@Override public void init() { // Timer timer = TimeUtils.millis(); // Strings segaPathname = "data/audio/sound/Sega.wav"; segaSoundName = "Sega Sound"; segaLogoPathName = "data/background/segalogo.png"; // Start Sound soundManager = gsm.getGame().getSoundManager(); soundManager.addSound(segaPathname, segaSoundName); // Texture texture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal(segaLogoPathName)); // Play Sound soundManager.playSound(segaSoundName, 1.0f); }
private void init() { // Start Shooting bulletCooldown = TimeUtils.millis(); enemyBulletSpeed = 5; randomAttackCooldown = MathUtils.random(200, 1000); // Drop Chance | 10% chance dropChance = MathUtils.random(0, 9); // Start Sprites allTexture = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal(pathName)); TextureRegion[][] tmp = TextureRegion.split(allTexture, allTexture.getWidth() / 3, allTexture.getHeight() / 1); rolls = new TextureRegion[3]; for (int i = 0; i < rolls.length; i++) { rolls[i] = tmp[0][i]; } // Start rectangle collisionBounds = new Rectangle(x, y, allTexture.getWidth() / 3, allTexture.getHeight()); }
/** * Speichert die Daten in die Spieldatei. * * @param slot der Slot in den gespeichert werden soll. Wenn null, wird der letzte Slot verwendet * * @see SaveData#load() */ public void save(Slot slot) { if (slot == null) slot = this.slot; else this.slot = slot; if (this.slot == null) return; playTime += TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(startTime); prefs.putString(slot.name() + PLAYER_NAME, playerName); prefs.putBoolean(slot.name() + MALE, male); prefs.putLong(slot.name() + PLAY_TIME, playTime); prefs.putString(slot.name() + LEVEL_NAME, levelName); prefs.putString(slot.name() + LEVEL_ID, levelId); prefs.flush(); startTime = TimeUtils.millis(); }
TrainingScreen(GftGame game) { this.game = game; this.guiCam = new OrthographicCamera(800, 480); this.guiCam.position.set(800 / 2, 480 / 2, 0); this.backBounds = new Rectangle(7, 432, 48, 48); this.playPauseBounds = new Rectangle(7, 7, 48, 48); this.restartBounds = new Rectangle(62, 7, 48, 48); this.backFowardtBounds = new Rectangle(127, 7, 48, 48); this.soundBounds = new Rectangle(192, 7, 48, 48); this.minusBounds = new Rectangle(590, 7, 48, 48); this.plusBounds = new Rectangle(699, 7, 48, 48); this.touchPoint = new Vector3(); this.grid = new Grid(this.game); this.grid.loadTraining(); this.bottomBar = new BottomBar(this.game); this.firstRun = 3; this.lastUpdateTime = TimeUtils.millis(); this.bpm = MINUTE_IN_MILLIS / SettingsUtil.bpm; }
@Override public void render(float delta) { Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0.845f, 0.845f, 0.845f, 1); Gdx.gl.glClear(GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); game.batch.begin(); game.batch.draw(appLogo, viewport.getWorldWidth()/2 - 60, viewport.getWorldHeight()/2 - 60, 120, 120); Color color = game.batch.getColor(); color.a = 0.4f; game.batch.setColor(color); game.batch.draw(samukiLogo, viewport.getWorldWidth()/2-32, 32, 64, 64); game.batch.draw(updateText, viewport.getWorldWidth()/2-198, viewport.getWorldHeight()-100, 396, 42); color.a = 1f; game.batch.setColor(color); game.batch.end(); if (TimeUtils.millis()>(startTime+1250)) game.setScreen(new MenuScreen(game)); stage.act(Math.min(Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime(), 1/30f)); stage.draw(); }
@Override public void render(float x, float y) { long runtime = TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(AnimatedTile.origin) % length; long duration = 0; Sprite frame = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.frames.size; i++) { Tuple<Long, Sprite> key = this.frames.get(i); duration += key.getA(); frame = key.getB(); if (duration > runtime) { break; } } if (frame != null) { frame.render(x, y); } }
