos = 0; pos < 10 && pos < players.size(); pos++) { Label name = new Label(String.valueOf(pos+1) + ". " + players.get(pos).getPlayerName(), skin); Label score = new Label(String.valueOf(players.get(pos).getScore()), skin); table.add(name).pad(2).left(); table.add(score).pad(2).right(); table.row(); } table.setFillParent(true); return table; }
public ImageTextButton (String text, ImageTextButtonStyle style) { super(style); = style; defaults().space(3); image = new Image(); image.setScaling(; add(image); label = new Label(text, new LabelStyle(style.font, style.fontColor)); label.setAlignment(; add(label); setStyle(style); setSize(getPrefWidth(), getPrefHeight()); }
public <E> void addSelectBox(String label, E selected, E[] values, Consumer<E> lis) { LabelStyle style = skin.get(LabelStyle.class); Label l = new Label(label, style); table.add(l).minHeight(l.getMinHeight()).prefHeight(l.getPrefHeight()); SelectBox<E> sb = new SelectBox<E>(skin.get(SelectBoxStyle.class)); sb.setItems(values); sb.setSelected(selected); sb.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { lis.accept(sb.getSelected()); } }); Cell<SelectBox<E>> right = table.add(sb).minHeight(sb.getMinHeight()).prefHeight(sb.getMinHeight()); if (nbColumns > 2) right.colspan(nbColumns - 1); table.row(); }
public void addBooleanSelectBox(String label, boolean selected, Consumer<Boolean> lis) { LabelStyle style = skin.get(LabelStyle.class); Label l = new Label(label, style); table.add(l).minHeight(l.getMinHeight()).prefHeight(l.getPrefHeight()); SelectBox<Boolean> sb = new SelectBox<Boolean>(skin.get(SelectBoxStyle.class)); sb.setItems(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE); sb.setSelected(selected); sb.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { lis.accept(sb.getSelected()); } }); Cell<SelectBox<Boolean>> right = table.add(sb).minHeight(sb.getMinHeight()).prefHeight(sb.getMinHeight()); if (nbColumns > 2) right.colspan(nbColumns - 1); table.row(); }
public void addButton(LabelStyle style, String label, String secondaryLabel, Runnable action, boolean active) { Button b = new Button(skin.get(ButtonStyle.class)); if (action != null) b.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) {; } }); b.setDisabled(!active); b.add(new Label(label, style)).left(); if (secondaryLabel != null && !secondaryLabel.isEmpty()) b.add(new Label(secondaryLabel, style)).padRight(15f); table.add(b).minHeight(b.getMinHeight()).prefHeight(b.getPrefHeight()).left().padLeft(1f).colspan(nbColumns); table.row(); }
/** * Adds a button to the menu, with an icon on the left and label on the right. */ public Button addButtonSprite(Drawable icon, String label, Runnable action, boolean active) { LabelStyle style = active ? skin.get(LabelStyle.class) : skin.get("inactive", LabelStyle.class); Button b = new Button(skin.get(ButtonStyle.class)); if (action != null) b.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) {; } }); b.setDisabled(!active); b.add(new Image(icon,; Label l = new Label(label, style); l.setWrap(true); b.add(l).padLeft(8).right().expandX().fillX(); table.add(b).minHeight(b.getMinHeight()).prefHeight(b.getPrefHeight()).left().padLeft(1f).colspan(nbColumns); table.row(); return b; }
/** Adds a label followed by a sprite to the menu. */ public Label addLabelSprite(String label, TextureRegion region, Color color) { LabelStyle style = skin.get(LabelStyle.class); Label l = new Label(label, style); table.add(l).minHeight(l.getMinHeight()).prefHeight(l.getPrefHeight()); Image i = new Image(region); i.setColor(color); i.setScaling(; Cell<Image> right = table.add(i).minHeight(region.getRegionHeight()).prefHeight(region.getRegionHeight()).right(); if (nbColumns > 2) right.colspan(nbColumns - 1); table.row(); return l; }
/** * Erzeugt die Elemente für den Namen und das Bild des Loots. * * @param name * Name des Loots * @param img * Bild des Loots */ private void createLabelAndImg(final String name, final Drawable img) { Table table = new Table(); table.setFillParent(true); table.left().top(); table.setBackground(new TextureRegionDrawable(AssetManager .getTextureRegion("ui", "buttonBackground"))); Image icon = new Image(img,; table.add(icon).height(70).maxWidth(120).pad(15, 0, 15, 0); Label desc = new Label(name, new LabelStyle( AssetManager.getTextFont(FontSize.FORTY), Color.DARK_GRAY)); desc.setEllipse(true); table.add(desc).expandX().left(); addActor(table); }