public void recalculateDinamicFlyingPoints(){ float wingY; if (isGlyding()) wingY = wingLT.y; else { float dinamicValue = (wingLT.y - wingLB.y) * (1.3f*MathUtils.cos(MathUtils.PI2 * TimeUtils.timeSinceNanos(nanotimeAnimationStart) / BIRD_NANOTIME_FRAME)); wingY = wingLB.y - dinamicValue; } wingLB.set(wingLT).add(-0.5f * BIRD_SCALE, -2.2f * BIRD_SCALE); wingRB.set(wingRT).add(0.5f * BIRD_SCALE, -2.2f * BIRD_SCALE); wingLL.set(wingLT.x - 6f * BIRD_SCALE, wingY); wingRR.set(wingRT.x + 6f * BIRD_SCALE, wingY); tailL.set(position.x - 3f * BIRD_SCALE, position.y + 5.5f * BIRD_SCALE); tailR.set(position.x + 3f * BIRD_SCALE, position.y + 5.5f * BIRD_SCALE); }
private void transformFoodToEnergyAndPoop() { if ((TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(timeCounterFoodTransform) > BIRD_FOOD_DIGEST_TIME) && (food > 0)) { if (energy < BIRD_ENERGY_MAX){ energy += BIRD_ENERGY_ADD; if (energy > BIRD_ENERGY_MAX) energy = BIRD_ENERGY_MAX; } if (poop < BIRD_POOP_MAX) poop++; else dropPoop(); timeCounterFoodTransform = TimeUtils.millis(); food--; } }
public Caterpillar(ShapeRenderer renderer, Vector2 position,boolean facingRight) { super(renderer, position, facingRight); float x = position.x - 4 *CATERPILLAR_TIGHT_RADIUS; float y = position.y; circles = new Array<Circle>(); for ( int i = 0 ; i< CATERPILLAR_CIRCLES_NUMBER; i++) { circles.add(new Circle(x, y, CATERPILLAR_RADIUS)); x += 2 * CATERPILLAR_TIGHT_RADIUS; } if (facingRight) { velocity.set(CATERPILLAR_SPEED_X, 0f); } else{ velocity.set(-CATERPILLAR_SPEED_X, 0f); } nanotimeAnimationStart = TimeUtils.nanoTime(); eye = new Vector2(); }
public void updateCircles(){ float x = position.x - 4 *CATERPILLAR_TIGHT_RADIUS; float ydelta = CATERPILLAR_Y_DELTA * MathUtils.cos(MathUtils.PI2 * TimeUtils.timeSinceNanos(nanotimeAnimationStart)/CATERPILLAR_NANOTIME_FRAME); float y = position.y + ydelta; for ( int i = 0 ; i< CATERPILLAR_CIRCLES_NUMBER; i++) { circles.get(i).setPosition(x, y); x += 2 * CATERPILLAR_TIGHT_RADIUS; ydelta = - ydelta; y = position.y + ydelta; } }
public Cat(ShapeRenderer renderer, Boolean facingRight) { super(renderer, new Vector2(), facingRight); if (facingRight) { position.set(CAT_START_X_LEFT, CAT_Y); velocity.set(CAT_SPEED_X, 0f); } else{ position.set(CAT_START_X_RIGHT, CAT_Y); velocity.set(-CAT_SPEED_X, 0f); } catCreateMillis = TimeUtils.millis(); circle = new Circle(0,0, CAT_HEAD_RADIUS); rectangle = new Rectangle(0,0, CAT_BODY_LENGTH, CAT_BODY_WIDTH); update(0); }
public Integer tap() { if (currentClearTask != null) { currentClearTask.cancel(); } currentClearTask = Timer.schedule(clearTask, clearInterval); if (tapTimes.size() == numberOfTaps) { tapTimes.remove(0); } tapTimes.add(TimeUtils.nanoTime()); long sum = 0; if (tapTimes.size() > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < tapTimes.size(); i++) { sum += tapTimes.get(i) - tapTimes.get(i - 1); } float averageSeconds = sum / (tapTimes.size() - 1) / 1000000000f; int bpm = (int) (60f / averageSeconds); return bpm; } else { return null; } }
@Override public void run (long timeToRun) { // Keep track of the current time requestControl.lastTime = TimeUtils.nanoTime(); requestControl.timeToRun = timeToRun; requestControl.timeTolerance = TIME_TOLERANCE; requestControl.pathFinder = pathFinder; requestControl.server = this; // If no search in progress, take the next from the queue if (currentRequest == null) currentRequest = requestQueue.read(); while (currentRequest != null) { boolean finished = requestControl.execute(currentRequest); if (!finished) return; // Read next request from the queue currentRequest = requestQueue.read(); } }
public void loadModelList() { File file = Gdx.files.internal("assets/objects.json").file(); try { ModelDesc[] list = _gson.fromJson(new FileReader(file), ModelDesc[].class); for (ModelDesc item : list) { item._lastUsage = TimeUtils.millis(); _modelList.put(item._typeId, item); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { _log.error("objects config not found", e); System.exit(-1); } }
public void update(float delta, Viewport viewport) { float secondsSinceLastKick = MathUtils.nanoToSec * (TimeUtils.nanoTime() - lastKick); if (secondsSinceLastKick > KICK_INTERVAL) { lastKick = TimeUtils.nanoTime(); randomKick(); } // Drag is proportional to the current velocity velocity.x -= delta * DRAG * velocity.x; velocity.y -= delta * DRAG * velocity.y; position.x += delta * velocity.x; position.y += delta * velocity.y; radius = RADIUS_FACTOR * Math.min(viewport.getWorldWidth(), viewport.getWorldHeight()); collideWithWalls(radius, viewport.getWorldWidth(), viewport.getWorldHeight()); }
public void fallenBulletSpawn(){ for(int i =0;i<monsters.getMonsters().size ;i++){ if(monsters.getMonsters().get(i) != null && monsters.getMonsters().size != 0){ int probability = MathUtils.random(0,800); if(probability < 5){ float locX = monsters.getMonsters().get(i).getMonstersOutline().getX()+ monsters.getMonster().getTexture().getWidth()/2; float locY = monsters.getMonsters().get(i).getMonstersOutline().getY(); bullet1 = new Bullet(bluebullet, 100, locX,locY); fallenBullets.add(bullet1); lastBulletTime= TimeUtils.nanoTime(); } } } }
/** * Roll all dice and update their results */ private void diceRoll() { Random rnd = new Random(TimeUtils.nanoTime()); // generate a random number from 1-6 for (int i = 0; i < data.getAvailableDice(); i++) { rollResults[i] = rnd.nextInt(6) + 1; } }
/** * "Animate" the dice roll */ private void randomizeDice() { Random rnd = new Random(); rnd.setSeed(TimeUtils.nanoTime()); for (int i = 0; i < data.getAvailableDice(); i++) { dieObjects.get(i).setDieNumber(rnd.nextInt(6) + 1); } }
@Override public void render(float delta) { // set hasBeenShaken to true once hasShaken() registered, so the if statement // continues to the animation/result even if device isn't moving anymore if ((hasShaken() || hasBeenShaken) && canRoll) { // only update if it hasn't been shaken in the last 2 seconds if (TimeUtils.millis() - lastShakeTime > 5000) { diceRoll(); lastShakeTime = TimeUtils.millis(); hasBeenShaken = true; } // randomize results for 2 seconds after a shake if (TimeUtils.millis() - lastShakeTime < 2000) { randomizeDice(); } else { showRollResult(); hasBeenShaken = false; canRoll = false; } } super.render(delta); }
public PlayState(GameStateManager gsm) { super(gsm); score = 0; chapa = new Chapa(50, 300); camera.setToOrtho(false, FlappyChapa.WIDTH / 2, FlappyChapa.HEIGHT / 2); Texture texture = new Texture("bg.png"); backGround = new org.academiadecodigo.bootcamp.sprites.Background(camera); backGround.start(); ground = new Texture("ground.png"); /*table = new Table(); table.setPosition(camera.position.x,camera.position.y); //table.setBounds(camera.position.x,camera.position.y,camera.viewportWidth,camera.viewportHeight/10); table.setFillParent(true);*/ scoreLabel = new Label(String.format("%06d", score), new Label.LabelStyle(new BitmapFont(), Color.WHITE)); scoreLabel.setPosition(camera.position.x,0); startTime = TimeUtils.nanoTime(); anto = new Anto(camera); // groundPos1 = new Vector2(camera.position.x - camera.viewportWidth / 2, GROUND_Y_OFFSET); // groundPos2 = new Vector2((camera.position.x - camera.viewportWidth / 2) + ground.getWidth(), GROUND_Y_OFFSET); tubes = new Array<Tube>(); for (int i = 0; i < TUBE_COUNT; i++) { tubes.add(new Tube(i * (TUBE_SPACING + Tube.TUBE_WIDTH))); } music = Gdx.audio.newMusic(Gdx.files.internal("bigSmoke_justAudio.mp3")); music.setLooping(true); music.setVolume(0.5f); music.play(); }
public TimeScorer(final Klooni game, GameLayout layout) { super(game, layout, Klooni.getMaxTimeScore()); highScore = Klooni.getMaxTimeScore(); Label.LabelStyle labelStyle = new Label.LabelStyle(); labelStyle.font = game.skin.getFont("font"); timeLeftLabel = new Label("", labelStyle); timeLeftLabel.setAlignment(Align.center); layout.updateTimeLeftLabel(timeLeftLabel); startTime = TimeUtils.nanoTime(); deadTime = startTime + START_TIME; pausedTimeLeft = -1; }