private void createInfo(Table table, LabelStyle titleStyle, LabelStyle style) { String text = game.localeService.get(LocalizedStrings.MainMenu.GAME_TITLE); Label label = new Label(text, titleStyle); table.add(label).spaceBottom(game.deviceSettings.menuSpacing / 8); table.row(); text = game.localeService.get(LocalizedStrings.AboutInfo.ABOUT_VERSION); label = new Label(text, style); table.add(label).spaceBottom(game.deviceSettings.menuSpacing / 8); table.row(); text = game.localeService.get(LocalizedStrings.AboutInfo.ABOUT_COPYRIGHT); label = new Label(text, style); table.add(label).spaceBottom(game.deviceSettings.menuSpacing / 8); table.row(); text = game.localeService.get(LocalizedStrings.AboutInfo.ABOUT_RIGHTS_RESERVED); label = new Label(text, style); table.add(label).spaceBottom(game.deviceSettings.menuSpacing); table.row(); }
@Override public void notify(Events event, Object... data) { switch (event) { case UI_THEME_RELOAD_INFO: Skin skin = (Skin) data[0]; // Get new theme color and put it in the label colour LabelStyle headerStyle = skin.get("header", LabelStyle.class); labelColour[0] = headerStyle.fontColor.r; labelColour[1] = headerStyle.fontColor.g; labelColour[2] = headerStyle.fontColor.b; break; default: break; } }
public LoadingScreen(PongForAndroid game) { = game; setupAssetManager(); Skin skin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal("uiskin.json")); stage = new Stage(); table = new Table(); table.setFillParent(true); BitmapFont loadingFont = getLoadingFont(); LabelStyle loadingStyle = new LabelStyle(loadingFont, Color.WHITE); Label loadLabel = new Label("Loading...", loadingStyle); progressBar = new ProgressBar(0, 100, 1, false, skin); progressBar.setAnimateDuration(1f); progressBar.setAnimateInterpolation(Interpolation.sine); table.add(loadLabel); table.row(); table.add(progressBar).left(); stage.addActor(table); }
private void init (String text) { defaults().space(3); image = new Image(); image.setScaling(; add(image); label = new Label(text, new LabelStyle(style.font, style.fontColor)); label.setAlignment(; add(label); setStyle(style); setSize(getPrefWidth(), getPrefHeight()); addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown (InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { if (isDisabled() == false) FocusManager.switchFocus(getStage(), VisImageTextButton.this); return false; } }); }
@Override public void onCollect(PowerUp powerup, GameContext context) { Player player = context.getPlayer(); int size = / 50; final int PADDING = 30; float pointer = player.getHeight() / 2f + PADDING - size / 2; float angle = (float) (Math.random() * 360f); float x = (float) (player.getCenterX() + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)) * pointer); float y = (float) (player.getCenterY() + Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)) * pointer); GameObject shot = factory.createShot(x, y, size, protectorDamage, new OrbitStrategy(player, angle, pointer), true); context.add(shot); PopupManager popupManager = context.getPopupManager(); LabelStyle style = new LabelStyle(); style.font = Resources.get(Resources.BITMAP_FONT_REGULAR, BitmapFont.class); style.fontColor = new Color(0.0f, 0.2f, 1f, 1f); popupManager.popup(powerup.getCenterX(), powerup.getCenterY(), "Protector", style); }
private void animate(final GameObject o, final PopupManager manager) { o.getColor().a = 0.7f; tweenManager.killTarget(o);, GameObjectTween.ALPHA, 0.4f).target(0.2f) .ease(TweenEquations.easeInOutQuad) .setCallback(new TweenCallback() { @Override public void onEvent(int type, BaseTween<?> source) { if (o.isIndestructable()) { animate(o, manager); } else { o.getColor().a = 1f; LabelStyle style = new LabelStyle(); style.font = Resources.get(Resources.BITMAP_FONT_REGULAR, BitmapFont.class); style.fontColor = new Color(0.6f, 0.0f, 1f, 1f); manager.popup(o.getCenterX(), o.getCenterY(), "Immortality (expired)", style); } } }).setCallbackTriggers(TweenCallback.COMPLETE).repeatYoyo(1, 0) .start(tweenManager); }