@Override public void resume() { if (pauseTime != 0L) { long difference = TimeUtils.nanoTime() - pauseTime; startTime += difference; deadTime += difference; pauseTime = 0L; pausedTimeLeft = -1; } }
@Override public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) { long now = TimeUtils.millis(); if (now > nextTextUpdate) { interpolateText(); nextTextUpdate = TimeUtils.millis() + SHOW_ONE_CHARACTER_EVERY; if (now > nextTempRevertUpdate && showingTemp) { // We won't be showing temp anymore if the current money is shown showCurrentMoney(); } } setColor(Klooni.theme.bandColor); infoLabel.setColor(Klooni.theme.textColor); super.draw(batch, parentAlpha); }
@Override public void init() { // Start Game Objects shipBullets = new Array<PlayerBullets>(); enemyBulletList = new Array<EnemyBullets>(); player = new Player(300, 150, 0, 0, shipBullets, this); basicAliens = new Array<GameObjects>(); explosionList = new Array<Explosion>(); itemList = new Array<Item>(); collisionHandling = new CollisionHandling(this); // Start Level levelLoader = new Level("data/levels/testmap.tmx", this); for (int i = 0; i < levelLoader.getEnemyArray().size; i++) { basicAliens.add(new BasicAlien(levelLoader.getEnemyArray().get(i).x, levelLoader.getEnemyArray().get(i).y, 0, -5, 1000L, -15, getEnemyBulletList(), -20, this)); } // Start the HUD // 0 = Health Bar allHUDElements = new HUD[1]; allHUDElements[0] = new HealthBar(10, 760, 200, 25, true); // Timers deathTimer = TimeUtils.millis(); // Audio soundManager = getGSM().getGame().getSoundManager(); musicManager = getGSM().getGame().getMusicManager(); }
public Level1(Array<GameObjects> enemyList, int levelNumber, PlayState playState) { super(enemyList, playState.getExplosionList(), playState.getEnemyBulletList(), levelNumber, playState); // Get lists this.enemyList = enemyList; this.levelNumber = levelNumber; this.playState = playState; // Start Background initializeBackground(); // Update Timer timeSinceLevelBegan = TimeUtils.millis(); waveTimer = TimeUtils.millis(); // Initialize the switches gameplaySwitch = new boolean[20]; for (int i = 0; i < gameplaySwitch.length; i++) { gameplaySwitch[i] = false; } gameplaySwitch[0] = true; switchCounter = 0; // Start Music startMusic(); }
@Override public void update(float dt) { // Move Next state after Sega if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(timer) > 3000) { gsm.setState(GameStateManager.MENU); soundManager.removeSound(segaSoundName); } }
public Player(float x, float y, float dx, float dy, Array<PlayerBullets> listOfBullets, PlayState playState) { super(x, y, dx, dy); // GamePlay this.x = x; this.y = y; this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; this.listOfBullets = listOfBullets; this.playState = playState; bulletcooldown = TimeUtils.millis(); // Graphics pathname = "data/spaceships/ship1.png"; animationFrameDuration = 1f/40f; // SFX this.playState = playState; soundManager = playState.getGSM().getGame().getSoundManager(); bulletShotSoundPathName = "data/audio/sound/Basic Shot.wav"; bulletShotSoundName = "Shoot1"; // Limits maxSpeed = 4; //friction = 5; minimumSpeed = -4; bulletSpeed = 15; bulletShootSpeed = 200; // Start Player Loading init(); }
public void update(float dt, boolean xWrap, boolean yWrap) { // Update Movement x += dx; y += dy; collisionBounds.set(x, y, (96f / 3f), 33); // Movement Limits moveDownward(); setLimits(); // Wraps if (xWrap) { wrapXBound(); } if (yWrap) { wrapYBound(); } // Update Shoot | Don't shoot if out of the screen if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(bulletCooldown) > randomAttackCooldown && x < Game.WIDTH && x > 0 && y < Game.HEIGHT && y > 0) { addEnemyBullets(16, 0); randomAttackCooldown = MathUtils.random(1000, 2000); } // Drop Items dropItems(); }
private void shootBullets() { // Shoot Bullets // Right Wing if (!isRightWingDead && rightWingHealth > 0) { if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(bulletCooldownRight) > randomAttackCooldownRight && x < Game.WIDTH && x > 0 && y < Game.HEIGHT && y > 0) { addBossBullets(175, 0); randomAttackCooldownRight = MathUtils.random(200, 1000); bulletCooldownRight = TimeUtils.millis(); } } // Left Wing if (!isLeftWingDead && leftWingHealth > 0) { if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(bulletCooldownLeft) > randomAttackCooldownLeft && x < Game.WIDTH && x > 0 && y < Game.HEIGHT && y > 0) { addBossBullets(20, 0); randomAttackCooldownLeft = MathUtils.random(200, 1000); bulletCooldownLeft = TimeUtils.millis(); } } // Both Wings have died if (isLeftWingDead && isRightWingDead && getHP() > 0) { if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(bulletCooldown) > randomAttackCooldown && x < Game.WIDTH && x > 0 && y < Game.HEIGHT && y > 0) { addBossBullets(98, 30); randomAttackCooldown = MathUtils.random(200, 800); bulletCooldown = TimeUtils.millis(); } } }
private void checkWingStatus() { // Check if Wings are dead if (rightWingHealth <= 0 && !isRightWingDead) { if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(rightWingExplosionTimer) > 200 && rightWingExplosionCounter < 10) { // Add delayed explosions explosionList.add(new Explosion((x + 148) + MathUtils.random(-48, 48), y, 48, height, playState)); rightWingExplosionTimer = TimeUtils.millis(); rightWingExplosionCounter++; } // Kill Right Wing if (rightWingExplosionCounter == 10) { setRightWingDead(true); } } if (leftWingHealth <= 0 && !isLeftWingDead) { if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(leftWingExplosionTimer) > 200 && leftWingExplosionCounter < 10) { // Add delayed explosions explosionList.add(new Explosion(x + MathUtils.random(-48, 48), y, 48, height, playState)); leftWingExplosionTimer = TimeUtils.millis(); leftWingExplosionCounter++; } // Kill Left Wing if (leftWingExplosionCounter == 10) { setLeftWingDead(true); } } // If Both wings are dead, then set middle to be vulnerable if (isLeftWingDead && isRightWingDead && isMiddleInvincible) { isMiddleInvincible = false; } }
private void checkMiddleHP() { if (healthbar < 0) { dx = 0; dy = 0; if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(bossDeathExplosionTimer) > 200 && bossDeathExplosionCounter < 15) { // Add delayed explosions explosionList.add(new Explosion(x + (0.5f * MathUtils.random(0, width)), (y + (0.5f * MathUtils.random(0, height))), width, height, playState)); bossDeathExplosionTimer = TimeUtils.millis(); bossDeathExplosionCounter++; isDead = true; } } }
private void spawnEnemies() { // Check if its been 5 seconds if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(timeSinceBattleBegan) > 5000 && healthbar > 0) { listOfAliens.add(new BasicAlien(x + (width / 2), y + (height / 2), 3, 0, 1000L, -15, enemyBullets, -20, playState)); listOfAliens.add(new BasicAlien(x + (width / 2), y + (height / 2), -3, 0, 1000L, -15, enemyBullets, -20, playState)); timeSinceBattleBegan = TimeUtils.millis(); soundManager.playSound(bossSpawnSoundName, 1f); } }
/** * Lädt die Daten aus der Speicherdatei. * * @see SaveData#save(Slot) */ public void load() { startTime = TimeUtils.millis(); if (this.slot == null) return; playerName = prefs.getString(slot.name() + PLAYER_NAME, ""); male = prefs.getBoolean(slot.name() + MALE, false); playTime = prefs.getLong(slot.name() + PLAY_TIME, 0); levelName = prefs.getString(slot.name() + LEVEL_NAME, ""); levelId = prefs.getString(slot.name() + LEVEL_ID, ""); }