public void popup(float x, float y, String text, LabelStyle popupStyle) { Label label = new Label(text, popupStyle); stage.addActor(label); label.setPosition(x - label.getWidth() / 2f, - y - label.getHeight() / 2f);, ActorTween.ALPHA, duration) .target(0f) .ease(TweenEquations.easeInOutQuad) .setCallback(this) .setCallbackTriggers(TweenCallback.COMPLETE) .start(tweenManager);, ActorTween.POPUP, duration) .target(y - MOVING_DISTANCE) .ease(TweenEquations.easeInOutQuad) .start(tweenManager); queue.add(label); }
@Override public void resize(int width, int height) { if (stage != null) { stage.setViewport(width, height); } else { stage = new MenuControls(width, height, false, game); LabelStyle style = new LabelStyle(); style.font = Resources.get(Resources.BITMAP_FONT_REGULAR, BitmapFont.class); style.fontColor = Color.WHITE; Label text = new Label("Touch to start", style); text.setX(width / 2 - text.getWidth() / 2); text.setY(height / 5); stage.addActor(text); animateLabel(text); showGoogleButtons(); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); Gdx.input.setCatchBackKey(true); } }
private boolean initialize() { if (SharedAssetManager.isLoaded(Assets.TEX_PANEL_TRANSPARENT_9patch) && SharedAssetManager.isLoaded(Assets.FNT_MONO) && Styles.TXT_COMMANDLINE != null && Styles.TXT_COMMANDLINE.font != null) { setBackground(new NinePatchDrawable(GraphicsFactory.createNinePatch(Assets.TEX_PANEL_TRANSPARENT_9patch, Sizes.panelTransparentRadius()))); textField = new TextField("", Styles.TXT_COMMANDLINE); textField.setWidth(getWidth()); LabelStyle consoleStyle = new LabelStyle(); consoleStyle.font = SharedAssetManager.get(Assets.FNT_MONO, BitmapFont.class); consoleStyle.fontColor = Color.GRAY; add(new Label("$ ", consoleStyle)); add(textField).width(getWidth()); setY(Sizes.worldHeight() - textField.getHeight()); setHeight(textField.getHeight()); return true; } else { return false; } }
@Override public Actor createActor (final Skin skin) { Table table = new Table(); LabelStyle labelStyle = new LabelStyle(skin.get(LabelStyle.class)); labelStyle.background = skin.newDrawable("white", .6f, .6f, .6f, 1); String branchChildren = "\n selectTarget\n pursue"; table.add(new Label("parallel policy:\"sequence\" orchestrator:\"resume\"" + branchChildren, labelStyle)).pad(5); table.add(new Label("vs", skin)).padLeft(10).padRight(10); table.add(new Label("sequence" + branchChildren, labelStyle)).pad(5); table.row().padTop(15); TextButton startButton = new TextButton("Start", skin); startButton.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed (ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { oldScreen = container.getScreen(); container.setScreen(new TestScreen(ParallelVsSequenceTest.this, skin)); } }); table.add(); table.add(startButton); table.add(); return table; }
@Override public Actor createActor (final Skin skin) { Table table = new Table(); LabelStyle labelStyle = new LabelStyle(skin.get(LabelStyle.class)); labelStyle.background = skin.newDrawable("white", .6f, .6f, .6f, 1); String branchChildren = "\n spinAround\n selectTarget\n pursue"; table.add(new Label("parallel policy:\"sequence\" orchestrator:\"resume\"" + branchChildren, labelStyle)).pad(5); table.add(new Label("vs", skin)).padLeft(10).padRight(10); table.add(new Label("parallel policy:\"sequence\" orchestrator:\"join\"" + branchChildren, labelStyle)).pad(5); table.row().padTop(15); TextButton startButton = new TextButton("Start", skin); startButton.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed (ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { oldScreen = container.getScreen(); container.setScreen(new TestScreen(ResumeVsJoinTest.this, skin)); } }); table.add(); table.add(startButton); table.add(); return table; }
public void showTooltip(Actor actor) { Vector2 v = new Vector2(); actor.localToStageCoordinates(v); if (tooltip == null) { LabelStyle style = new LabelStyle(); style.font = tooltipStyle.font; style.background = tooltipStyle.background; style.fontColor = tooltipStyle.fontColor; tooltip = new Label(tooltips.get(actor), style); tooltip.setStyle(style); tooltip.pack(); tooltip.setPosition(v.x+7.5f, v.y - tooltip.getPrefHeight() - 15); tooltip.setOriginY(tooltip.getPrefHeight()); tooltip.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0); tooltip.setScale(1,0); tooltip.addAction(parallel(fadeIn(0.15f), scaleTo(1, 1, 0.15f))); } else { tooltip.setText(tooltips.get(actor)); tooltip.pack(); tooltip.setPosition(v.x+7.5f, v.y - tooltip.getPrefHeight() - 15); } stage.addActor(tooltip); }
public void show(boolean isBoss, String text) { this.clear(); if (isBoss) { String[] strs = text.split(""); float width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) { String s = strs[i]; Label temp = new Label(s, new LabelStyle(Engine.resource("Font", BitmapFont.class), Color.WHITE)); temp.setPosition(width, 400); temp.addAction(Actions.delay(0.1f * i, Actions.sequence(Actions.moveBy(0, -300, 0.5f, Interpolation.swingOut), Actions.delay(1f, Actions.moveBy(0, 300, 0.3f))))); this.addActor(temp); width += temp.getPrefWidth(); } this.setPosition(Engine.getWidth() / 2 - width / 2, 100); } else { Label battleLabel = new Label(text, new LabelStyle(Engine.resource("Font", BitmapFont.class), Color.WHITE)); this.setSize(battleLabel.getPrefWidth(), battleLabel.getPrefHeight()); this.setPosition(Engine.getWidth() / 2 - battleLabel.getPrefWidth() / 2, 200); this.setOrigin(this.getWidth() / 2, this.getHeight() / 2); this.setScale(0); this.addAction(sequence(scaleTo(1, 1, 1f, Interpolation.swingOut), delay(1f), Actions.moveBy(50, 0, 0.1f), Actions.moveBy(-1500, 0, 0.3f))); this.addActor(battleLabel); } }
public IngameStage(final Core core, World world, GeometriDestroyer geometriDestroyer) { = world; this.geometriDestroyer = geometriDestroyer; setViewport(Constants.STAGE_WIDTH, Constants.STAGE_HEIGHT, false); LabelStyle style = new LabelStyle(); style.font = FontManager.getNormalFont(); style.fontColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1); objectCounter = new Label("Total Number Of Objects: " + (world.getBodyCount() - 1) + "\nObject left To Destroy: " + geometriDestroyer.boxesLeft, style); objectCounter.setPosition(20, Constants.STAGE_HEIGHT - 120); addActor(objectCounter); gameOverMenu = new GameOverMenu(core); gameOverMenu.setVisible(false); addActor(gameOverMenu); victoryMenu = new VictoryMenu(core); victoryMenu.setVisible(false); addActor(victoryMenu); pauseMenu = new PauseMenu(core); pauseMenu.setVisible(false); addActor(pauseMenu); }
public Credits(final Core core, InputMultiplexer inputMultiplexer) { this.core = core; stage = new Stage(); stage.setViewport(Constants.STAGE_WIDTH, Constants.STAGE_HEIGHT, false); inputMultiplexer.addProcessor(this); Image ogam = new Image(new TextureRegionDrawable(SpriteManager.getSprite(SpriteManager.Sprites.OGAM))); ogam.setPosition((Constants.STAGE_WIDTH - ogam.getWidth()) / 2, 440); stage.addActor(ogam); LabelStyle style = new LabelStyle(); style.font = FontManager.getNormalFont(); style.fontColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); Label title = new Label(" Geometri Destroyer was created during\n February 2013 for One Game A Month.\n\n\n\nProgramming, graphics: Daniel \"MaTachi\" Jonsson,\n\nLibraries: LibGDX and Box2D\nFont: GNUTypewriter, SIL OFL\nMusic: Szymon Matuszewski - Fallen, CC-BY 3.0\nSoftware used: Eclipse, GIMP and\n Inkscape on Ubuntu", style); title.setPosition(50, 10); stage.addActor(title); }
@Override public Component getComponent(Label component) { Skin skin = gameAssets.getSkin(); LabelComponent label = gameLoop.createComponent(LabelComponent.class); label.setVariablesManager(variablesManager); LabelStyle style = skin.get(component.getStyle(), LabelStyle.class); LabelStyle styleCopy = new LabelStyle(style); Color color = component.getColor(); if (color != null) { styleCopy.fontColor.set(color.getR(), color.getG(), color.getB(), color.getA()); } label.setControl(new com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label("", styleCopy)); label.getControl().setAlignment(; label.setText(gameAssets.getI18N().m(component.getText())); I18nTextComponent textComponent = gameLoop .createComponent(I18nTextComponent.class); textComponent.setI18nKey(component.getText()); textComponent.setTextSetter(label); return new MultiComponent(label, textComponent); }