/** * Regiert auf das Drücken einer Taste. * * Startet eine Attacke oder führt eine Interaktion durch. * * @param keycode der Tastencode der Taste * @return true, wenn auf das Ereignis reagiert wurde */ public boolean keyDown(int keycode) { InputManager.Action action = InputManager.checkGameAction(keycode); if (action == InputManager.Action.ATTACK && attackSword <= 0f) { // Attacke attackStart = TimeUtils.millis(); return true; } else if (action == InputManager.Action.INTERACTION && attackStart == -1) { // Interaktion if (interactionCallback != null) interactionCallback.run(); return true; } else if (cheatManager.isHealthControlled() && action == InputManager.Action.CHEAT_DAMAGE) { applyDamage(10); return true; } else if (cheatManager.isHealthControlled() && action == InputManager.Action.CHEAT_HEAL) { heal(15); return true; } return false; }
/** * Regiert auf das Loslassen einer Taste. * * Führt die Attacke nach dem Loslassen der entsprechenden Taste durch. * * @param keycode der Tastencode der Taste * @return true, wenn auf das Ereignis reagiert wurde */ public boolean keyUp(int keycode) { InputManager.Action action = InputManager.checkGameAction(keycode); if (action == InputManager.Action.ATTACK && attackStart > 0) { // Attacke if (attackCallback == null) return false; long attackTime = TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(attackStart); if (attackTime >= LONG_ATTACK_TIME) { attackCallback.run((int)(attackTime/400)); attackSword = 0.4f; } else { attackCallback.run(1); attackSword = 0.2f; } attackStart = -1; return true; } return false; }
private void applyRules() { if (SettingsUtil.playEnabled) { if (this.firstRun > 0) { if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(this.lastUpdateTime) >= 1000) { AssetsUtil.playSound(AssetsUtil.clickSound); this.firstRun--; this.lastUpdateTime = TimeUtils.millis(); } } else if (TimeUtils.timeSinceMillis(this.lastUpdateTime) >= this.bpm) { AssetsUtil.playSound(AssetsUtil.clickSound); this.lastUpdateTime = TimeUtils.millis(); if (this.grid.forward) { this.grid.currentPosition++; } else { this.grid.currentPosition--; } if (this.grid.currentPosition == this.grid.noteSequence.length) { if (!SettingsUtil.backForwardEnabled) { this.grid.currentPosition = 0; if (SettingsUtil.autoMoveToNext) { this.firstRun = 3; this.grid.loadNextTraining(); } } else { this.grid.currentPosition--; this.grid.forward = false; } } else if (!this.grid.forward && this.grid.currentPosition == 0) { this.grid.forward = true; if (SettingsUtil.autoMoveToNext) { this.firstRun = 3; this.grid.loadNextTraining(); } } } } }
/** * Check status. * * @param program * the program */ protected void checkStatus(ShaderProgram program) { System.err.println(program.isCompiled() ? "COMPILED: "+this.toString() : "ERROR: "+this.toString()+"\n"+program.getLog()+"\n"); if (!program.isCompiled()) { FileHandle file = Gdx.files.local("error_log.txt"); file.writeString(new Date(TimeUtils.millis()).toString()+"\nERROR: "+this.toString()+"\n"+program.getLog()+"\n", true); } }
public static void setPause(boolean b) { paused = b; if (b) { myTimer.stop(); } else { myTimer.start(); milly = TimeUtils.millis(); } }
@Override public void show() { //VIEWPORT viewport = new FitViewport(CykaGame.SCREEN_WIDTH, CykaGame.SCREEN_HEIGHT, game.camera); viewport.setScaling(Scaling.stretch); //STAGE stage = new Stage(viewport,game.batch); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); samukiLogo = new Texture("samuki_logo.png"); updateText = new Texture("update_text.png"); startTime = TimeUtils.millis(); final int ANIMATION_COLS = 1; final int ANIMATION_ROWS = 5; appLogoAnimation = GameBasic.spriteCutting("splash_screen_logo.png", ANIMATION_COLS, ANIMATION_ROWS); appLogo = appLogoAnimation.getKeyFrame(0); Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleTask(new Timer.Task() { int a = 0; @Override public void run() { appLogo = appLogoAnimation.getKeyFrame(a); a++; if(a == 5) a = 0; } }, 0f, 0.111f, 8); }